Might I suggest either reducing the amount of time the ring is offline, or returning the gates to their original distance from the rings?
If the later is not possible due to the economy needing to be redone due to the change in distance, then I still would suggest making lanes destructible only be the player...somehow.
Any change would be good, because right now this is rather broken and it is an issue that has been notable quite a while now.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
You need to drop the lane when the other guy sees it. Pretty sure that even if the lane downtime is increased a trader could make it there before it is up again for you.
The bug also occurs in normal tradelane travel when the other guy doesn't see the lane afaik...Just some weird lane bug.
(01-07-2014, 03:56 PM)Syrus Wrote: You need to drop the lane when the other guy sees it. Pretty sure that even if the lane downtime is increased a trader could make it there before it is up again for you.
It's easy to say. However, imagine the following situation:
1. Some pirates (ex: VHF + Bomber) are waiting near the gate, ready to disrupt the lane.
2. A convoy of some transports + an escort (doesn't matter what it is) is ready to jump through the gate on the other side.
3. Escort jumps and immediately disrupts the lane. Then he tells the transports to jump and engages the pirates.
4. The transports can enter the lane and nothing short of a pirate capital ship can stop them.
The risk that it doesn't work is just too great.
Also, most convoys with such escorts have too many transports (more than 2 might already be too much) to really abuse that bug due to each other needing to be spaced and all...
This has happened to me several times where the gate is shooting me and nails the lane instead, and than I see a trader come through and can do nothing about it. Quite aggravating. Not sure what could be done though, other than moving all gates fairly far from their lanes, which just seems stupid.
Dang do I hate that bug, can't even tell you how many traders have gotten away with it. Once saw 3 5Kers go past at once....and there was nothing I could do
This has happened to me, I usually go out to the middle of the lane and it still happens. If you are keeping the lane down, anyone jumping in after you hit it just zip right by like its nothing. Definitely should be fixed somehow. Other than that you pretty much have to sit and keep your eye on the chat, see who's in neighboring systems and as soon as you see they jumped in, hit it. But that doesn't leave you very much time.
And yeah not liking the idea of people exploiting this to get their ships past pirates at a gate. This is not the matrix.
Another reason I can't be bothered pirating anymore, along with:
1) There are not enough traders.
2) Silent traders that break the rules and reenter system with the same cargo, or if you killed them in NY, buy more and take a different route.
3) Traders that drop their cargo and shoot it, after you've told them to drop 50%.
4) Miners that fly 700K to escape, silently
5) Miners that die, then fly back to the mining spot to mine more, ignoring the rules.
6) A train can thrust 20K to 30K and dock, with a bomber on its tail.
7) If you're pirating at a gate, trader ignores you completely, takes gate, lanes are so close to the gate, they take the lane and get away.
8) Pirate NPCs buzzing around the lanes, taking them down every 30 seconds, again increasing the chances of this bug.
9) Too much server lag, sometimes a target will magically appear 2K away while fleeing, then take a lane, or due to lag, I can't take a lane down.
10) The incredibly complex and creative roleplay from the Navy/Police players.
And more... but I can't be bothered.
Most of the time, if I'm in a HEAVY BOMBER, the trader either pays, or doesn't pay, I damage their ship a bit, but unless they're an inexperienced pilot, they nearly always make it to a station.Some suggestions:
Remove the ability to fit standard armor to a transport, if the trader wants armor, they have to have the disadvantage of less cargo space, fitting a snub armor that takes up 20 and gives 2.5x to a transport is ridiculous anyway. Armor upgrades for a transport should be really expensive, and take up a lot of space They should only be able to mount special transport armor, NO CAU8s!
Move the lanes further away from the gates.
Get rid of pirate NPCs near lanes, there are no threat to a trader, and no help to a pirate, merely an annoyance for all.Also, do a server wipe, so everyone needs to trade for a while again.
do a server wipe and so many people including myself will never play this game again.
the way to solve this is to simply not sit at the lane. if you are pirating at the gate then you need to be sat on the gate, waiting. when a trader comes, like a vulture you swoop down from your perch and feast, once done you return to the perch and wait again.
not only is this good because the gate cant fire at you. it means that the trader isnt seeing any visual cues apart from the scanner telling them where the pirate is until its too late.
Also npcs cant disrupt the gate, so its a triple win situation.
about npc's disrupting the lane, mm, i guess it happens sometimes, but the npcs only tend to disrupt it when you are too close to it in my experiance, your proximity to them making them drop mines. because as far as ive seen they dont drop mines if they just randomly encounter a lane and start shooting it.
so staying a max weapons range of the lane should clear that up.