Let's say the pirate is a gunboat. He's got 400 cargo space. The trader loses engine components he bought for 1000. The trader is out 400,000 credits - far less than the 2 mil pirates usually ask for. On the other hand, if the pirate makes it back to base and can sell those engine components for 3,000, he ends up with 1.2 mil - a bit light on the pirate's end. Some price adjustments would need to be made all around, but you get the idea. Worst case scenario, the pirate brought a buddy flying a Ptrain, and he's out almost the whole shipment - 5 mil if the trader is a 5k. But wouldn't that be comparable to what 2 pirates would ask for now?
Now, yes, the trader would be out more money if he were carrying a more valuable cargo like ore. But that's the risk you take - if a pirate today sees you hauling ore, he's not going to ask for just 2 mil, is he?
You could also implement a mechanic where a ship can't dump its entire cargo instantly. A big transport like that probably would not be able to do that - it would need to dump it out over time. Time that the trader can use to call for help.
As for the pirate needing the trader alive, well, that's the difference between a pirate and a terrorist. A pirate (for the most part - again, there's room for variation based on ID) cares about the $. The current rules about pirates needing to make demands would still apply.
He's not a gunboat, he's a 3K transport with a cau and 2.0 heavy damage guns.
the trader dies horribly, pirate gets more credits than he could ever ask for.
alternatively, traders leaves the scene alive with a half-empty transport, putting him in the dilemma if he should go back to his point of origin or carry on and cash in a more humble profit. I'd hate that situation if i was trading.
(09-07-2014, 10:45 AM)Mímir Wrote: He's not a gunboat, he's a 3K transport with a cau and 2.0 heavy damage guns.
the trader dies horribly, pirate gets more credits than he could ever ask for.
alternatively, traders leaves the scene alive with a half-empty transport, putting him in the dilemma if he should go back to his point of origin or carry on and cash in a more humble profit. I'd hate that situation if i was trading.
seriously, 2milordai is a sweet deal for traders.
Gee, transport vs transport? It sounds like the trader should slap some armor on and fight back. Or, if he picked a transport with only one gun on it.. hire escorts or deal with the consequences. If the ptrans is winning too easily against other heavily armed/battle transports, nerf it. Or take its CD launcher off so pirates can't use that ship for piracy. Or use ID restrictions to determine which IDs can use which ships for piracy.
Well... as long as the pirates then dont change names to get of without any bounty...
I know the pro and contra for money piracy and cargo piracy. And as a trader I prefer to give cash.
As a Player I accept cargo piracy. And I hope I will never need to balance it...