“Indeed cherise, aren’t we all equally encumbered, eh?”Achille boomed, with a backslapping counter-volume barely benign to the eardrums, jabbing in elbows with an angular emphasis.
“However, you mortify me somewhat – it is indeed a remarkable occurrence for one bearing backstabbing, people-poisoning aspirations to declaim themselves as unaggressive. Such feisty sentiments rankle when embodied in a dove.”
“…But refresh me… ami…”Achille continued, glaring sidelong at the insubordinate barkeep resolutely refusing to deliver.“…What of these... Omicronic sojourns? You grip my curiosity tightly, truly."
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
A curious glint spreading across the woman's face, sending the interesting man a amused look.
"Backstabbing? People-poisoning aspirations? Whatever do you mean? I don't recall doing any of the sort. Making myself present for a time, and then merely leaving is all that I have ever done. I haven't conspired nearly enough to do as you say. Of course, it's crossed my mind a few times, however similarities between most people I find at this Freeport has made me decide to do otherwise. The mere fact that you take offense to what I 'have' done while I was around is quite interesting and provides at least a point of view which I can base your thoughts on."
Shrugging, looking at her empty glass again, almost as if willing it refill itself out of thin air.
"Due to your lack of.. pressing on another matter, it is safe to assume you haven't looked at the certain mixture that I have given to you before I have taken my leave from the Commonwealth. Oh dear.. Well, I suppose that can wait a little longer."
Glancing around the room once more in that searching motion, sighing quietly as she doesn't find what she is looking for once again.
"The Omicrons, hm? It's not necessarily that bad up there, however recently an.. old friend of mine required me to do a favor for her. Thus me dropping off Ivy for a small amount of time, something that I do not want to get her involved in.. After all, i'm doing this for her in the first place. What my endeavors consisted of, was to pay a few.. 'visits' and collect some favors owed to my very self for a few purposes. That's all really."
Reality impacted the Burgundian as a elephant gun to a flack jacket, but he took it on the chest.
"Oh, you misinterpret me faultingly, cheri. I assure you in the entirety, any irritation I bear towards your person is not catalysed by any erroneous act you may "have done", but rather those very acts which you have not deigned execute. Endeavouring to reportingly preserve the sanctity of the fraternal ideal as a singular example. You utilised the assets of my department errantly, trailing a considerable jetsam of lustful quandaries, dour, flaccid dissatisfaction and an air of reeking, all-pervasive cancer of reluctance which bleakly bears Lillian as an intolerable acolyte. You come and go, you come and go like the hackneyed, proverbial anti-climactic karma chameleon, utilising a series of impenetrable (and no doubt, vivid) pseudonyms as an actual, active camouflage for Dieu knows what subversive intrigues. The temptation to sweeten a certain Cerulean personage into placing the matter into an eternal rest was (for a duration), unremittingly relentless. Honestly cheri…?" Achille squinted, glaring at the enigmoid."…I care not what moniker fits your flights of fancy, or what badge I may pin to that generically endowed visage of yours. An unimpeachable fortress is one not worth assailing, nor particularly useful during the existence of a bypass."
"…Speaking with uncharacteristic certainty cheri, I do not admire you - this is not the same as detesting, mind - I do not envy you due to the solitude you garner. The bleakness, the blankness, the migrant, nomadic nature of the life you forge. Be it Tara or Susan, you see fit to set your tracks in the sand, not the rock; wiping clean every step you leave. "This freeport", as you so impassively declaim, served as your home for an operable duration, a home that you exchanged as readily as a fresh, newly-pressed set of clothes for those recently worn. Now, shape-shifter…" The Burgundian continued, also glancing at the void expanse of his glass. "…I have only encountered four personages of your apathy, excepting yourself, and three of those individuals were other than human. The fourth… again a siren of smoke and mirrors."
"…As for that petit tincture of yours? Why, it resides in cryostorage; flash-frozen to a state of atomic immutabillity, and will persist there until I (or, indeed, its progenitor) demands its utilisation furthered. I have projects more demanding than the ejecta of those who care not for myself, nor, indeed, the station nor congregation with whom they interact and who they have only been bombarded with mouths crying "friend". I'm sure you appreciate me, cheri."He finished, with a winning wink.
"…So, this "old friend" of yours… come off it cheri, Corino may be a hermit but I have the extreme displeasure of her acquaintance, along with innumerable more… bizarre entities of alienation, mostly threatening and all flashing ungentlmanly levels of disdain. No secrets among old sparring partners, eh?"
"…After all, that mangy dogette bears her wizened hands in the affairs of many men. It can be woefully exhausting".
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Processing every word issued forth, despite his words which seemingly issued forth a sense relating to how Tara assumed Achillie felt about things truly. However as he continued through his countless sentences of words which a quarter were merely filtered out to understand the meaning, Tara merely began to become more and more amused with the man sitting next to him. Ah, how she missed the bluntness which had perhaps the capacity to push her into the corner. Life was exciting. However, this specific man despite how he is, made things so much better to play around with.
"The implications with the little information that you do indeed know are quite interesting, if you truly believe some of the words which you are saying, I find that quite laughable. Although if it was an attempt to get me to give a name, and in this case.. an origin? Very well. I'll bite. Izumi Hidaka. A kusarian at birth, and someone who has done quite a bit for me in the past. Nothing out-worldy about her, except her.. Even I must admit this, intolerable attitude as she knows very well that she can accomplish things that I desire easily. Something she holds above me at all times, which isn't really that appealing. However a good friend of mine despite that."
Reaching into her pocket, setting a small piece of paper on the table which seemed to be blank.
"If you'd like to shirk off the project that I have given you, by all means. That's your decision to make. However I suppose I should have mentioned that it was made to remain at room temperature, a flash-freeze would ruin it's purpose unless you had the power up as high as it goes on the device. Even then, it's unknown if the chain which I had embedded inside the liquid would remain intact. I suppose that would be told in the future."
"Freeport Ten as a home you say? As much as I would like to say otherwise, Freeport Ten never felt like a home to me.." Going quiet for a moment. "At least not at the time, I was naïve. That very well may be the first accusition you are right above this evening, however through your words, I automatically seem to assume that I am not wanted around here. At least not by your very self. I've looked into it, and I do not desire to be around the man who goes by 'Jack Starr'. I live a complicated life, fine. Although that is merely because I have a natural distaste for sharing. It's by no means something to be covered up from the more intimate people, although shielded from common eyes is something that I prefer."
(02-17-2014, 05:52 PM)Moveit56 Wrote: Susan takes a breath, crossing her arms quietly. "There are merely some things I must do, i'm afraid I don't have a perfect reason for acting the way I do. I honestly shouldn't stay much longer anyways. Tell me Robert, is there anything that you require of me, while i'm still here? I cannot make any promises, however.. I don't like being in debt."
The long pause vulgarly manifested through an awkward silence fecundated by the stitched lips of Robert's mouth as he riveted them in stiff paralysis thanks to a complete absence of any words that would force their way out like a phallic object that would have pierced the other way, was nothing else but an indication that Robert was doing its best to contrive a request so that he may exploit the services Susan purports to offer so audaciously.
Admittedly, his mind was mostly blank or flooded with a myriad of other thoughts that phase in and out so randomly like electric surges unleashed by an excited Tesla coil. Susan, or Tara as she so openly revealed herself to be, had a nullified potential in fulfilling any would be plots or plans that Robert would so lecherously erect in the metaphysical plains of his cognitive entrails.
It was as if he disassociated himself from the world around him, as all the bustling motion, intoxicated with animating life, didn't attract him at all. He simply ignored everything and confounded inside his thoughts, drowning himself in a contemplative state. For short, he was day dreaming, but plebs need not know such trivialities.
He would drowse for minutes, until at the exhilarating climax, his meditative state would be carved deep by insidious slashes that cut through the realms of his contemplation, opening distorted windows towards reality that would vomit forth claws which will drag him back and awake him.
Josephine, actually, in an alarmed state, scratched his companion's right hand as she noticed his sudden inactivity.
The pain was searing but sudden. And it would disappear just as it came, despite it successfully woke him up. Regardless, a quick benevolent offer of a appeasing stroke towards his feline and Robert quickly plunged his fist into the table, erecting his muscles up and ascending from the seat he sat on with the haste of a Christian merchant who entered Gomorrah.
" I know what I require of your astute services! " He would shout domineeringly, looking to eye for Susan, wherever she might be, without exercising any vigilance on his surroundings that have changed.
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Remaining in her spot a leg crossed over another, much like her arms which were intertwined with each other. Not expecting the reaction that Robert gave, she gains a strange facial structure for a moment, resembling confusion.
" I know what I require of your astute services! "
Brushing away some hair which had begin to fall in front of her face, she stands up as well to her full height, however she remained a little shorter than Robert. The one thing that she wasn't happy about, was her height, although average was something she was able to settle for eventually.
"Don't leave me hanging then, it's fair that I return something in exchange for this. Ask away."
" But of course. I trust you are aware from your Commonwealthian exerted existential presence that we, The Commonwealth, are on an active pursuit in manifesting ourselves as the superior and most influential zoner congregation, oui?
Well, certain events and discrepant scenarios that concluded with a tremulous assessment of opportunity have led the Commonwealth to acquire new assets, particularly in the omegas. Anyway, these new assets not only extended our influence but also pitted us directly against other zoner organizations, not just the ecclesiastically narrowed and diplomatically impoverished TAZ.
I would like of you to acquire any kind of information, intel, data, logistical data, anything valuable from the two zoner organizations: OSI and Phoenix, and return to me promptly. After all, it would be incongruous and blunt of us not to be informed or accustomed with our neighbours' traditions and... how to effectively replace them with our own...
Robert then meticulously positioned himself back on the chair, only to continue his ravenous blabber:
" But I suggest you wait as there are additional words awaiting to be regurgitated at you, cheri...
I assume your little... escapade away from your under-aged sibling will not stretch for eternity, as you have assured me so already, and that is why, for when you come back, I would like to confess to you that the Babylonian gates of the Commonwealthian Raven shall open themselves for you as the talons are spread wide open.
Nothing but an invitation, madame, with which I find it merely courteous to end a conversation with. Do ponder it. "
He then touched his hat with his right hand, tipping it subtly.
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
Listening to Roberts words closely, her face hardening slightly as the mention of doing some business of the relation that Robert was asking, her slight slouch fading unlike her usual stance.
"Naughty, naughty.. Summing your wish up in a single word, I believe that you are looking for 'Blackmail', am I correct? At least that would be the impression that i'm getting with your 'goal' that you would like to accomplish with in the end. Very well. I have a few favors I can redeem that could get what you wish, although I cannot promise a time-range currently."
Beginning to pace back and forth around the gazebo slightly, her eyes fixated on the ground, glancing at the large cat for a moment before sighing without making an attempt to hide the noise.
"As for your invitation? I'll be honest with you. I'm beginning to pair together at least some of what you wish to make the Commonwealth into, especially with this request of yours. However coming back is something that isn't looking too appealing right now. I like being independent, because it lets me do as I wish with all the power in the world. The power of a person. I despise that power to be regulated and controlled by the words of others. I am aware the Commonwealth operates quite differently by the others, however large decisions are made by the Administrators. Not myself. I despise the helpless feeling of not being able to make the decisions which I have confidence will benefit people. Myself, or those which I deem who matter at the time."
Slowly walking back to the seat she was sitting in earlier, lowering her body back to the sitting position.
"I do not wish to stay at a place where I am helpless, and must carry a flag weighing down my name all the time, which may in fact create some opinion on what I am all because of a mere group. Although you leave me at an impasse. In result, i'll merely ask this streight on. Do you wish for me to remain at the Commonwealth personally? Or do you merely wish to use me."
" Your inquiry is most incongruous, my dearest Susan. " Robert sighed.
" However, if I merely wanted to exploit your potential, services and capabilities I wouldn't have bothered to extend you this invitation as... " He paused, twirling his hand in the air as if he was shuffling for words to use.
" Your disassociation with us would have been more beneficial if I exclusively desired your services. Your actions wouldn't have been traced back to the Commonwealth, pure and simply "
" Therefore, I think this assures you that I wish for your personal sedentary condition and proliferated existential expulsion and not just a lenient way to request your talent to manifest "
He then grinned, sagaciously looking into Susan's eyes with a conspicuous, dissimulative glare.
" After all, it would be just as profitable for us as it would be for you. We benefit from your exquisite and overtly finespun present that will be exerted continuously throughout the metallic entrails of our shady yet glimmering Freeport, while you have a permanent place to return to, together with your blood bounded sibling. I suppose you would welcome the opportunity of not having to find a home for her every time the circumstances and conjectures demand of you to do so.
Think of her, after all, it is flagrant that she is young and delicate. Individuals of her age need a place to call home, a stable home where they can stay without the cowering fear of having to abandon it. Don't you think that this nomadic migration you would impose on her would prove to be... rather detrimental for her intrinsic well being? " he inquired.
(08-10-2015, 07:03 PM)Antonio- Wrote: King Eduard is the greatest
As Robert rebuttals her words, as he begins talking about Ivy, her facial features noticeably begin to soften almost as if unwillingly. Taking a moment to think about what his words carried, beginning to pace once more in that matter that she seems to do when she is conflicted over something.
What did it all boil down to? Robert actually did have a valid point. However through observations before, this man almost never 'cared' about someone unless he could get something out of it himself. Putting use of her talents however? She liked to think herself as quite proficient in being able to figure out peoples motives, however this specific Frenchman, as well as one other in this very Freeport have been the 'only' people who have ever evaded her solid confidence.
Finally coming to a conclusion internally, she turns to face Robert, crossing her arms slowly.
"If it's for her.." Going quiet for a moment before repeating it, as if she needs to convince herself. "If it's for her.. Please allow me to rejoin the Commonwealth. I cannot promise a constant presence until I deal with things elsewhere, although I indeed believe we both can gain from a relationship."
Going quiet for a moment, organizing what she wants to say next in her head.
"Although I will add on, that I despise relationships that feel forced, especially the ones which are merely for the benefit of both sides. Although I suppose I don't need to be very worried, seeing that equality does exist internally of your Commonwealth, despite it being pretty much non-existent outside. Of course, there is always images to upkeep."