Susan regards him carefully, studying his faces features as if to figure out what he was thinking. Feeling slightly good that he was not going to get in her way.
"Contact.. Something I have not been planning on, I do not think it will be a good idea, but.."
Pausing once more, as if having an internal argument with herself, slowly looking back at him. "The bells continue to ring, spreading the songs far and wide, always drawing the travelers in for eternal rest.." Sighing. "If you ever need me, keep these words in mind.
Shaking her head rather quickly. "Its best not. There are things better dealt by myself, all you would do is worry."
Slowly extending her hand to Robert. "It was nice. Good luck."
(08-28-2013, 02:13 AM)The_Normal_Anomaly Wrote: DD tries his hardest to focus on his guest, and not Robert or this woman who has now come up to Robert.
"Glad to meet you Mr. Oshero. I've got just a few questions, mostly about the nature of the Blood Dragons, at least partially for my own information. I think I understand them to be revolutionaries, but other than that, I am not certain."
He stops to look around the room, to see if anyone else plans on coming to stand nearby,
"You know, stuff like that and, well, how you guys keep organized with each other."
He grabs his datapad and moves it closer to himself, flipping it face down.
"Don't think explaining to everyone the way we organize ourselves may be what will preserve our integrity over the coming years, that if we haven't achieved our goals yet, which I... find unlikely for the time being, sadly." He replied, letting a quiet sigh out as he just hoped there could be an actual, decent outcome from the conversation.
"We're revolutionaries because we oppose the current regime, suppose it's how we can draw it. Other than that, any question I could certainly answer?"
Robert tried his best to hide a smile that was slowly starting to pierce his face. The metaphorical excruciation that Susan came up with pleased him. He was certain that there is more behind it that one would imagine at first glance, and it is this same excruciation that assured him that Susan didn't lost her subjectivity for the Commonwealth entirely... if she ever had any.
He was zealously convinced that Susan would had dispelled him with a laconic, either negative or positive reply if anything else.
" Bien then, cheri, or shall I say "madame" now given the fact that we're no longer tied by the subjectivity of fraternity? " he said, giggling and accompanying his words with satire.
He then extended his arm as well, shaking hands, as courtesy dictated.
" Au revoir, Susan. May prosperity ornate your path. It was a delectable experiencing fraternizing with you "
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Turning, she starts to walk out of the bar, raising a single hand. "Delve into the wrong things, i'll be rather irritated. Achillie better understand why I gave him what I did. Its been fun."
And with that simple movement, she disappears from view to the direction of the hangers.
DD looks injured at the reply. His face shows regret for having asked such a question.
"Sir, I-"
He pauses for a moment, correcting his sympathetic face back to a more business oriented expression. "-I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend you with the question. Please believe me that I had no intention to, well, ask for your secrets or anything like that."
He looks into the table for a moment, looking back up at his partner, his business face softened. "And, I am sorry to hear that progress has been less than expected. I too, know a few things about 'regime opposition' that has encountered difficulties."
He awkwardly clears his throat. "So I, um, suppose I should stick to less probing questions, huh? Like, 'Would you be comfortable, say, flying escort for supply runs and such?'"
And with seeing Susan leave, something deep inside of Sean told him, that she will be alright. Something about her made him curious. So curious, that he was unable to stop thinking about what had happened in her past. But he considered that her absence in the Commonwealth will make this feeling fade away.
Step for step, Susan approached the exit of Sylvania Dome. Should he stop her?
No, she refused him every time he tried to get to know her. Trying now wouldn't change things anyways.
"Good-bye, Susan...or whatever your name is.", he whispered.
Robert patiently looked at Susan only to monitor her departure, as she left the dome.
Right afterwards, he turned back towards the bar, trying to justify his presence here with a different purpose. As he made his way back, he eyed upon DD and the exquisite visitor of kusarian origins he undertook a conversation with.
" Bonjour, monsieurs, DD, and our latest and most exquisite visitor from the very culturally cherished entrails of Kusari " he said with a typical grin as he approached them.
" I sure hope my lack of subtlety of which I dispose of at the moment are not causing a stubbornly inconvenient intrusion into the benevolent conversation I am certain you were carrying up until this moment, monsieurs " He said as his grin toned down.
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
A 'ravens talon' approaches the Freeport, flashing its ID codes and immediately being accepted to the docking ports. As the ship sets down, a man with blonde hair steps out, rubbing his head, and looking around the place, immediately setting a medium pace to what he 'assumed' was a bar area.
He steps into the doorway of the bar, glancing around the place, shrugging. "Well, a bit.. uh. broken, but hey, its a bar." Stepping forwards, he takes a seat at one of the stools, waving the bartender over. "Whoever is working here, baldie-.. wait, no, you don't work here.." Glancing around. "Whatever.. Just get me a drink anyone, willya?"
Not necessarily yelling, but speaking loud enough for the people around him, to hear him. Sitting back, pulling out a cigarette, he lights it quietly and breathes out a sigh, waiting to see if anyone had a reaction.
"Escort runs, and any other matter where you believe you may need a careful and precise asset. All in all, I can tell you the most notable rumors about Dragons would not be far away from reality, so, I will gladly take any offer." Oshiro nodded, having kept a rather neutral expression in his face despite the doctor's apparent ease to expose his. The sudden 'intrusion' made him arch his eyebrow lightly at the man who he had spotted previously upon the arrival at the bar, however the Dragon pulled the best of his smiles to greet him. "Konnichiwa, mister... I wouldn't call this an intrusion as we didn't get to speak about business yet. Maybe I am to assume you are from the same party as the doctor?"
When he approached the bar, Sean eyed the man with the bright hair sceptically. Although he was used to people of all kinds, including such smug individuals, something about this man made him feel slight discomfort.
"Hey there. A drink? Sure.", Sean said and filled a shot glass which was placed neatly in rows below the counter before. He then placed it in front of the stranger.