it seems that the honorable Reavers Mercenary Company is very busy these days. Samura Heavy Industries is very pleased because of that. You know very well that time is money and less dirty pirates stopping our hard working Transport Captains is good for the business. Payments have been sent to the three Neural Net Accounts Gambling, Red and Silver Reaver. Domo Arigato and good luck where ever the hunt will lead you.
you did a excellet job with the destruction of the Golden Chrysanthemum and the Blood Dragon a few days ago. And now there is a baka drug addicted Outcast gone. Hai, i guess we can sleep much better now....
Payment have been sent to your Neural Net Account Red.Reaver. Domo Arigato again. We will hear from you again very soon i hope.
again the Reavers Company and again dead Outcasts. Hai, wonderful. I think i should celebrate this with a sake. Though, not right now, because it's too early and today i have a lot of paperwork to do.
You will find the last payout from Samura Heavy Industries on your Neural Net Account Red.Reaver. Arigato. Excellent work as always.
a little late, but better late than never, hai? 1 million credits and a "bonus" of 500.000 credits for the delay have been sent to your neural net account Red.Reaver.