(04-15-2013, 02:09 PM)vanalvo Wrote: Starship trooper Invastion: Lolwut ? Unless you like to watch Carman's Animated Bewbs in shower
remarkably the only thing good about invasion. Go bewbies!
(04-15-2013, 02:15 PM)cata77 Wrote: You better go back and google about them , you will find that movies as being "Science fiction" genre .
saying starship troopers is "science fiction" is like saying a person is "good at computers"- it's too vague. Have you seen what lots of "science fiction" quote-unquote are lately? just because a film contains robots or is about time travel doesn't make it a good space warry film like star wars.
take a look at the broad definition of sci-fi- it could be any of the following:
A time setting in the future, in alternative timelines, or in a historical past that contradicts known facts of history or the archaeological record.
A spatial setting or scenes in outer space (e.g. spaceflight), on other worlds, or on subterranean earth.[3]
Characters that include aliens, mutants, androids, or humanoid robots.
Futuristic technology such as ray guns, teleportation machines, and humanoid computers.[4]
Scientific principles that are new or that contradict accepted laws of nature, for example time travel, wormholes, or faster-than-light travel or communication.
New and different political or social systems, e.g. dystopian, post-scarcity, or post-apocalyptic.[5]
Paranormal abilities such as mind control, telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation.
Other universes or dimensions and travel between them.
SF is too vague. That is why i specified "large scale space war" (I don't think Starship Troopers counts as space opera does it?). So yeah while it does count as sci-fi, I don't like starship troopers being compared to some "deep" movie just because a director decided to put a robot in the movie for the lulz.
"Science fiction" = "SF"= "Sci-Fi"(or just Scifi on some pages)
you don't say? Oh I thought when you said "SF" you meant Soiled Fireluckface. Guess I learn something new everyday.
(04-15-2013, 02:09 PM)Mister_X Wrote: I would like them to make number 4 just to see how those new mech suits kick some bug ass
the suits in invasion didn't kick much ass. If i wanted a pc game machinima i would go to youtube, plus the techno music was awful, the character dialogue was waaaay too lame, the plot waaaay too obvious, etcetera
(04-15-2013, 02:23 PM)BLACKWIDOW Wrote: Poor US Budget movie series, 1 was ok the rest were flops
But the soundtrack - I rest my case.
No atmosphere? GTFO.
The propeller is the greatest invention of all time.
No you didin't understand me...Remember how in part 3 Rico and those guys came and killed all the bugs... I was talking about a new REAL movie not the animated one...
(04-15-2013, 02:53 PM)Mister_X Wrote: No you didin't understand me...Remember how in part 3 Rico and those guys came and killed all the bugs... I was talking about a new REAL movie not the animated one...
me want new starship troopers too, but no guess we're stuck with carmen's boobs. those awesome, round set of animated... *moistens lips*
I personally want Starship Troopers 4 to have more than just the storyline and voice acting of a computer game. Large scale battles, not the elite group of special agents who drink wine crap in Invasion. Remmber in the 1st one where they drank beer like men?
Nevertheless, Starship Troopers is the best space war movie ever.
No atmosphere? GTFO.
The propeller is the greatest invention of all time.
I sugest you go back to kindergarden if you can't take some other persons opinions .
Firts of all - you seem to even don't know the meaning of "sci-fi"/ "SF" / "Science fiction" movie .
Second - you managed to contradict yourself a few times in just 2 replays , that is something indeed .
Third - this is not an argue post , we just posted our opinion , i don't care if you understand them or not (i bet on not) , so i do not intend to make you smarter or open-minded .
I will go now travel back in time to delete my posts and to erase the memory of your thread . ( that would be a drama movie , not sci-fi because doesn't include space ladybugs ) .
(04-15-2013, 01:11 PM)lIceColon Wrote: A've read the book, can't say its ba, just different. Why can't people think of Starship Troopers - Heinlein as a completely separate entity from Starship Troopers - Paul Verhoven?
Why all this hate to the movie? It's just a film using the same name of the book, i bet if the book hadn't existed people would stop hating on the films.
I agree there should be a distinction between Verhoven's and Heinlein's version, because they are remarkably different. And...Heinlein's is superior in my opinion, for same reasons others have already stated - movies are more popcorn/cheesy cheap entertainment that showcases boobs instead of good story. The book would be the equivalent of making "Band of Brothers" set in the future. Surely awesome if done correctly.
If I was gonna vote for a good space war movie....even though it's not a movie, I would put the short-lived t.v. series "Space: Above and Beyond" as one of my top 5, easily. And I'd probably throw the whole "Firefly" universe in there as well.
Quote:@Highland Laddie : he was talking about movies , not SciFi books . You surely need to read Stanislaw Lem , Frank Herbert , Arthur C. Clark , H.G. Wells , Asimov (in any order , plus some others) .
About the movies , yes i could also state that Starship Trooper (1) is one of my preferates , but still that depends on what are we talking about here . Is not an deep movie , is a pop-corn movie instead . I have some other preferate SF movies too , i'll just put them all on the same scale , none is the best and none is the worst .
I'm not sure where you just assume I've not read any of those, but yes, I've read Arthur Clark, Frank Herbert (loved the first 3 books of Dune...they got weird after that), Wells, Asimov, etc... but since this thread was talking about Starship Troopers, I was trying to keep it somewhat on-topic.
I'm sure we could have a spirited debate on what is the best scifi-space war series.
Ah Starship Troopers movies. The ship and vehicle designs cool, the space battle scenes eye-candy-ish, the actresses hot, the bugs interesting, the story and everything else...weeeeell as mentioned before, the movies are good for cheap science fiction movie entertainment. I can put in this category for example the extra eye-candy Sucker Punch, the lame Transformers or any other eye entertaining sci-fi movie. These movies gives you fun for the eyes but none for the brain. I liked ST 1 and ST: I, the rest meh and meh.
(04-15-2013, 03:09 PM)cata77 Wrote:
I know how to use annoying colaahs to gib myself authority
reed the tittIe, clearly states "space war movie", witch means I SPECIFIED space warfare, not sci-fi. So in fact you're the one going off topic.
like u said, this is not an argue post. I simply stated my opinion, and opinions change over time. When people form opposite opinions, they present their opinion to each other in what is known as an argument. i think. So in fact this may just well be an argue post, just not in the heated closed-by-mods sense.
During the course of my argument I have not once defined a Sci-Fi film exclusively as a movie with big space wars, in fact I believe I even acknowledged the various characteristics that could apply to a scifi film.
(04-15-2013, 02:43 PM)lIceColon Wrote: take a look at the broad definition of sci-fi- it could be any of the following:
A time setting in the future, in alternative timelines, or in a historical past that contradicts known facts of history or the archaeological record.
A spatial setting or scenes in outer space (e.g. spaceflight), on other worlds, or on subterranean earth.[3]
Characters that include aliens, mutants, androids, or humanoid robots.
Futuristic technology such as ray guns, teleportation machines, and humanoid computers.[4]
Scientific principles that are new or that contradict accepted laws of nature, for example time travel, wormholes, or faster-than-light travel or communication.
New and different political or social systems, e.g. dystopian, post-scarcity, or post-apocalyptic.[5]
Paranormal abilities such as mind control, telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation.
Other universes or dimensions and travel between them.
SF is too vague. That is why i specified "large scale space war"
So while I said that scifi was too vague a description for the subcategory of space war, I never once said that space wars aren't scifi.
And while I do not intend to insult you, I would like to note that you so seem to be highly delusional in thinking you are in any position to "make me smarter" or "open my mind".
Well, you did say "peace", so that means we're disco-friends again. hooray!
(04-15-2013, 04:13 PM)Kuze Wrote: Ah Starship Troopers movies. The ship and vehicle designs cool, the space battle scenes eye-candy-ish, the actresses hot, the bugs interesting, the story and everything else...weeeeell as mentioned before, the movies are good for cheap science fiction movie entertainment. I can put in this category for example the extra eye-candy Sucker Punch, the lame Transformers or any other eye entertaining sci-fi movie. These movies gives you fun for the eyes but none for the brain. I liked ST 1 and ST: I, the rest meh and meh.
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I think Starship Troopers being satirical is a bit of an odd one. It'd be a perfect satire of the Iraq War and various other Middle Eastern conflicts, but... it was released before they happened. Go figure. I think Cracked ran an article about that, actually.
On the note of books, Forever War is much better than Starship Troopers.
Satire, well there is not so much of it, and honestly if I want to watch an intelligent science fiction movie ST is years away. Now as I see, this topic about you gloryfying ST, but whatever, my 2 cents was thrown.
I really liked the 1st Starship Troopers. It's up there in my top 10 B-movie list. Hell. Its low-rent cheesiness is one of the things that make it rewatchable every few years.
As far as space battles go overall, I'd say the King of the Hill fight would be between Star Wars & BSG (the intro battle in Revenge of the Sith & any given dogfight in BSG are head & shoulders above anything achieved in Starship Troopers.) Unfortunately, as cool as the 1st movie is, it just ain't realistically in the same league.