Thank you for taking your time in the application of Universal Shipping Inc.
I'm here to offer you the job within Department of Trade as a Trainee - [T]
Upon signing the application you hereby are now a recruit on the area of your choice.
Please note 5KYP3, is a MUST have for this corporation to work together at all times.
You are to get involved within the corporation, be active and speak out.
Please note these data links for future use, please add them immediately to further your application.
5KYP3 Protocol Communications:
Please add yourself to the Skype recruitment lounge of Universal Shipping by clicking below and open with Skype
so that we may speak with you about the job opportunity.
Martin Pawlak
Chief Logistics Officer
Universal Shipping, Inc.
Summary of Biography: Born in Liberty Came from planet Manhattan in a poor family working since the age of 12 to feed my family and to get the out of poverty
Why do you want to join USI?: For the pride of being part of a something and to make my family proud
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: The killing of one Liberty ship But i want to join USI to redeem myself
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: []Department of Trade [X ]Department of Security [ ]Department of Internal Affairs
Qualifications: Supertransport Pilot VHF and HF Class Ship Pilot
Work History: Mechanic on the A.Nigma as well as its Pilot and Former LPI Trainee
Summary of Biography: Born on Planet Manhattan in a "bit above average family" I started piloting a Civilian Shuttle at the age of 16 during a flight class at the school when I was 18 I was sent by my father at the LPI Academy but kicked 2 years later for "not following the rulebook during a dogfight" at the age of 22 I received a "giant" sum of money(87 milion SC) from my aunt that just died.I managed to get a loan of 64 milion SC from a private company and managed to buy my first ship and it was quite the ship a gigantic Mastodon that helped me pay my loan and live a good pilot life.Now at the age of 24 I present my request for this post as working for a company that provides safe convoys seems more profitable.
A few days after I posted my first aplication I got shot down while transporting platinum ore from Alberta to Waterloo by a Gallic Junker and have been recuperating for a few months and my ship wrecked but now I am back with a new ship and ready to make a buck with my new Bison class transport ship Astaroth!
You offered me a job in the Department of Trade and I am just wondering if that is still available(Yes even after half a year)
Why do you want to join USI?: Safety,Experience,Organisation
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: Yes,bashing an enemy ship and damaging the LPI Academy ship
Which Department(s) do you wish to join ?: [X]Department of Trade [X]Department of Security [ ]Department of Internal Affairs
Yes I do own a YT channel and no I don't have a gazilion subscribers or views but I may post stuff from time to time My YT account
Hell I didn't even finish all my schooling. Made my boys finish and do all theirs.
Work History:
Ran a Bar on Erie, started after I dropped out of schoolin' sweeping and washing, picked up some knowledge and just worked up 'til I owned the place. Sold it and I been trading Erie to Manhatten since. Started with Star-thingy my boy Rysce liked, sold that got an old DSE Camara, traded that for a second hand Gull. We just bought an older model Mammoth so now we're making some money now.
Summary of Biography:
Well I guess I done said most dropped out of proper schoolin', learned business the real way... tried to raise my boys right but I figured if we give them some training out here if they go running off to the war or get dragged into it they'd not piss them selves straight off. Gotta say they dome us proud so fair, why hell they may only be pirates but we done sent 59 o' them bastards to hell already.
Why do you want to join USI?:
The way I figure, if I keep making money and supporting Liberty, maybe they'll think my boys are to useful for draggin' off to 'real' combat. That said I know both Morgan and Rysce especially would work Security and I'd be more'n happy to finance their initial fighters. Ya'll just tell me what to buy them. Hell me and Marla we just be happy to see something other then Erie. That and it's always nice to see friends out here. Until we get some help or experience reckon we'll just keep on this short jump runs.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: Nope and if'n I find out my boys been acting out... well they'd better pray I find out before Ma. Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [x]Department of Trade - Me [x]Department of Security - My boys'll need to earn it but they sure wanna learn [ ]Department of Internal Affairs
//I'm really new to RP and the server (about a week or so), I've been reading but I figure eventually 'learn by doing' works best. Spoke to an [Angel] they suggested you guys to learn and develop with. Even tried to RP with [*USI*]Uhuru[CLO] - So I guess any recruiting bonus heads to them. I have Skype up.... found the link for the recruiting channel and saved that.
IRL - Father of two, usually play WoW live in country South Australia and work in Adelaide.
Thank you for taking your time in the application of Universal Shipping Inc.
I'm here to offer you the job within Department of Trade as a Trainee - [T]
Upon signing the application you hereby are now a recruit on the area of your choice.
Please note 5KYP3, is a MUST have for this corporation to work together at all times.
You are to get involved within the corporation, be active and speak out.
Please note these data links for future use, please add them immediately to further your application.
5KYP3 Protocol Communications:
Please add yourself to the Skype recruitment lounge of Universal Shipping by clicking below and open with Skype
so that we may speak with you about the job opportunity.
Martin Pawlak
Chief Logistics Officer
Universal Shipping, Inc.
Qualifications: Fighter pilot (4 years in border worlds), freighter and transport pilot.
Work History: 4 years as fighter pilot (BOWEX subcontract), 3 years as freighter pilot (BMM subcontract), 2 years as supertransort (Crane) pilot (DSE subcontract).
Summary of Biography: I was born on planer Denver, Colorado. When i was 9 years old, my family moved to Bretonia space for 15-years contract with BMM. After graduation in Bretonia (Transport and Technical Service) i began to work independently. When my contracts with BOWEX and BMM were complited, i decided to go back home, to Liberty. I've done myself well here, but now i want to be a part of something bigger. And i ready to make my part of work.
Why do you want to join USI?: Working as independent pilot is not the safest and most profitable way to survive nowadays. So USI seems like the most reliable choice.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: Single arrest for fight in a bar.
Which Department(s) do you wish to join ?: [X]Department of Trade [X]Department of Security
Thank you for taking your time in the application of Universal Shipping Inc.
I'm here to offer you the job within Department of Trade as a Trainee - [T]
Upon signing the application you hereby are now a recruit on the area of your choice.
Please note 5KYP3, is a MUST have for this corporation to work together at all times.
You are to get involved within the corporation, be active and speak out.
Please note these data links for future use, please add them immediately to further your application.
5KYP3 Protocol Communications:
Please add yourself to the Skype recruitment lounge of Universal Shipping by clicking below and open with Skype
so that we may speak with you about the job opportunity.
Summary of Biography: He Was a kid no diffrent to any other kid but he had a dream a dream bigger than any other Dream bigger that a Siege Cruisers Front end Bigger than Manhattan that was to explore space with USI he allways looked up to USI he used to watch them in the Sky he allways used to meet that Pilots That kid is me and I want to join USI and Finish my Dream Finish my Life Thank you for Listening.... (Link or written here)
Why do you want to join USI?:To get Experiance in and to Help USI grow (Enter reason)
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: (Say if you have or have not - if yes, say why) NO
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [ ]Department of Trade [X]Department of Security [ ]Department of Internal Affairs