============== NANDA DEVI - 125 cargo space = no cloak ==============
A heavy bomber that cannot cloak because it has 5 cargo space (125) too much. If not a bug, I would request a reason why the other heavies can and my bomber cannot. Makes me a sad Jack.
Echo: Don't make me mad by posting in the wrong section - take it to balance.
Sorry I am new to Discovery and unsure of something. I posted earlier about Liberty Cruiser Forward Gun being broken (without the title ... sry) and looking back it has been crossed out. Does this mean it is fixed ? Wasnt a problem in the first place ? I cant see anything relating to it in other posts.
If it is fixed, where can i buy a new forward gun ? As I sold it so that I could actually undock from station just after the upgrade. Thanks.
Edit: Ok i understand now ... Its fixed in 1.1 update so ....
Leaves me now with the problem of rebuying my Liberty Cruiser Forward Gun ... Its not available for sale at Grise Fjord shipyard and I dont have good enough rep with navy guards ....
Aet: Added siege gun to places where Liberty Capship weapons are sold. Note that Grise isn't among those places. Go to Alaska.
Hey guys don't no if im posting this in the right place, but here goes anyway !
I cant get any cap missions on my corsair account????? i have tried in the gamma system and some of the surrounding systems, i don't no if this has been mentioned yet but any help would be appreciated.
Aet: Try Omega 47 or Omicron Eta. You know, where the Corsairs are fighting wars with their enemies...
One of my ships, Drone_#1, was on red station last I left it. Now every time I undock from the base, I am instantly hostile to every base in the system and as such, can't leave it. It's an AI Id'd drone ship. Not sure if this is a specific glitch to the AI ID, that base, or the Conn. system itself but it's the first time I have had this one happen before.
Aet: Sounds like an AI ID rephack issue, something rephacked hostile to the neutral faction, should never happen. Is this still happening?
Coalition ID doesnt have rep-hack towards Liberty and its corps as hostile.
Also by this ID, indies cannot attack Corsairs/Outcasts and rest unlawfuls. and they should to.
Aet: Take it to the appropriate thread. That's not something the mod devs can fix.