' Wrote:Make it something like the terrorist ID. We can create a general capship ID for anything bigger than a GB that admin need to give approval for.
I'd agree with this.
Personally I've been strongly considering spending the extra time to invest in a gunboat or capital ship myself since most if not all serious bounty targets and other players fly bombers and up. It feels like flying anything less is foolish, especially for a mercenary or independent. So yes I'd like to see the curve lowered a bit to make other classes of ships more common, and keep the big boys for those who rightfully need them (faction leaders/fleets, etc).
Anything that requires more work from the admins is a no go....They are overworked as it is...and monitoring capships would be a huge problem...the community, as a whole, are not causing the trouble, its the people on the server who have no interest in the community.
As I see it, more people are attracted to disco by its myriad ships, caps in particular, than its Roleplay server dedication, and ships are primarily PVP, so people look for the best ships. I said somewhere before, that people will join in the RP or leave...and I believed it...now, well, there seems to be a problem with people who are here to stay, and not interested in the overall RP.
The problem isn't capships, so much is it is PVP (PVP is a good thing!)
People want a kill message...whatever that means.
My suggestion, is to reduce the kill messages to system only, that way, one can collect bounties, but it is worth a lot less prestige.
if the use of capital ships is hard for independents to get - it should be equally hard for factions. - there is no reason why a player faction should get access to anything better or more than an independent. - being in a faction doesn t make you better or holier.
again - since capital ships take no resources to maintain, i would agree to move capital ships to guard systems only ( and that includes gunships... don t forget that they are capital warships, too ) ... and make it so that you can only buy them when you are MAXED out on guard faction. ( yes, that means full green... to the max )
make it so, that you can only buy capship equipment when you are max green with a guard faction. - what do we get by that? only determined people ( yes, faction AND independents the same ) that work for the faction. you get non kill-on-sight easily to a guard faction, as global said, - but not, you don t get max green so easily.
what will that do? - for BHG, it means that only he core ( guards ) have access to capital ships, as it should be. the core are the people that are not doing contracts in small scale. they get the share from all the countless members, - they are the guys that sort of work for the guild directly.
only dedicated corsairs, outcasts, whatever can use capital ships. - of course that leaves out factions like rogues, GC, LWB, bundschuh, etc. - they do not have their own cap ships - and they will hardly get max green with outcast / corsair guards in order to get their capital ships.
what other effect will that have?
a capital ship is on a different faction, but still displays the faction. ( for most of the people - a LSF capital ship would display LSF, but red ) as opposed to the common LPI, who displays police, but non guard factioned.
imo, that is much much better than making..
- capships admin aproved
- increase their prices even more ( come to that - make them 2 billion for a gunboat, and you ll still get ppl fly them that you don t want - and you ll still complain )
- introduce more licences
additionally, you can introduce a Guard ID ( well, NPCs have "guard pilots" - and i don t think there is much work involved into making Guard IDs for each faction ) - make it so that they are only available at maximum guard faction ( of course ). that does also work as a treat for those that get a guard status. - in the end, the game is about interaction aswell as personal achievement.
so - in order to buy a ( gunship, gunboat, destroyer, cruiser, battlecruiser, battleship, dreadnaught, juggernaut ) you need:
- 1 battleship license
- 1 guard faction ID of your faction
- 1 maxed out guard faction with the faction you buy it from
- guard tag of that faction
- still a ton of cash
it could prolly even made so that you can get a gunboat easier. ( just green enough guard faction, normal ID etc - in the end, they are mass produced )
edit: that way you don t punish people for not being in a playerfaction. if a playerfaction player now says "thats too extreme" ... why is it? - it involves a lot of reputation work - which both, independents and playerfactions should do ANYWAY. - and you must not loose that faction, or you won t be able to replace equipment - loose a sliver of guard faction so its one pixel from max = no more turret replacement untill you are max again.
this is no fun suggestion or sarcastic - i mean it - it makes sense when it comes to roleplay... to only give capital ships to guards / guildcore. it also prevents the occasional money transfer and battleship purchase. ( so you won t get the battleship that still has a disco rule and history in his hold, a playtime of 11 minutes and a reputation that displays liberty police green and most others white. - and possible cheaters won t get anywhere with their billions of credits )
edit2: got that back from igiss about this suggestion :
Quote:This particular part is impossible to achieve. Whatever rep requirements you introduce for a ship, it will be available for purchase as soon as you can dock at the base.
so - unfortunately - its impossible to do - well, an idea anyway hehe
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I like the idea of requiring a new Guard faction ID in order to fly Gunboats or larger, but the problem with all such ideas that require new programming (introduction of new IDs) is that it requires a lot of work for our beloved Mod Developer...and it doesn't really solve the problem. Same goes for making the ships more expensive. The people who are really abusing cap ships have the type of personality that another couple of hours of required mission completions or a few more hours of trading to raise funds will not deter them.
There are only two practical solutions to dealing with such people.
1. Pwn them mercilessly and consistently until they no longer have any fun constantly losing, and decide that they have to change in order to have any fun.
2. Utterly refuse to play with them under any circumstances until they get tired of playing with thin air and decide to change in order to play with others.
I don't think that these techniques are called for against an individual player simply because he flies a capital ship. If he flies a cap ship in an abusive way (constantly picking on comparably helpless targets) then it's called for.
These techniques are best used against a distinctly identifiable group of players, whether they belong to the same clan, or belong to a distinct group of friends (as evidenced by group use of a single naming convention).
Simply put, no one has either the power or the right to force you to play according to THEIR gameplay style. If you don't like the way someone is playing, let them play by themselves.
Check out my Trade Development Blog
for all the latest news on Nerfs and Final Nails, or to request trade changes.
ah - sadly it doesn t work - i asked igiss about it - and he told me that a base sells you everything, no matter what your faction is, as long as you can dock there. ( about guard system bases )
soo - even a minimal neutral faction will offer everything. so , thats not working. - but i think he is aware of the "problem".
' Wrote:ah - sadly it doesn t work - i asked igiss about it - and he told me that a base sells you everything, no matter what your faction is, as long as you can dock there. ( about guard system bases )
soo - even a minimal neutral faction will offer everything. so , thats not working. - but i think he is aware of the "problem".
i dunno about that, ive not been able to buy certain weps cos i didn't have a good enough rep with a faction, maybe we could just make it impossible to buy guns for said ships?
' Wrote:ah - sadly it doesn t work - i asked igiss about it - and he told me that a base sells you everything, no matter what your faction is, as long as you can dock there. ( about guard system bases )
soo - even a minimal neutral faction will offer everything. so , thats not working. - but i think he is aware of the "problem".
Well, while we're on the subject still... Why not simply elevate the docking requirements of guard system shipyards to the maximum?
These posts about cap ships are getting alittle outta hand. I was on a server prior to this one that was "over-regulated". To anyone thats been playing this game for any length of time, and been on other servers, you should know that over regulating and constant trying to modify rules is not always the answer. If anything this type of behavior can be self destuctive and stifle players abilities to enjoy themselves. There are alot of cap ships out there along with other types. For a couple of months I was flying a LF (was actually my favorite ship) and enjoyed it. I can remenber several occaisions being chased by certain factions in gunboats, fighters and battleship at same time!!! I ran from them obviously, being a role-play server, my first instict is self-preservation. You may get called a coward or worse, but hey if you were imitating real life 99% of people would do same thing. What I am getting to is, you dont have to fight these people as others have stated earlier. Follow your RP and leave the situation. People will get there hands on the ships they want, you may delay them some, but in the end they will get them. Over burdening the admins with over seeing licenses or limiting ships (any more than already done), or making more rules is a waste of time. People in large cap ships that act like idiots, should just be ignored. Over-regulating the server would be the dumbest thing this place could possibly do.