-:Incoming Transmission:-
-:Sender ID: Jason McMillan:-
-:Subject: The conversation we had.:-
-:Encryption: Eris would be jealous:-
Hello Rex and the popes who are reading this.
First of all, Rex. You send a message that was highly encrypted to my ship. You said that all the factions, or basically all of them where on your throat so to say, due to some very... ehh... dangerous so to say.. cargo you were carrying. You also asked of my if the TAZ might be willing to assist you with this specific matter. This is why i have also directed this message to the TAZ leadership. I do have a few questions to you about this cargo, as you stated it was Nomadic in nature.
If you could answer these i would be able to help you depending on your answers, and if the TAZ Leadership will allow me, or rather us, to help you.
1- What exactly are the contents of this cargo you mentioned?
2- Due to the fact that the Cargo is Nomadic in nature, can you at least guarantee us that the risk of infestation is brought down to the bare minimum?
I will await your answer.
The following is only visible to TAZ leadership.
I have here for you a exact copy of the conversation between me and Rex. I hope you find this to be usefull.
[21.11.2014 14:47:29] [?]Transport8: -Incoming Transmission-
[21.11.2014 14:47:37] [?]Transport8: -Subject: TAZ Prometheus
[21.11.2014 14:47:42] [?]Transport8: -Encyrption:High-
[21.11.2014 14:47:56] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: Oh my, this is interesting. Open the message.
[21.11.2014 14:47:57] [?]Transport8: Rex:This is Rex Johansen from Etherium Hauler Transport8, I am in help
[21.11.2014 14:48:12] [?]Transport8: Rex:I am hauling some nomadic cargo and I need to get rid of it for a good price
[21.11.2014 14:48:26] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: In help of what exactly... oh dear, nomadic materials?
[21.11.2014 14:48:29] [?]Transport8: Rex:I am not on freindly terms with Order, Nomads are hostile and Core have decided to make me a fugative
[21.11.2014 14:48:48] [?]Transport8: Rex:I was made evicted from my home in Omicron-Lost when Colonials came with a Capital Fleet
[21.11.2014 14:48:53] [?]Transport8: Rex:Wanting there depot back
[21.11.2014 14:48:54] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: Well, the Order are not exactly on great pars with us these days.
[21.11.2014 14:49:03] [?]Transport8: Rex:We are a small group of miners and haulers looking for a Safe Heaven
[21.11.2014 14:49:17] [?]Transport8: Rex:Are you able to help us.
[21.11.2014 14:49:21] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: I see.
[21.11.2014 14:49:24] [?]Transport8: Rex: We are Iridium Miners and Haulers mostly.
[21.11.2014 14:49:52] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: I myself am one of the lower popes in the organization. Ehh....
[21.11.2014 14:50:18] [?]Transport8: Rex:Right, so who will I need to contact about this situation
[21.11.2014 14:50:39] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: You might wish to try pope Skarsi.
[21.11.2014 14:51:13] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: And there is one who has recently returned, but i quite forgot his name.. funny eh, how things like that can happen/
[21.11.2014 14:51:33] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: But i think Skarsi Wyrdmake is your best bet for now.
[21.11.2014 14:51:46] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: Him, or Mad John Rackham.
[21.11.2014 14:52:02] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: I wished i could say Doc Holliday, but he is no longer with us.
[21.11.2014 14:52:28] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: Does that answer help you?
[21.11.2014 14:53:19] [?]Transport8: Rex:Thank you,hopefully you people will be able to help us
[21.11.2014 14:53:50] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: I hope so too. *He smiles* If you want, you can first send a message to me on the Neural Net. I will then involve one -
[21.11.2014 14:53:57] [TAZ]Prometheus: of the higher ranking members.
[21.11.2014 14:54:06] [?]Transport8: Rex:Who am I speaking with?
[21.11.2014 14:54:16] [TAZ]Prometheus: Jason: Jason McMillan
All the best to ya,
Jason McMillan
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
"Loki, sets his transmission to Very High security, only coded to TAZ Jason McMillan and TAZ Leadership "
Greetings TAZ, it was nice to speak with you earlier on. Rex Johansen just here.
The cargo of the nomadic culture is infact very valuable and can attract Nomads near by or to follow you.
What I have is actaully in fact
11 units of Liquid Cardamine
1 Nomad Power Cell
Some Nomad Remains inboard my Serenity. Also knows as [?]Transport8
There is no risk of infestion with this cargo as far as I am aware, we have had this cargo in our bay for a little longer than a few months. It was just after our eviction of Object Unknown in Omicron Lost, we got hold of this cargo.
I hope you will be interested in helping us with this Nomadic cargo, but also help us in the near future.
-:Incoming Transmission:-
-:Sender ID: Jason McMillan:-
-:Subject: The conversation we had.:-
-:Encryption: Eris would be jealous:-
Hello Rex and the popes who are reading this.
Those contents to me look quite dangerous. But you claim to have been in their near proxomity for a few months now.
Nevertheless i cannot take any risks on my own with these kinds of contents. While i understand your need for help from us, it isnt up to me to allow you that kind of permission. Im afraid that this is is quite above me, and that you will have to wait for a higher-up to respond.
I wish you good luck, and that you stay safe for now. Its all i can do for now.
All the best to ya,
Jason McMillan
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
"Loki, sets his transmission to Very High security, only coded to TAZ Jason McMillan and TAZ Leadership "
I understand that this is a high ranking matter. I thank you for what you have done, and spoke to your higher ranking officers about my situation, with what you have done I thank you.
Hopefully your people will be able to help me, I know this stuff has a very bad radiation to it as it has ripped the instead of my cargo bay apart once already, but it needs to be gone and with the CORE declaring me as a Fugative and the Order seeing me as a hostile, I am in a situation where I need help from people that are neutral and will be able to help us.
I just need this cargo gone before I am shot down and destroyed. I hope you understand.
Oh no hehe we won't bring that to Baffin. We've got enough trouble as it is! Sorry! Pope McMillan, take care of this if you want to, but fly under the Order's radar please.
-:Incoming Transmission:-
-:Sender ID: Jason McMillan:-
-:Subject: The conversation we had.:-
-:Encryption: Eris would be jealous:-
Hello Rex.
As per the agreement we have reached by further contact in space through encrypted communications, we have come to the following agreement:
- You will deliver said materials to Heisenberg Research Station in Koeln
- On this station, you will meet 2 of my most trusted friends who have retired from the IMG when i left it due to personal reasons. They are called Mark Taylor and Jack Johnson. They are specialized in cleaning up 'sensitive materials'.
- You can trust these people, as i also do this, with my life.
- They will help you destroy the remains and the other hazardous materials you currently have on you.
- If these contents have been demolished, we can discuss the possible future of the relations between our 2 groups. This will again require command, but untill then, its just us.
- Do not get cought by the Order, BHG or any other organization that wants nomads. If you do get cought, never mention us or the contact you had with us.
I really hope that you will stay safe with this endevour.
All the best to ya,
Jason McMillan
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
Senders: Mark Taylor and Jack Johnson
Subject: The Cleanup
Encryption: Unbreachable
Greetings there Rex,
I heard from my good old friend Jason that you needed help with cleaning up some 'very sensitive materials'. We might be able to help you with this. Since we owe our lad Jason there a favor back from the Tau's, we will do it for free this time.
We have seen the list of the materials you haul, and will be very discreet about it. The same restrictions put on you by Jason also count for us. Do not ever tell the Order or anything which shares the same goals with the nomads about our contact.
We will be expecting you soon.
Sincere greeting,
Mark Taylor
Jack Johnson
'Sensitive Materials Cleanup Inc.'
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
"Loki, sets his transmission to Very High security, only coded to TAZ Jason McMillan and TAZ Leadership "
I agree to these terms.
- You will deliver said materials to Heisenberg Research Station in Koeln
- On this station, you will meet 2 of my most trusted friends who have retired from the IMG when i left it due to personal reasons. They are called Mark Taylor and Jack Johnson. They are specialized in cleaning up 'sensitive materials'.
- You can trust these people, as i also do this, with my life.
- They will help you destroy the remains and the other hazardous materials you currently have on you.
- If these contents have been demolished, we can discuss the possible future of the relations between our 2 groups. This will again require command, but untill then, its just us.
- Do not get cought by the Order, BHG or any other organization that wants nomads. If you do get cought, never mention us or the contact you had with us.
As you may be aware from our ship communications, I am a big target within Omicron space at this moment in time. So if I do not make it to Koeln, I would like to say a big thank you to you and your people for the help and support you have recently given us with this Nomadic Cargo, and disposing of it.
I will send you a transmission when we reach Koeln, and have the Nomadic Cargo Destroyed.
"Loki, sets his transmission to Very High security, only coded to Mark Taylor, Jason Johson, TAZ McMillian and TAZ Leadership"
Greetings boys,
My name is Rex Johansen, a Iridium Transporter. I am glad TAZ McMillian has got intouch with you and you are able to help me destroy this Nomadic Cargo in my cargo bay. It is very helpful.
We are on our way to Koeln, to the Research Station you are on right now with the Nomadic Materials, when we get to you, I must transmit back to TAZ McMillian and tell him how things have got on.
I agree to your terms of not involving you with any encounters with Order or Core. We as a group do not speak of diplomacy from other groups. So what we talk about is strictly between us and no one else, unless you open the encryption code.
Our ETA to your location will be 70 hours from now. We will see you soon if this encounters die down.
Senders: Mark Taylor and Jack Johnson
Subject: The Cleanup
Encryption: Unbreachable
Greetings there Rex,
Your ETA has been confirmed, and we will make sure nobody will hold you up from station security. It is good to hear you are taking every meassure to avoid conflict with these specific groups.
We will be expecting you soon, and please send us a message once you have arrived so we can extract the cargo from your vessel.
Sincere greeting,
Mark Taylor
Jack Johnson
'Sensitive Materials Cleanup Inc.'
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.