I've flown Outcasts since I've joined this server, and I've just found out, that you can fly into the Hispania wreck, in Omicron Alpha (there's a small tube, you can fly through with a Snub).
I played through the campaign without knowing about thrusters. I was extremely confused as to why hostile NPCs would suddenly boost away from me.
I also didn't know that, when fleeing from enemies, King would always wait for you to engage cruise engines before he did so himself. Which is why the Ashcroft mission in Colorado was friggin' impossible for me. "Fleeing" at impulse speed while being shot to bits by swarms of angry NPCs.
Im on Disco for 2 years almost. In Freelancer for about 5. But only mounth back I realised that mines traking all nearby objects, not just ships. So you can nuke TL with nuclear mine after you already gone in high speed. That saved me from some of problems twice
Tired of that lame undocking animation on big ships? The one that will not let you to take control of your vessel until it is completely undocked? Don't!
When you press LAUNCH, start pressing F2 rapidly. The ship will undock instantly, already taking cruise.
Want to get away from pirates? Use F4 on friendly NPCs.
If an NPC patrol is entering a gate, simply fly into it while having one of the NPCs selected. F4 and, if you are lucky enough, not only will you instantly jump, but you will come out on the other side already in cruise.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
i've been playing this game since it was released; more or less ten years. i found out about two years ago that the red-yellow-green dots next to the commodity in your cargo are an indication of bad/average/good buy and sell prices.