So i was in alberta, with my mining friend. After being shot at by a pirate, as i didnt comply to his demand fast enough, he brought my health down so low, and i was killed by a NPC. Chat log says it, and i dont think the rules of engagement say if i am killed by a NPC i am not allowed back in the system. So, when i died, my miner friend killed the pirate. The pirates name is Happy.tree.friend ~Drrobe (Mods can cover his name as they would need it anyways). And if server rules are that he is not allowed back in the system, that means he broke the rules.
Along side that i was recently almost pirated by him, so i was not allowed to get pirated again correct?
I have no idea what you're talking about. Let me try and piece this together.
So you get shot when a pirate decides to shoot you, and you get finished by a stray shot from an NPC. (This counts as a form of PvP death)
Then your miner friend killed the pirate. And then.. He re entered the system? Is that what you're saying? Because that's a rulebreak. And if you were recently engaged by him and proceeded to die a PvP death.. Why were you near him again? Pretty sure you shouldn't go back to him. At that point you should count being pirated rather than reported as a blessing.
That's my answer to what I can make out of the situation, but it's very vague.
(11-22-2013, 07:43 PM)Technogeist Wrote: I have no idea what you're talking about. Let me try and piece this together.
So you get shot when a pirate decides to shoot you, and you get finished by a stray shot from an NPC. (This counts as a form of PvP death)
Then your miner friend killed the pirate. And then.. He re entered the system? Is that what you're saying? Because that's a rulebreak. And if you were recently engaged by him and proceeded to die a PvP death.. Why were you near him again? Pretty sure you shouldn't go back to him. At that point you should count being pirated rather than reported as a blessing.
That's my answer to what I can make out of the situation, but it's very vague.
I was with my miner friend, A pirate comes, and I did not comply fast enough. He shot at me and did not respond to when i said was there any way to work this out another way as well as being shot by NPC's way before him. The death announced was that i was killed by a NPC. Not by him. A couple minutes later he was dead by my miner friend. I re-entered the system, followed by the fellow. As in, he followed me into the Alberta. I did not go near him, he headed tords me.
I fly a Mastodon. And do not have weapons on it to get a little bit more space (because, one gun doesn't do anything). So, i did not engage him ever he engaged me.
Technically, you should have not entered back. You were engaged in a PVP fight, even if one sided. Your death still counts, not matter how you died as you were engaged. Him dying does not negate your PVP death. If he logged off, then you would be free to enter. Same for him if you logged. But technically, both him and you should not re-enter that system for 2 hours if you still were ingame.
(11-22-2013, 08:12 PM)Drrobe Wrote: Technically, you should have not entered back. You were engaged in a PVP fight, even if one sided. Your death still counts, not matter how you died as you were engaged. Him dying does not negate your PVP death. If he logged off, then you would be free to enter. Same for him if you logged. But technically, both him and you should not re-enter that system for 2 hours if you still were ingame.
Okay, I am no longer in the system. If there is a punishment, I am ready. and may i also get other Rules about Engagement? cause i know the this one, and not many others.
I believe there is a glitch where sometimes when you kill someone it says 'by npc' instead of the ship responsible. I heard it depends on the type of ship you fly, but i can't remember where i saw it, i'll link if it i can. anyone else read this??
anyways i ran into a similar problem lastnight, 2 people i took out had 'by npc' on their tickets. i know i got them both, maybe NPCs had fired at them during the battle but thats it. I wondered if they would try coming back since i would not have proof of their deaths due to the tickets. But then, at the same time, that meant that i could in turn try to kill them again. I think that in these cases if a ship dies after it has been attacked, and the attack was not in violation of any rules, it counts as PVP death, so if they can show RP that is an obvious pirate attack, and you die shortly thereafter, you're best bet is to consider it a pvp death.
Guy never broken the rules, guy kills you, you return to system, guy tells you to stay out of the system, you don't comply, guy asks a friend from the same faction with a similar sounding name to kill you.
THAT is what happened, and if you don't stick to the rules yourself, don't moan about others breaking them, and if you're accusing them of it, take evidence and report it.
This should be something you consider when you're mining (or being filled), doesn't matter that the ore isn't yet worth 10k because it's not at the sell point, it matters that you can't return to the system for two hours to get more.
And do you really think that it doesn't count as a kill just because an NPC finishes you off? As if NPCs could take down a transport, unless he's AFK, I took time stamped screenshots of your kill, you're lucky my friend was there to go back and kill you again, or I would have reported you.