a pleasure so many people want to visit our famous bar. You and your mates are welcome and all your ships are granted docking rights. All provided information is valid and sufficient. Happy trading, happy drinking and also much fun with our waitress girls.
I would like to apply for Docking access to your base
*Uploading Files*
Name: Michael Anderson
Ship-Name: Massive.Profits
Faction: Interspace
Purpose: Making Money
BMF Base-Name: Fortitudine
Do you want to visit Fortitudine's "Tea & Pee Bar"? Why or why not?: Yes i would like to attend your fine bar.
Name: Shalo Senun
ship name: Osnof Senun
Faction: BMF
purpose:Supplying the BMF and all traders in need while making a profit
Do you want to visit Fortitudine's "Tea & Pee Bar"? Why or why not?:
I enjoy a good and tasty tea in a good bar
pushing your message nearly got your request denied, as we have really much work and your request had to be discussed with my associates.
In the end, you wanting to visit our famous bar was the crucial factor to grant you docking rights sir.
Hello Mr. Senun,
hm, I believe you applied for a mining job? So, docking rights granted and we will see what is going to happen.
Good Day My Lord,
Let me introduce myself, I am Flint, a Freelancer from Leeds. Since the occupation I have been using my Voyager to take supplies in and Causalities / Refugees out. I have noticed your base in the vicinity and would request the opportunity to dock for rest and repairs as needed. I am also open to running a few supplies for you from time to time for this privilege.
Thank you for your consideration.
•Name:" JJ_Flint "
•Ship-Name: Kristi's Folly
•Faction: Freelancer
•Purpose: To rest and repair while doing my patriotic duty.
•BMF Base-Name: Fortitudine
•Do you want to visit Fortitudine's "Tea & Pee Bar"? Why or why not?: Sounds like a good place to clean up and eat and be merry as time permits.
(07-19-2014, 07:48 AM)monsterlancer Wrote: Good Day My Lord,
Let me introduce myself, I am Flint, a Freelancer from Leeds. Since the occupation I have been using my Voyager to take supplies in and Causalities / Refugees out. I have noticed your base in the vicinity and would request the opportunity to dock for rest and repairs as needed. I am also open to running a few supplies for you from time to time for this privilege.
Thank you for your consideration.
•Name:" JJ_Flint "
•Ship-Name: Kristi's Folly
•Faction: Freelancer
•Purpose: To rest and repair while doing my patriotic duty.
•BMF Base-Name: Fortitudine
•Do you want to visit Fortitudine's "Tea & Pee Bar"? Why or why not?: Sounds like a good place to clean up and eat and be merry as time permits.
Hello JJ_Flint,
thank you for your interrest to dock at Fortitudine. Of course dockign rights will be granted for repairs, rest and visiting our bar.
May you please check your shipname "Kristi's Folly" again? It seems that vessels with space-character in the name are not allowed.
I'd like to apply for docking permission, in short.
Name: Fiona Fairfield
Ship Name: Ageira)Bletchley.Park
Faction: Ageira Technologies
Purpose: Hydrocarbons, especially in their raw state, are vital base materials for many of the industrial processes used by Ageira in our state-of-the-art production lines.
BMF Base-Name: Fortitudine
Do you want to visit Fortitudine's "Tea & Pee Bar"? Why or why not?: If I have any spare time while collecting a shipment, I'd be delighted to pay your bar a visit.
a pleasure that an employee of Ageira, one of Liberty's "Big Three", is in need of our product for their industrial processes.
I hope we can be able to statisfy your demands.
Docking granted madam and have fun in our bar.
Greetings, I am Mr George Cavendish.
I believe I've already spoken to one of your employees in space, although their name escapes me. They said that if I'm interested in the purchase of some Raw Hydrocarbons that this is the place to go, thus why I'm here and asking for docking permission.
Here is the requested information that you wanted:
Name:George Cavendish Shipname:BroadSword.T3 Faction:Freelancer Purpose: To trade in raw hydrocarbons and for a place to rest during my travels. BMF Base-Name: Fortitude Do you want to visit Fortitudine's "Tea & Pee Bar"? Why or why not?: Well I'm more of a coffee person, but if I happen to be passing by I suppose I could stop off and try some of the tea. Apparently it's some of the best Bretonia has to offer.