Dear sir, your application for nomad licensure has been recieved and granted. You could pass the required fee, which is 5 millions of Sirius credits, at any time by Manhattan as Arizona will be on standby there.
Why should I pay to own my private collection that I've earned through sweat, blood, and exploration? If I choose to keep my gains, why should I pay the greedy SA for the privilege of keeping my own property? I'm sorry, but I'm not payin'.
Jaysen_Berger, Captain of the Adler.Jung, Adler.Bank, and Adler.Pioneer.
Not only this is a sour reply after being helped by us to make transfers in space tonight, but I don't see why donating a small amount of registry fee to the Liberty government would hurt you that much. Is it only you that the equipment values for but nobody else? I am sorry sir, but we will be applying the requirements of the code of law for anybody. Unlicensed vessels of depots, arms dealers and nomadic material posessors will be escorted out of Liberty on sight in the following days.
From: Junker-Kingmax
To: Liberty Navy
Subject: Arms dealer/nomad licenses
Due to the fact that I got no choice. I would like to licence my arms and nomad techs dealer Kingmax and Junker-Armory.001. Will this cost 5 m each ship or 10m each ship (nomad and weapons licence needed).
ICQ: 213183748
Skype: kingmax42
Chars: Kingmax, Pirate Transport, Junker - under construction
Gobi_Todic, Collector, Junker - under construction [BWC]Gunship_Prometheus, Orca Gunboat,Orbital Spa and Cruise [BWC]Luxury-Liner_Calgary, Luxury Liner,Orbital Spa and Cruise - under construction
Sir, your request has been recieved and granted. You could pass the required fee by Arizona.
Reply to: Junker-Kingmax
Re: Arms dealer/nomad licenses
Sir, your request has been recieved and granted as well. You could pass the required fee by Arizona. Full licensing for 2 vessels would cost 20 millions in total.
Begin Transmission From InterSirusComunication Relay0011
Beginning message dump
To :Admiral Kress
Quote: ComID :Trek of the NCC.trekster
Dear SIrs I own Nomad Weapons I have also been Licensed by The BPA
And Required to be Licensed by the Liberty System
Quote:ComID :Issac N. Quasar of the vessel InterSirusReasearcher
Dear Sirs I do Nomad research For the Cambridge Research Institute.I have also been Licensed by The BPA
Please license me for the Liberty System
I will have to Licenses My vessal for such
Quote:ComID:InterSirusCoporation from Vessel TrekInterSirusFreight
I haul Nomad Samples and Equipment to Cambridge Research Institute I have also been Licensed by The BPA
I will have to be licensed by the Liberty System
End Message Dump
End Transmission From InterSirusComunication Relay0011
[Incoming Message]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Begin Message]
acting Admiral Kress you seem to have everything moving quite nicely here. Keep up the good work, my leave should be over shortly however. I expect my desk to clear clean and shiny. To all those who have accepted this new initiative and registered I thank you on behalf of all of Liberty for your cooperation. This is a great step forward in terms of safety and business.
This is an outrage...IF you want a license fee....then I will pay you 2 million,NOT 5 million per ship. This is taxation without representation....and we all know where that will lead......and if this action is pursued this will seriously hamper my ability to assist the SA ....