the three values are actually for the XYZ axis not up/down/side it is up/down, left/right, roll , whereas "roll" influences every movement that is not exactly on the x or y axis. That is at least the state of the art of all "how to interpret shiparch.ini data" discussions i followed.
If one wants a quick and dirty one number (gu)es(s)timate on a ships ahndling, did you ever think on including the turn acceleration into it aswell? That might not give the table a complete overhaul but possibly switch up a score here or there...
(11-29-2012, 06:43 PM)Rodnas Wrote: the three values are actually for the XYZ axis not up/down/side it is up/down, left/right, roll
I did a lot of searching and that's the first I heard of roll being the 3rd number. I'll look into it more. Would make some sense. Do you have a link to a definitive source?
Quote:If one wants a quick and dirty one number (gu)es(s)timate on a ships ahndling, did you ever think on including the turn acceleration into it aswell?
The "responsiveness" number is that number, averaged x4 (same possible error as above).
Quote:Ships in freelancer first roll (z axis) if you move cursor top left/right so the z axis values are very important for "response" of the ship. Obviously if you would only move vertical or horizontal on screen the z values wouldn't matter at all but it's impossible to hit targets moving in 3D space doing just that
That is the most "believable " stuff i could find, maybe we need to poke some people to comment about this stuff to be 100% sure on it (and then put a wiki page together on flight dynamics as future reference )
The problem of the z axis and responsivenes was touched here aswell, but the imortant questions haven't been answered satisfactory(at least to me).
While typing i came to think that responsiveness is quite problematic, as for example the Chimera, Sabre, Odin and the Black Dragon are slugs in that stat while the Lhotse, Ravens Talon, Titan are quite good but not really known for their superior maneuverability...
I am not sure if this was helpfull at all or just raised more questions^^
If I understand the thread correctly they are saying it is pitch-yaw-roll, which would be standard fare for a flight sim. Problem with that is Freelancer uses mouse input which only provides 2 dimensions, you need 3rd input to get all 3 active (like twisting a joystick for yaw). Maybe it is using a mix of yaw/roll for turning.
I'll poke some of these numbers into test install and see what happens.
I also sent a PM to Mjolnir asking him to state definitively.
My understanding was that "roll" is done automatically by the game assoon asyou steer with your mouse- in a way like you move the mouse to the lower left and the input is delayed by the fact that your ship will drop the left wing, raise the right one and then pitches the movement of the wings is the rolling and the longer it takes the more "sluggish" the behaviour...but i am lookng forward for your testing to see the facts!
Alright the numbers are definitely keyed on up/down (pitch), left/right (yaw), and roll. Should have tested this myself earlier.
Did some more testing--Rolling during turns is just animation and has zero effect on turn speed. If you notice that the ship rolls a bit, but stops rolling once it hits a limit (as opposed to continual rolling like when you sit in cockpit and do barrell rolls). This is set by max_bank_angle in shiparch.ini. You can set this to 180 and the ship will roll upside down as part of a turn, set it to 0 and the ship rolls a couple of degrees initially but basically stays level. There is no difference in the time to make a full rotation between these settings. When you set it to 180 you see the ship is turning while its doing the rolls too. So banking rolls have no effect on ship turning, as proven by monkeying with the roll duration.
So my testing says that the Z-axis roll is for speed of barrel rolling in cockpit view, or the speed of a banking animation, but has little or no effect in turning speed. I might be wrong, but that's where it stands right now
Actually all 3 axis get invoked but I'm not sure on what all the interaction is. For example, you can add an extra zero to the x-axis pitch force so it is 10x normal, then turn sideways with keyboard only, and you'll find the nose pulling up very quickly and causing the ship to do vertical loops while you're only trying to turn sideways. Obviously some kind of interaction there, not sure