I finally managed to secure a Series "DL" Border Worlds Transport and set off buying some turrets for it.
As i have a Zoner ID i was aware i had to buy the correct type so as not to jeopardize my Power rating.
I settled for the CT-403 "Iron Hammer" Transport Turret and rigged out 9 hard points with these, imagine my surprise when i undocked and saw the size of the turrets, they're nearly as big as the ship and as such surely can't be right.
I was going to try the other 3 types of turret that were offered however i didnt want to lose more money, spent 4'000'000 already on those.
If anyone can help or offer any advice regarding this i would be greatly appreciative
The "Small Transport Turrets" are the same as the oversized Type 3 turrets, going by stats. They are just individual for every house. As a Zoner you can use all except for the Gallic STTs, which are Gallic Civ tech and therefore would nerf you to 10%, the others are Sirius civ tech.
If you wish to have white blueish-white shots with a very small but quite fitting turret model, try the Bretonia STTs. If you would like green shots, different than those of the Type 3s, try the Rheinland STTs, their model is green as well though, might not be the most fitting. For simple whiteish-blue shots, try the Libertonian STTs, their model is as you'd imagine Liberty turrets to look like, color wise, it's a bit bigger than the beforementioned though. And the last of the house turrets is the Kusarian one, which fires orange-yellow shots. It's model is orange, but a bit too big and unfitting for the BWT if you ask me.
My preference: since you can't get the Gallic ones, get the Bretonian. They look the best and currently they are not nerfed as they are regarded as Sirian tech and not Bretonian tech.
EDIT: There are also the "Bolter Turrets", originally meant for the Pilgrim Liner...but these are a bit oversized for a BWT as well.
Well those are the biggest ones unfortunately, you might have to live with them for a while. The other 3 gun types are a lot smaller. Luckily though, each house has guns for transports that have those same stats, but a much smaller model on the ship.
On the plus side, if you get shot at a gun turret may absorb a snac round for you and act as ablative armor.
You might want to try "Small civilian turrets" wich come if a multitude of colours and shapes:
-Gallia (dont know about the tech nerfing of these tipes but i am afraid it will lower your core to oblivion since galic civilian can oly be used by gallia and kusary,but i might be wrong)
Exept the garlic turets, the rest are treated as "Civillian" and that means any race (besides nomads) can equip them withought the slightest core drain.
-it seems 3 of us where writing the exact same ideea,but just one of use pressed the button faster
I appreciate all the information that has been posted however its not the projectile size that concerns me, its the size of the turret itself. 9 x CT-403 "Iron Hammer" Transport Turrets overwhelm the ship completely to a point where i cannot distinguish the ship itself, its almost like i'm flying a turret.
Normal turrets don't do this and i'm just wondering if anyone else has seen this?? Aesthetically it really spoils the ship and nobody wants to fly through space in a wreck do they?
Wiki lies. I tested it out again before I made that post even though I was very sure. 100% with FL ID.
Edit: All the house turrets have smaller models than Type 3's.
Rheinland turrets are the smallest, followed by Bretonian ones. I suggest you give those a try.
I'll look into either the KR4-T "Schutzer" Small Transport Turret or the SW4-T "Spiker" Small Transport Turret which are both the 'Smaller' type turrets.
I recall having a CT-53 "Heron" Civilian Train years back and having similar problems.