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Then a big NO. I thought it was the list on the forums which doesn`t have that much relevance, atleast for me. I just consider it an extra load for the server...
(01-24-2014, 03:51 PM)Kirill Wrote: Just install one adoxa plugin. List will still be there, but there will be only sector info like: Gallia, Omicron Border Worlds, Liberty etc.
I was going to mention this plugin - I was also going to say it is a bad idea. They did it on 88 Flak and it was the worst thing ever, because of this:
(01-24-2014, 04:06 PM)Hidamari Wrote: the last thing the mod needs is to increase the difficulty in finding people to interact with.
No way. That would make things a nightmare. Wandering around several systems for hours without finding anybody; no thanks.
That in game player list was added there FOR a REASON.