Welcome to the job board
Here you will find the jobs and contracts being done by the community. Feel free to apply to any offer you have the skils and ship able to do so. Note that all of the following jobs are to be done with the maximum efficiency, we cannot afford to lose any possible customer.
Subcontracted jobs:
The Following jobs are requested by third parties. Usually these are long term jobs like supply contracts, cleaning services, or works related to base maintaining.
Freeport XXI - Scrap premium export -
Freeport XXI in now buying Premium scrap at a 1.800 S.C. the storage capacity of such installations can kept up to 15.000 T.
Malaclypse Freeport Scrap premium export -
Malaclypse Freeport is now buying Premium scrap at a 1.800 S.C. the storage capacity of such installations can kept up to 10.000 T. Additionally to this, Base managers asked also for the facade cleaning and mantaince, this means we will have to bring basic alloy too. Good news.
[ALG] Cleaning service support -
[ALG] Has requested to support their activities at Bretonia. From now it's requested to any idle freighter, transport or snub to escort or assist via logistics support to [ALG] ships at Bretonia sytems.The jobs to be done are the following ones:
Delivery Toxic waste from Bretonia fields to Falster station.
Escort or offer logistics support to ALG vessels moving scrap from Bretonia to Alland shipyard at O3.
|ALG| - Bretonian wide cleaning service and scrap collection - Read more: ►
Another office from ALG has request too the support regarding New Lonodn orbit toxic waste removal. The contract is under negotiations right now.
Autonomous jobs:
After receiving the landing permits to our installations, you are automatically eneabled to work as an autonomous worker. The below jobs are the most requested by visitors and travelers around Bretonia and surrounding systems. Since there are a high variety of jobs to be done, each pilot has the rights to apply the prices concerning their own job. Nonetheless all the works have to be done with discretion and efficiency.
A condensed list of all the autonomous jobs are listed <here>. Note that these jobs can be done via "shared ship" or ships that you own.
High risk Employment Attention: This jobs are of high risk. By applying to this jobs you're taking all the responsibility. The Orbital community have no responsibility of any lose of equipment, physical or mental damage you can take. Abstain all who don't know where they are geting into.
Join the Orbital Guerrila today! -
The guerrilla is in need of skilled and brave pilots eager to sabotage Gallic convoys at Taus and helping to the "nighbourhood watch, defending the floating districs and orbitas assets from undesired visitors and pirates.
Roxane is hiring bellhops! - Ask on skype for more info
"Roxanne", a businesswoman from questionable origins is hiring young unemplyed men and women for a job she don't want to mention. due to the big level of uneployment aomng our sons, we decide to give she a try. The community is not taking any responsability of such assignments. Be carefully.
The Job board have been updated with the following info:
Quote:2.- Autonomous jobs:
After receiving the landing permits to our installations, you are automatically eneabled to work as an autonomous worker. The below jobs are the most requested by visitors and travelers around Bretonia and surrounding systems. Since there are a high variety of jobs to be done, each pilot has the rights to apply the prices concerning their own job. Nonetheless all the works have to be done with discretion and efficiency.
A condensed list of all the autonomous jobs are listed <here>. Note that these jobs can be done via "shared ship" or ships that you own.
Notes: Basically, all the autonomous jobs list have been condensed to a link.
The Job board have been updated with the following info:
Quote:Malaclypse Freeport Scrap premium export & Facade maintaining (S-003) Link: >>>
Status: Ongoing
Malaclypse Freeport is now buying Premium scrap at a 1.800 S.C. the storage capacity of such installations can kept up to 10.000 T. Additionally to this, Base managers asked also for the facade cleaning and mantaince, this means we will have to bring basic alloy too. Good news.
Notes: The contract have been enlarged and updated. Now Malaclyse freeport is now accepting Basic alloys too at a price of 1.000 S.C unit. The Scrap premium storage have been enlarged from 5.000 to 10.000 packages.