[font=Courier]Character Name(s): [color=#FFFFFF]Write here[/color]
Current Rank(s): [color=#FFFFFF]Write here[/color]
Current [url=http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=113374]Crew(s)[/url]: [color=#FFFFFF](The Hoodlum/ The Red Flag Crew)[/color]
Crew(s) you desire to be in: [color=#FFFFFF](The Hoodlum/ The Red Flag Crew)[/color]
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): [color=#FFFFFF]Write here[/color]
Any Other Notes?: [color=#FFFFFF]Write here[/color]
Character Name(s): William Kidd/James Norrington
Current Rank(s): Captain/Commodore
Current Crew(s): The Hoodlum
Crew(s) you desire to be in: The Hoodlum
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): QCP|HD*MadMight (with Varying suffixes)
Any Other Notes?: Nope
Character Name(s): Mia Hawkins
Current Rank(s): First Mate
Current Crew(s): The Hoodlum
Crew(s) you desire to be in: The Hoodlum
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): Shire, Tridente, Templar
Any Other Notes?: Nope
Character Name(s): Patrick Slight
Current Rank(s): Crew Member
Current Crew(s): The Hoodlum
Crew(s) you desire to be in: The Hoodlum
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): Ravens Talon
Any Other Notes?: I'd like a Challenger Bomber
Character Name(s): Anne Bonny
Current Rank(s): Captain
Current Crew(s): The Red Flag
Crew(s) you desire to be in: The Red Flag
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): Shire, Churchil Bret GB, Templar, Waran
Any Other Notes?: Nope
Character Name(s): Jack SparrowJacques Montbard(RFC) , Robert Clemens(HD*)
Current Rank(s): Crew Member(full)
Current Crew(s): The Hoodlum and Red Flag on different chars
Crew(s) you desire to be in: Both
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): QCP|HD*Jack.Sparrow- Waran(to be renamed to QCP|RFC-Jacques.Montbard), QCP|HD*Jack,Sparrow - R-Talon(same changes as previous
Any Other Notes?: requesting access to own transport
Character Name(s): Sir Fortunatus Wright
Current Rank(s): Quartermaster
Current Crew(s): The Hoodlum
Crew(s) you desire to be in: The Hoodlum
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): QCP|HD*Fortunatus.Wright (Waran), QCP|HD*Magpie (P-Trans)
Any Other Notes?: God save the Queen!
Character Name(s): Roger Fischer
Current Rank(s): Captain*
Current Crew(s): (The Hoodlum/ The Red Flag Crew)
Crew(s) you desire to be in: (The Hoodlum)
Ship Name(s) + Type(s) (Feel free to PM them to this account): QCP|Roger.Fischer, -Challenger, future VHF will be QCP|Roger.Fischer. future transport, likely a firefly, will likely be QCP|HMS-Weasel
Any Other Notes?: * I wasn't given a formal rank once I returned.
The Firefly transport is meant to be a ship for the flight group, not for my own personal control