Origins -
The Predators are a small gang of Xeno's led by the to-date unknown Jimmy Predsman, also known as Apex Predator. The story starts with this man and a habit of his.
Jimmy was a deep cover Xeno asset on Planet Houston, covertly stirring up unrest and coordinating Xeno sympathizers. He was to live the life of a law abiding Liberty citizen and kept up this appearance for many years while supporting the Xeno cause, until an old habit changed everything.
You see, Jimmy was addicted to buying lottery tickets. He would sometimes squander up to half of his modest factory worker paycheck on them. Some might even go as far to say as he had a gambling problem.
Almost overnight, this man became quite possibly the richest Xeno alive - winning the "Big Cash Money Wad Jackpot" - a lottery pool that had jackpotted for 43 consecutive weeks - worth a whopping 1.24 billion credits.
Worried about claiming his prize, but knowing the sum would help those in need on Xeno stations throughout Liberty, Jimmy took the risk, hoping his cover would check out. A clerical error in his favor - accidentally checking the record of one James Predman living in the same housing facility - revealed a clean slate and a heavily reduced sum of 794 million credits (after Liberty's huge taxes were paid) were made available to a man who was once one of the poorest citizens in Liberty.
Quickly he used the funds, turning them into ships and equipment with which to strike at those that would see Liberty's resources plundered and sold to the highest bidder. He began assembling a gang of crack pilots, taking his new found wealth and distributing it amongst the most needy of those he lived for, while retaining enough to fund his strike team for the foreseeable future. He began to use his distinctive mask not only to protect his relatives but as a symbol of retaliation against anyone that would take from the true children of Liberty.
Base of Operations -
XP|Predator.Control - Hijacked Passenger Liner (mobile)
Crew - 100
Total Population - 192
Cargo capacity - 3000 units (dryweight)
- Converted hangar and repair bay capable of docking multiple fighters or bombers.
- Accommodation and living quarters for up to 500 people.
- Bar and entertainment facilities.
- Triage and basic medical facilities.
The XP|Predator.Control is a refurbished passenger liner that was hijacked during an attempt on a pro-foreign-investment Liberty politician's life. The Liner was eventually used as extra living space as nobody had the capital to re-equip the vessel. When Jimmy invested heavily into it, it was armed and retrofitted to overpower other transports, forcing them to relinquish their cargo. With the addition of the docking bays, the Predators have turned this unassuming ship into a raiding platform.
Motivations -
Jimmy's friends are well funded with late model civilian fighters and bombers. He aims to completely cease the export of Liberty's goods with these, targeting in particular those moving ore and other raw resources, but often make demands for commodities or information of anyone they happen across. They will often try to have the goods dumped or transported to the nearest Xeno base rather than see them leave Liberty's borders.
Recruitment -
Jimmy usually picks his pilots in the field and likes to boast the high quality of his gang but sometimes people seek him out and apply here. Recruits are encouraged to use late-model equipment, and the Predators often sponsor this gear to the member. Raven's Talon and Waran are the preferred ships, but pilots may fly any vessel or technology available on the civilian market if they prove they are adept with it.
Diplomacy -
This is pretty easy for Xenos
Allied - XA- Xeno Alliance
Friendly - Hellfire Legion
Neutral - Zoners, Order, IMG, USI/Universal
Unfriendly - Coalition.
Hostile - Everyone Else
The Xeno Predators will do their best to uphold previous agreements made between parties and the XA- and will cooperate with them where possible.
Anyways, this is a pretty hackneyed question, but how does this faction differentiate from XA|?
Feedback here is fine. It probably doesn't differ all that much from the XA goals. The emphasis on this group is to stop exports. This idea is the product of this thread. It's time Junkers got a shakedown.
Xeno ID doesn't specifically include being able to demand credits, just cargo. I am of the opinion it should include credits, but for whatever reasons, it doesn't.
I stand corrected on the demanding credits thing. I will edit that out as it probably makes sense that this particular group wouldn't demand credits anyways due to their background.
This is a more casual, in-the-action type faction idea as I'm moving away from my more serious alien RP. I'm hoping that this will ultimately be alot more fun. Please note also that this is not completed yet, but there's probably enough content there for you to get an idea of what this will be about, providing the Admins with a great new flavor - Junker Tears.
Anyways, this is a pretty hackneyed question, but how does this faction differentiate from XA|?
Feedback here is fine. It probably doesn't differ all that much from the XA goals. The emphasis on this group is to stop exports. This idea is the product of this thread. It's time Junkers got a shakedown.
You do realize the Junkers are the most shakendown faction on the server. Junkers get hassled all the time from lawfuls and unlawfuls so you saying "it's time" shows you don't know what's going on in this server. There are groups specifically devoted to hassling junkers so making another one shows little initiative or originality.
Anyways, this is a pretty hackneyed question, but how does this faction differentiate from XA|?
Feedback here is fine. It probably doesn't differ all that much from the XA goals. The emphasis on this group is to stop exports. This idea is the product of this thread. It's time Junkers got a shakedown.
You do realize the Junkers are the most shakendown faction on the server. Junkers get hassled all the time from lawfuls and unlawfuls so you saying "it's time" shows you don't know what's going on in this server. There are groups specifically devoted to hassling junkers so making another one shows little initiative or originality.
I don't see the problem. I find that I lack enemies in Liberty for my Junker to shoot at. So the more Xenos the merrier.
Anyways, this is a pretty hackneyed question, but how does this faction differentiate from XA|?
Feedback here is fine. It probably doesn't differ all that much from the XA goals. The emphasis on this group is to stop exports. This idea is the product of this thread. It's time Junkers got a shakedown.
You do realize the Junkers are the most shakendown faction on the server. Junkers get hassled all the time from lawfuls and unlawfuls so you saying "it's time" shows you don't know what's going on in this server. There are groups specifically devoted to hassling junkers so making another one shows little initiative or originality.
You are entitiled to your opinion. But the facts just don't stack up against what you have said. If Junkers are the most "shaken down" faction on the server, why do their main faction have almost 3 times more activity than any other faction? That's not even taking into account JM| or indys. If its so bad for Junkers like you say, surely there would be less activity.
They may well be more incidents of Junkers being targetted, but I think that is more to do with the disproportionate number of Junker players hence more incidents for them.
(09-04-2014, 10:13 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I don't see the problem. I find that I lack enemies in Liberty for my Junker to shoot at. So the more Xenos the merrier.
Also, this. It's going to cut both ways. Junkers will get more open targets. You think its hard being a Junker? Try being a Xeno.