Since there seem to be some confusion, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce my humble self and my ship, the Tachikaze.
With the war dragging on, the Emperors Navy has understandably grown. At the same time, police officers have been transferred into military service, and the State Police has a great number of fighter pilots on extended loans to the Imperial Navy. With this development, and with the increasing boldness of the pirates and terrorists on our borders, the Sate Police has procured a number of Gunboats to make the most of it's limited manpower.
The Tachikaze and my crew are tasked with internal security, protection of internal infrastructure, and enforcement of the Imperial law, and will of course be available to assist the KNF within Kusari borders whenever possible.
I have a question though - is it KNF policy to allow unescorted GMG traders to move south towards Bretonia with Optronics, claiming to haul them for Freeport-6? The Zoners have no need for Optronics, that's for certain. I would have thought that hauling military or shipbuilding supplies on that route would only be allowed if escorted by the KNF, but I had no desire to disagree with a KNF officer in front of the GMG.
Taisha Hara out
---Message ends---
I wanted to create a char that filled some purpose (there are a lot of zoners around...) so I asked an Angel what lawful faction lacked PC:s, and was given the advice that KSP has little to none representation.
And so it is. No player faction, and I've seen none during my trade runs from and to Honshu.
Now, there is at least one.
About the choice of a gunboat - I am alone. All alone. And the bad guys come in packs, heaps (and stacks?).
Also, the KSP ID allows for ships up to and including battleships, so no problem there.
As for zone of operations, as far as Sigma-13/Shikoku/Tau-29 (NPC:s and missions there). To the north, I'm open to suggestions.
A description of Kusari law as viewed by KNF would be good, to avoid discrepancies.
Also, is the KNF list of unwanted individuals available in condensed form?
John Johnson - Master of Synth.Foods-Convoy|049
Hans Adler - Synth Foods escort wing
Comm ID: Gunner Gunsmith Owner of The Luxury Liner Gunstop Currently docked with Roppongi Station
***Message*** Title: Licensing to Operate within Kusari Space
(In Character)
Konnichiwa "Bows" To all within The K.N.F.H.C. & Residents of Kusari. My Name is Gunner Gunsmith a Salesman of sorts.My Vessel Gunstop is a luxury liner that is converted into a shop that houses weapons,shields,engines & the occasional armor,all of life's necessities of space travel.One of my intentions for heading into kusari space and setting up shop is to help all the traders who have a lack of equipment,such equipment that could save their lives when the time comes that they encounter the raw opposite.Most of the Equipment & other Assorted Items that I own & stocked are shipped to me via paid Freelancers & Zoners and the occasional personal investment.I dont do business with those of an unlawful or hostile state.My intention is to provide technology to those who need it which includes any & all KNF,Civilians,Freelancers Etc. The Legals & Friendlies.We are still getting everything together and performing various refits to this vessel including the communications array and data storage devices "they have been a bit flimsy lately".I Would also like to become more friendly with everyone inside Kusari and if possible come to an agreement upon my authorization to operate a shop within Kusari Space.Also if possible.. a Descriptive Documentation of Kusari law could be relayed to me so that I may have a better understanding how you all work & not become a burden if I am allowed to stay...
'Gunner Gunsmith Out"
My reasons for coming here to New Tokyo & other neighboring Kusari Systems is to open shop due to the fact that New York is too clogged with stores :S and it could make the server all screwy with so many.I have also noticed that 75% of all the traders & a few freelancers that pass by in Kusari don't have the necessary equipment to see what trouble lyes ahead.I offer them and all the other lawfuls mostly discounted [but still profitable] items,another reason is to be the first to open up shop within Kusari seeing as there is no one [however if I am wrong on this plz tell me lol] who has an armory positioned there....The more people that need something if you go there and you'll make some cash,sales in New York wasn't going so well as it was so I had to move to another location & Kusari seemed like a nice spot.Basicly i want to offer Kusari with something it doesnt Armory.
Sender: CEO of Synth Foods, Inc. headquarters in New London system, Planet New London
Destination: Kusari Naval Forces High Command on Battleship Sado, Hiroshima system
Subject: Trade route
Synth Foods, Incorporated are interested in Optronics trade of Honshu and further information on embargo against Bretonia is needed. Synth Foods would like to purchase your Optronics and deliver it to all three of our departments including Planet Stuttgart, department of Rheinland, Planet New York, department of Liberty and Planet New London, department of Bretonia.
Information regarding embargo against Bretonia is required. Synth Foods, Inc. would like to use Honshu Optronics and would deliver it to Planet New London for Synth Foods personnel use only and keep the traffiking of the goods strictly to avoid any leak of Optronics contribution. Do understand that such runs are occasional, but such logistics are needed to supply our departments with software and computer power.
Synth Foods Convoy 313 has delivered first of such loads under protection of KNF Katana wing bomber pilot. The pilot had no orders from KNF High Command about such trade route, therefore directed me here and accepted to escort us on It is said that the run went smoothly and I am already using one of Honshu Optronics product to transmit this message.
Quote:Trade route agreement
Trade route of Honshu Optronics to Planet New London is allowed with condition of monitoring its contribution which is strictly for Synth Foods, Inc. use only.
Signature of Synth Foods, Inc. CEO: Graham Knight
Signature of KNF High Command:
May both of us profit from this agreement.
Graham Knight, CEO of Synth Foods, Inc. Bretonia department, New London establishment
Comm ID: Order Battleship Lorenzomus.
To: Kusari Naval Forces High Command
Subject: Requesting License to pass through Kusari space.
This is Order Battleship Lorenzomus speaking, i am requesting a license to pass through Kusari Space.
The reason is because i'll probally have to pass Kusari space in the very near Future alot, even at the moment. I'll promise letting me pass through Kusari Space will not have bad intentions. I will even help Traders if they're getting taxed/attacked by Pirates.
...From: Adm. Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Taisha Tameichi Hara, Kusari State Police officer
Konnichiwa Taisha Tameichi Hara,
your efforts to keep Kusari space safe are welcome.
[KSP] activity would be also welcome.
A description of Kusari law can be found in the Sirius Legal Codex and in our join edict.
I invite you to submit an application to KNF Delta comms to receive a special "allied" access passcode to be aware of KNF operations and to improve cooperation.
Dear sir,
Upon patrolling the New Tokyo sector last night, Lane Security operatives Bravo, Charlie, and Echo were hailed by a member of the AFA. This gentleman raised concerns about my patrol squadron in Kusari space and upon investigating, I was shocked to learn that our CEO had not addressed you or the military commanders of the other Houses regarding our patrols and our primary objectives and operating procedure. On behalf of the Lane Security division, I sincerely apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Our current CEO is presently unavailable and I have complete control over the Lane Security Division until his return. Until I can meet with you regarding this matter, I have suspended all patrols in House Kusari and all pilots currently occupying Kusari space are ordered to return to the corporate HQ on Pueblo for new assignments.
I respectfully request an audience with you at a location of your choice so that we may discuss our operating procedure as a whole and perhaps gain your permission to assist in keeping your lanes clean and running smooth.
Your fast reply is greatly appreciated sir, I look foward to hearing from you.
-Lane Security XO 003 out.
(//Apologies, I posted this in your KNF action report the other day, now moved here)
You ask me why Im weary, why I cant speak to you.
You blame me for my silence, say Its time I changed and grew.
But the war's still going on dear, and theres no end that I know...
And I cant say if were ever...
I cant say if were ever gonna be free.
...From: Adm. Sulu, KNF High Command
...Subject: Ageira Lane Security
This wan not an hard decision, all voices of the Imperial Council are of the same opinion.
In first place approving a request like this would implicate that Kusari is not capable of patrolling its core systems with own forces, dishonoring our proud house.
It is not a good start.
Fully operational Ageira Lane Security vessels were already spotted in Kusari space before the request take place.
Trade Lanes in Kusari space are property of Kusari State and does not belong to Ageira, which can not claim any rights.
Request by Ageira to patrol Trade Lanes in Kusari space is hereby denied.
The KNF and the KSP will keep our home safe and ensure Trade Lanes functionality.
Any Ageira vessel found in Kusari space attempting to inspect nearby ships and claiming any kind of rights are to be escorted out of Kusari space and encouraged not to come back.
...From: Adm. Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Order Battleship Lorenzomus
...Subject: Request to enter Kusari space
The Imperial Council does not see any reason for an Order Battleship to enter Kusari space.
A ship of given streight and meanings have raised many doubts between KNF, KSP and also AFA.
Request to enter Kusari space is, with this message, denied.
If this battleship is found again in Kusari space is to be escorted out by the nearest exit gate.
Repetitive violations will result in hostile classification of the target.