i like elder scrolls for example oblivion morrowind
jedi knights: jedi accademy
freelancer, freespace
half-life - all
max payne, quake {4}
now i think crysis can be good game and my most favourite game is TIMESHIFT
omfg i love team fortress 2... if im not playing freelancer im on tf2 omg its amazing... and runescape... i used to scam on that game... made over hundreds of mill a day from scammin p hats and masks... i even made 200 bux a month selling money to kids at my school... be aware this all took place last year... i quit playing in the summer and gave all my riches to some lvl 3 noob...
anyways my lvl was 87... with 90 fishin 95 cookin, 99 wc, 92 rc basicly all the good money making stats
i also had a pure w/ 99 strength lvl 80
both accounts are gone fo good
[12:51:19 PM] Sean: Actually, Alex is cool, I forgot 8-)
What I feel frustrating on rs is the lack of moderator - and the fact they obviously never recruit any - the thing is, there is NO moderator. I have NEVER seen any.
and their report system just doesnt work.