I believe this would just cause more rage quitting and be fuel for people to throw temper tantrums. If I wanted shiploss like EVE I'd be playing it, but then again I've seen hundreds of people rage quit EVE because of their shiploss system.
(08-16-2013, 08:21 PM)Hone Wrote: Not really, thats why I said change the prices.
We know for instance that three bombers are more than a match for a CAU 8 battleship.
Would you recommend lowering the price of a CAU8 battleship to just 250% of a AU8 bomber or raising the price of said bomber to approximately 550 million credits so that the loss is the same for both sides balance wise?
Id recommend lowering the BS price to about 60-100 mill. The cap armour could be lowered to 400, cap8 has always been just to show off how much mone you've got, no-ones forcing you to use it.
Thatd be another good side effect of shiploss on death, not everyone would be flying around with top of the line equipment, rare equipment would actually be rare, most people would probly be using AU4s. <Meaning yet ANOTHER good side effect, fights wouldn't drag on so long.
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I play EVE online. I know what is it to loose a ship. I lost Frigates, Cruisers, Battleships. I know what pain it is to replace loss with hours of mining to get money for new ship. I know how it feels when ship that you fly for weeks went poof only because of someone acting like jerk.
I do not want same for Disco. Ships that have hell of alot RP behind them must not die. Flagships of official factions or SRP stuff alike.
Also. Unlike EVE, Disco much smaller. We all know eachother here, we all feel something towards eachother. Friends, enemies, haters, trolls, kids. If we will be able to blow up something of value towards other person - Disco will go into deep hole. No-one will trust anyone anymore, people will go greedy and suspicious. Stuff like shared ships will be of real reason for someone to be paranoid about. Will that help to our already diying community? No. Then again:
The overall value of the vessel (both cash and time investment) is too damn high to lose on death. Being compared to EVE, it's much easier to die in FL - try alt-tabbing in snub for a few mins at your house's space.
So no, that's bad idea.
Cash penalty would work though. Like, from 30K to 4M, depending on a level and/or ship's value.
[11:20:20] aerelm: its not fl dev work if you dont have to power through the whole thing on your own
[11:20:32] aerelm: help is for pussy devs like in dota
anyway compared to EVE, disco has smaller time intervals, getting high stuff from scratch is not a problem if you know what to do, joining factions can also speed things up a bit
the game itself would require more team work than soloing which is a key to survive when death penalty exists
at least this idea can be tested for only high stuff over small period, maybe it could bring some new gameplay
Disco is not the right environment for such a system. At the end of the day, when the roleplay is done and the trading complete, this is still a pretty pvp-oriented game.
Death is quick and common, so having a punishment other than the loss of cargo is going to simply be frustrating. Especially since often enough, death occurs because of some idiot that doesn't know what they're doing.
Do I want to lose my ship because some lolcap decided to engagabuga? No thanks.
(08-14-2013, 05:19 PM)Hone Wrote: It should also help prevent people using tech out of area - E.G: Freelancers flying around in gallic tech on 100% on the other side of sirius, cos who wants to fly all the way across srirus each time you die?
And this is desirable why? To reduce variety in the game and make everyone use the same generic combination of ship, ID, and guns, like an NPC?
I fear with the ship-specific technerf that's apparently coming at some point, we're moving in that direction anyway.
Personally, I think the wide variety of tech and the possible combinations of it are one of the main draws of freelancer/disco, but hey, I could be wrong.
Basically, Xenosaga summed it up nicely.
(08-16-2013, 01:27 PM)Xenosaga Wrote: Yeah no, please keep your "zomg hardcore gaming" ambitions out of Discovery. This server needs more action, not more trading and loitering
I fear that this would encourage lolwuts to just buy a cheap bomber and start blowing up traders, just cos they know it will pi$$ people off. I mean, look at the base hunters.