After his rather silent arrival, Jinpachi sat in the one of thechairs left, watching people. As far as he thought, he was in no mood for dance. Even though, it would be more shyness than actual lack of proper mood. Or something else that he was hiding all the time.
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Doc would keep playing. Old ragtime pieces, classic rock number and some classic piano from the likes of Chopin and Mozart. He was tired going into the gig and with a few drinks and spent energy, he was more so now. But as he headed into his last number, a closing piece, he paused and spoke loud enough for all to hear even if he was speaking to his now gone friend, Malaclypse. He missed him dearly.
"For my old friend, Mal. I do hope Eris is looking after you," he said with a bit of a choke before playing his final number of the evening. Who Wants To Live Forever
A rather unkempt visage entered the establishment. The mans eyes scanned over the room for a brisk moment noting the few faces he did recognize, though his attention was mostly on Doc Holliday, his emerald colored eyes lingered for a time on Doreen as well, his hand rubbed at his beard for a time in thought. When Doc Holliday had finished his number the seemingly unknown man made his way toward Doc, while others might give applause the man would try abduct his attention offering his hand toward Doc for a handshake. "Nicely played Doc, I have to say, its Interesting to meet together again." a small but noticeable knowing smile was present on the mans features.
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While Doc was running on some adrenaline after his long set, he was for the most part exhausted. He raised a finger to Doreen as if to say "I'll be a few minutes." Some other patrons exchanged hand shakes of approval as well. That's when he took the hand of the visage.
"Thank you," he said in response to the man's compliment. That's when he paused a moment, still maintaining the handshake. He couldn't place the face for some reason. The visage had the upper hand. "You will have to forgive me, Sir, but, I can't seem to remember where we last met. Perhaps we can re-acquaint over a drink?"
The man was quick with a smile, his features lit up in a completely friendly manner it was apparent that who ever this was he was entirely familiar with the man enough that he even moved to embrace him rather abruptly. in truth how ever a few words were whispered to Doc in that fleeting moment before he receded placing his hands on Doc's shoulders.
"Maybe we could, the years haven't been kind it seems a small bout of amnesia! but it seems you have some colleges." His gazed leeched some of its vibrace as his eyes turned to Doreen for a time before once again fixing on Doc.
"Perhaps when there isn't so many to occupy your attention we will have that drink, I am only passing through, I thought it might be best to just pop in for a small hello." His hand gave a single pat to his shoulder the other hand to slip him a bit of paper, without giving Doc much time to reply or even stop him, the man turned and headed for the door way and left.
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Doc read it then gave a horrified look at him. He took a few steps but realized that he was gone and that chasing was pointless.
"Who are you?" he asked out loud to himself. He just stared before a soft but friendly voice broke it up, her hand on his shoulder. It was Doreen, asking if he was OK.
"Yes, but....." It was obvious that he was shaken.
She embraced her teacher, her mentor, John Holliday. It had been awhile since they had seen each other and she was very happy to have him around, even if it was for a day or two. She looked at him with a doctor's concern. He was tired and even if he wouldn't admit it, slightly depressed. She motioned him to a table.
"It's good to see you again," she said with a smile, "but I'm worried. You don't look....healthy." He tried to answer but she cut him off, "John Henry Holliday, YOU were the one who taught me how to be this way so deal with it. Now are you going to get some rest or need I give you something to make you sleep?"
"I need food," was his answer. With that, Doreen called for menus and they sat over an appetizer of nachos.
Fynn waited a little , watching the two greet each other, and enjoyed the tone Doreen struck towards her mentor greatly.
He went up to their Table and greeted their new guest himself only after they had seated and picked a menue.
Well met, Mr. Holliday. And a thousand thanks for that concerto. I hope that I will lure you here again if I tell you that the instrument is here to stay, and we will take good care of it. But it seems that the men from the shop in Curacao where I found it did a good job of placing it ? Feel free to criticize or suggest changes.
He smiled and nodded at Doreen.
I will leave you two to yourselves, but if you wish you can always call me or find me at my office.
Doreen, do not hesitate to ask for anything you both may need, ok ? And Doc Holliday...
He turned to the famous Doctor again , outstreching an offered hand.
Be welcome at the Haven, Sir. We owe you a lot and are happy to have you here.
Stay as long as you like, you are our guest. We can offer you the same economic living quaters we all use here on board the station, or we can issue you a comfortable suite down planetside, as you prefer.
We will have some interesting guests tomorrow, some officials from the bretonian Merchant Navy are coming to take a close look at our refugee program in the evening, and I do invite you to join us if you are interested.
Or rest and visite the area we are currently surveying down on Houston ?
Whatever you wish, please feel free to ask about it. We are honoured to have you here.
As Sturm walked in the cantina, Olsen greeted him, "Hey Sturm, haven't seen you for a while, we have you been?"
"Hi Olsen, had some personal business to attend to, had to be done right away. Have you seen Fynn? Needed to talk to him about something."
"Have you checked his office?"
"Nope, went straight to the cantina when I arrived. I was hpoing to catch him here, I always preferred talking to him over a nice glass of beer."
"Amen to that" said Olsen.
"Anyway, I'm at my usual spot. If you see him get in, just let him know I'm back"
A man of Kusari origins has found his way to the cantina. Sporting a red dress shirt under his suit, he is definitely flying the colors of the group that dropped him there. Seeking out a table, he finds his way to an unobtrusive location, fully aware of the odd looks he is getting from the locals. Setting down a bag, he takes out a communication device and signals that he has arrived safely in his native tongue.
He remains seated, watching the room to see what the locals are drinking, and how they conduct themselves.