i haven't heard much from you lately. I hope you're alright?
Anyway, another 75.000.000 s.c., the rental fee for November, has been send to the bank account Ferris.Dufresne again.
though i am hardly getting any feedback from you, i hope our monthly payments arrive properly.
Also, the rental fee for February , another 75.000.000 s.c. have been send to the bank account Ferris.Dufresne again.
COMM ID:Commander Rohj Teerin TARGET ID:Luckenbach Station SUBJECT:Monthly Payment - March ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
We recently noticed that the payment for March 1st was not sent. I have been tasked by the Admiralty to give you a reminder. Send the required fees to Ferris.Dufresne, plus show proof of that payment here before April 1st. Failure to do so wil result in the dismatlement of your facility.
Also due on April 1st is, of course, the monthly payment for April, stated under Section 2.1 of the Laws of Liberty. Although that may be transferred as late as April 14th, it will be on thin ice.
Sincerely, Commander Teerin, Liberty Navy.
"You see what your knowledge tells you you're seeing. ... how, what you think the universe is, and how you react to that in everything you do, depends on what you know. And when that knowledge changes, for you, the universe changes. And that is as true for the whole of society as that is for the individual. We all are what we know, today. What we knew yesterday, was different; and so were we."
- James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (1985)
it seems as if the payment schedule got a little messed up due to recent events, I will have the credits transferred immediately.
Also, i'd like to use this opportunity while i have your attention to report recently increased rogue activities.
While we haven't spotted any of their ships in the direct near of Luckenbach, suppliers and employees of ours reported several sightings of rogue vessels around the Grande Negra.
As such, i'd like to know if you already have found a consensus regarding private cruiser supports for bases, as mentioned by Mr. Hawthorne earlier.
(06-06-2012, 10:04 PM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote:
I have also received a request concerning private cruiser support for bases. We are currently discussing whether this would be in the interests of the Republic of Liberty, and should have an answer soon. [...]
- William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics.
(07-06-2012, 08:35 AM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote:
Unfortunately, there has not yet been a consensus on the introduction of privately owned Cruisers for defensive purposes. You will be alerted should there be a change in this legislation.
- William Hawthorne, Secretary of State for Trade and Economics.
Though we have been contacted by Admiral Malrone meanwhile, stating that the legislation hasn't changed yet, i'd like to know if there have been any results to the mentioned discussion already.
Well, it's that time of the month again. Please send the late fees for your station as soon as you are able to do so, for they are due at the end of tomorrow. To prevent further warnings, please make the payments on time.
Donalds, I have not heard anything regarding access to a private cruiser for your installation. I'll ask about, and see what the status of your request is. As for the increased unlawful activity, feel free to contact and member of the Liberty Forces for assistance against them.
COMM ID:Vice Admiral Alan Polstari TARGET ID:Sam Donalds; CC rimary Fleet Command HQ SUBJECT:Luckenbach Assault ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:High
Greetings, Mister Donalds.
I regret to inform you that your station was assaulted and destroyed by elements of the Hellfire Legion earlier today. We received your station's automated distress signal earlier today and sent a scout to evaluate the situation. This is what it managed to capture.
Unfortunately due to the force composition of the enemy, the location of your station, and the lack of available reinforcements, we were not able to counter the assault. I regret that we picked up the following transmission shortly after our scout vessel returned.
We regret the loss of your station and the investment it entailed. We currently have Grizzly Search and Rescue operations ongoing as I write this message to retrieve any personnel that may yet remain. Please contact us if you have any information that might shed light on why the Hellfire Legion would consider your facility a valid target.