Earlier this cycle, myself and Quiron Lacroix were returning from a training mission deep in our home sector of Omicron Zeta when we encountered two Warhound Brigade fighters stationed right outside of PSP. When asked what their purpose was as to being there, their 'Brigade Master' (if I have that rank correct) Aliester Cooke responded he was on a diplomatic mission to seek us out, which immediately raised my suspicions, as Bounty Hunters rarely seek these kind of relationships.
They asked if we would consider opening up our base and facilities and allow an entire wing of Warhound fighters to post at our star-port. When I asked what the intended benefit would be to Phoenix, he responded that the extra fighter would be able to protect us from future K'hara and Nomad attacks. I pointed out that PSP has been there for quite some time and had repelled some of the most vicious Nomad attacks ever seen. However I will keep my honor of passing along the request, however 'unlikely' it is to be approved. Quiron reminded him not to get his hopes up on the subject as PSP has never been open to anyone but Phoenix Zoners.
He also asked for any research we might have on the Nomad creatures or the Humans they Infect. Quiron pointed out that opportunities to truly study this mysterious race of beings are rare, and I added that the lack of real data concerning Nomad organism's is largely due to the Bounty Hunters (and other groups) restrictions on the movement and possession of collected remains to facilities capable of dissecting them. He denied any knowledge of this...
One more interesting thing we found out in the exchange is that the Warhounds have been using Freeport 11 as a stageing ground for their patrols, not Dabadoru as previously assumed. The Warhounds stated reasoning for this is to be associated with the rest of the Bounty Hunters as little as possible, and to be more approachable to the average civilian seeking assistance.
So I'll leave my observations concerning this request with you, Phoenix Command. But for what its worth, my vote's no....
A few hours ago, the (\^/)Vagabond was returning from re-fueling mission to Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta. As we approached the Zeta jumphole, a Cutlass class bomber with Wilde markings and an infected pilot appeared. We held our position close to the gun platforms while the infected one moved out of weapons range. At that point, a Nomad 'Nammu' with several smaller fighter sized creatures appeared. The decision was made to continue to Zeta, as we were at a slight tactical disadvantage at that point. Upon return to PSP, long range scanners picked up the ship moving into Omicron Lost. As you are aware, their are two undefended stations in that sector, and a fighter was dispatched. While the fighter was en-route, we were able to contact a Order Gunboat (DeadReckoning). The plan was to hold at the only Jumphole in or out and trap him. However, before backup arrived, the bomber disappeared off scanners completely. I assumed he had a small cloaking device on-board, but that now seems unlikely as he did not reappear on scanners at all. It go's without saying that a ship of that size can only cloak for a minute for two, and scans made by the (\^/)Vagabond at least confirmed that there was limited fuel aboard the ship.
We both entered Lost, where a Interspace bomber was stationed outside their new facility there. He claimed not to have had any contact with this ship, nor was aware of any recent Wilde activity in the area. There are some other classified details that I will transmit over skY-p3 protocols, but essentially there is no explanation as to where this ship went after contact was lost. I really don't want to start making theory's about what really happened over unsecured bandwidths.
Phoenix members with Alpha Intelligence clearance please read classified information related to this matter.
It's seems we have been all to busy these last months with special projects and with the defense of our home to engage in any special missions. However the last few cycles have been relatively peaceful, and it seemed like an excellent opportunity to give my task forces new mid-range surveillance vessel (\^/)Erebus a real trial. Our mission, to find out what lies in the giant nebula hanging in the center of Omicron-99 (see below). The things we saw will haunt my dreams for years to come but provided valuable clues as to the true nature and origins of the Nomad species in Sirius.
Thanks to our cloaking technology we were able to pass several 'Marduk' patrols with ease undetected.
The first object we detected was what appeared to be a ancient jumpgate of unknown construction. It is unclear if it was active or not, we were unable to probe to deeply lest we be discovered.
Minutes later we detected another object, the size of a small planet! Our science team could not begin to describe what we saw here, I will let the next image speak for itself.
We can only assume this is the so called 'Ravine' mentioned in several Nomad, Wilde and K'hara communications. We decided to move in a little closer...
Our science team believe this is the point where new Nomad 'lifeforms' are spawned from. At this point we were starting to run dangerously low on fuel, and it did not look like we could make the journey back to the Iota system with our cloak engaged. We decided to gamble and press ahead to the Omicron-90 system. Our fuel ran dry right before we were able to make it through the hole, and we were attacked by a wandering 'Marduk'. Thanks to the navigational prowess of our pilot, we were able to escape into the relative safety of Omicron-90. Once in system we caught sight of a lone planet and we went in to scan for any possible life or resources. The planet, dubbed Olympus, unfortunately contained neither.
After a prolonged search, having to avoid several 'Nammu' mindnode type creatures we were able to find a jumphole into Omicron Alpha of all places. We once again gambled, deciding to take our chances with the Outcasts as apposed to the certain death that awaited us had we went back the way we came. With the aid of a old chart of that system, we were able to find our way into Omicron Beta and begin a thankfully uneventful trip home to Zeta.
Our scientists our still studying the collected data from our reconnaissance mission into deep Nomad space. I realize how lucky we were not to have been destroyed in this endeavor, And if even one innocent life is saved by our efforts than it was more than worthwhile.
Greetings, companions of the Phoenix.
Two days ago the Tenacity reached the starport in Omicron Zeta. Shortly after its arrival, Mr. Lacroix invited us to join his patrol so we could map the surrounding systems. He also suggested to use the opportunity to write a report about the happenings.
Our first destination was Omicron Delta. We set course and arrived at Freeport 11 after only a short while, where the Tenacity docked to refresh food and medical supplies. As the ship was loaded, we headed Omicron Kappa. On our way to the jump hole we got attacked by a group of 4 nomads, one of which had the size of a gunboat. Fortunately, neither of them did stand a chance against Mr. Lacroix agility and the Tenacity's firepower.
After travelling through Omicron Kappa without any issues we arrived at Omicron-74, where we docked at Livadia shipyard for a full check of the Tenacity's systems.
On the way back to Zeta we made a short side trip to Omicron Lost, also without any incidents.
On the next day, to my delight, Cpt. Lex Barker and the Guardian's Pride arrived at the spaceport as the Phoenix held a training session.
I decided to take advantage of the situation and joined their training, seeing an opportunity for my crew members to learn how to handle the ship's system when taking heavy fire. I must say I am very pleased with the results, especiall with my security officer's handling of the flak turrets. At this point I also have to thank the Phoenix, providing my crew with useful tips and tricks during the exercice.
Greetings Phoenixes,
I’m sending this message from Baffin, the home of the TAZ. Dirk and myself had an interesting meeting with one of their prominent members, so I’m going to sum up our talks with them.
We were invited by Pope Brettonias and Pope Sturgeon to one of their newly built base, the Malaclypse Freeport as they had a request regarding one of our ship, namely the Hyperion. So to get to the point, they requested the full schematics of the vessel. Their reasoning behind this request is they have some serious problems with the Gaul aggressors lately and the TAZ is in need of a warship to stop them in case of emergency. We told them that they have to wait our decision in this case.
Now here come my personal impressions and opinions.
We asked Pope Brettonias how do they can hide that ship from the wrong eyes or ensure that it won’t fall into the wrong hands. We didn’t receive any comforting answer, only that their neighboring allies – the Council and the Colonials – are reliable. In my honest opinion, such a warship can convert friends into enemies in times of war. Moreover, it is still unclear to me how can he think a single Leviathan class vessel will defend them against the whole Gaul army. Also, Pope Brettonias do understand that this ship must be protected and kept secret, still he wants a second one in the middle of Sirius which makes me think that he is very desperate and can’t make clear decisions right now.
We also mentioned to them the project Inquisitor, but we didn’t get any reaction according to that.
I hope this report covers the meeting broadly. If you still have any questions, feel free to ask. We are waiting for your answer, Christian according to this matter.
Also, I hope everything is going well in the Omicrons.
I hope you're well with Dirk there, but anyway lets pass to the business.
To be straight - the question of copying Hyperion warship is not on tasks, no matter what. It was given to us by Elizabeth some time ago by her good will, and if to be honest I don't think she would be appreciate it. You already said the other reasons, but there are technical problems, such as unique Nomad power cell and it's energy system is still being tested.
Anyway, I even don't think even our gaul freinds would love to fight against some warship which known "the one" under Phoenix command, it will raise some questions from them, which will bring us in problematic situation in Tau, Gallic region.
Moreover, I can't find since when Zoners are dealing with people by firepower? Or it's new kind of TAZ diplomacy? It's their fault to get an enemy with such great fleet. Zoners don't fight with the houses, prior. If they won't deal with them in peaceful way, the Hyperion copy won't save them. Even our homeship's fleet with Vega and Hyperion won't even have a chance to win a fight against war machine known as Gallia.
But... Quiron, you should remember the Nephilim warship, which we're produced to the Order, currently known as CV-Inquisitor. I think we still have blueprints and even could start an construction.
That's all for now. Tell me if you will need Phoenix homeship take you back home.
As you will finish negotiations with TAZ, you will have to participate in another Zoner meeting at the same station where are you located at this moment. just saying you to remember, keep yourselves silent, remember what people are saying, maybe some information could be useful for us.
You wasn't in the omicrons for long time, so many things happen here. Group of Zoners known as "Zone Alliance" were spotted with aggressively acts towards Phoenix, such as siege of Livadia extension and some minor conflicts. Ah yes, as I remember they had same mess with AI from Gammu.
Keep me informed, good luck on the meeting.
Yeah, I know you want back home, but family duty is first. *laughs* We will see, maybe we could afford a vacation for you two on the Baden Baden.
Good to hear from you again Christian. Quiron feels now that Doc Holiday has arrived to take over the Persephone talks that he will be able to handle it on his own. Now that more rational minds have arrived we expect those talks to reach a reasonable conclusion in short order. That being said, I have decided to return to the Omicrons. One again, Qurion has assured me that he will be able to handle our responsibilities within the COF conference with ease. I don't know how he does it, but I suppose Diplomacy comes to some people but not to me. At any rate I feel that the responsibilities I have back at the home fleet require my personal and undivided attention. I have decided to form a small, specially trained Marine unit in order to aide with Phoenix's overall security and preform any future special operations if and when they arrive. I have chosen the officers and will be introducing them officially shortly, once the final preparations have been made.
Anyways, I'll be leaving Malaclypse now. I look forward to seeing you in person, I have many stories about my first foray into 'Foreign Relations'. Admittedly it was more interesting than I though....
Well, you really get back to work quickly in the Omicrons.
Upon my return to PSP, I felt it would be a good idea to get the station as well stocked as possible. I launched in the (\^/)Royal.Flush for what I believed to be a quiet run. As I returned however, I was nearly intercepted by 3 Nomad bombers, all looking to kill a hapless Whale all on her own in deep space. I narrowly escaped them and docked just as the base shields went up. With three bombers pounding on the front door, I knew it was only a matter of time before the shields gave out and we were in serious trouble. I made a distress call for other fighting ships in the area to assist, and went out on my own to try and hold them off until help arrived. Launching now in the (\^/)Vagabond, I surprised the 3 creatures by rushing at them head on but they quickly regrouped and attacked. After 5mins of their onslaught of energy torpedoes I knew I was close to certain death. I don't know if it was quick thinking or desperation or both, but with shield's down and my hull at 30% with no remaining nanobots for repairs I knew I only had one move. Using every last bit of thrust her engines could muster, I raced back towards PSP. With some co-ordination with the gunnery officers on-board the station, we were able to set up a effective firing triangle that the bombers could not escape from. Within 1 minute, all 3 bombers had succumbed to the maneuver (which I call the 'Danger Maneuver') and the station was saved just as help arrived. Here is the sensor log showing the designation of these three potential interlopers.
First of all I do not write much in our beloved magazine among us but this is something what I have to tell you all.
As one of our transport captains I really want to provide our Palace as quick as possible with the needed commodities.
The day before yesterday I was travelling trough the Sigma 17 and 19 systems to Honshu when a Corsair pirate did an attempt to get some money from me. Afraid to loose my ship and my crew I shut down my ship’s engines to show the pirate that I had no intension to risk anything. Where life is, is hope…
So, half a million credits slipped out of my pocket but still I live. I thought by myself, “Next time I had to be more careful.”
On my way back to Omricon 74 I met that pirate again, and, like every scum in Sirius, he tried to rob me! I explained my situation that I was to poor to pay him and lucky as I was he did believe me.
Besides he was to far away to use his weapons against my ship.
Now I hear you all thinking, “Ah, this is a normal encounter for a Zoner.”
But let me tell you this my dear captains, that this story isn’t ended yet.
Yesterday, I had the same shift and was heading from Osaka Station to Omricon 74 when I saw a red sign on my radar and it was travelling fast toward my position. And there he was again! He was just waiting for me!
With this kind of cargo I couldn’t do much but my crew and I decided to escape via the jump hole in the smog field.
Of course after he understand what happened he send some messages to frighten me but to late for him, I was save and nearly home.
At our Palace I met my dearest captain Dirk. I explained to him the situation and he throw up the opportunity to fly with me as an escort.
I didn’t hesitate at all and we flew again to Osaka Station. Nothing happened and the pirate was not seen in the same place where he tried to get me the last time.
“Does this really helps?” I thought “Does an escort helps so much that even a brutal pirate like this hasn’t got the guts to rob me?” Don’t even think about it…there he was again, on the same spot!
Now you guys, you have to believe me that I was happy that Dirk was with me. As a real escort pilot he gave such a reply that I had the change to escape from the scenery.
I have to admit this pirate wasn’t afraid either and he keeps demanding money, in the mean time firing cruise disrupters at me. Dirk told me not to be worried. His ships class was much stronger equipped then the pirate’s ship.
Because of Dirk I can tell this story and therefore I have to thank him. Dirk I own you one!
Our cargo-bay master at the Palace took care of the valuable cargo after I docked my crippled ship. It is in repairs now and if I understand it well I can take off as soon as I want.
I wrote this report because I wanted to warn you all my dear captains about this pirate. And to our members who have more political influence, I have to ask, can you be in contact with one of the Corsair Elders because maybe they can do something about this pirate? Or may be not anymore because this pirate told me that his home base is now situated in Sigma 13. And it could be that the Corsair Elders already caste him out.