Can you please, please flesh out what is so bad about this activity?
And please, don't get started about "the other side of the encounter". I like you, Lyth, I hope you know that. I think you contribute a lot, but you and I both know that you do a whole lot of lolwutty stuff. I've been mercilessly ganked by your scylla squad in my lone LABC back when the liberty pirate skype chat was a thing, I've been in Core where you promoted ganking and really had to do an effort to hold back on that front, I've been jumped by your ridiculous pirate, exposing my junker to cargo piracy in O-80 where you proceeded to sell the stuff in Alpha, blissfully counting on the player behind the ship to be a noob you could take advantage of.
The only difference is that you are a sociable member of the community, you are socially intelligent and know the codes around this place (ie. excellent written English, BB formatting, the benefits to faction membership, the benefits of strategic +1'ing and witty flood posts) so you get away with doing things in-game that are far more douchey to other players than what I have experienced this group, or team RNC for that matter, do. I don't want you punished. Hell, if my English had been worse or my posts angled just a tiny bit more sharply, I would have been banned ages ago.
People just need to get off their high horse.
EDIT: As a testament to the uselessness of popular opinion, take a look at the post previous to this. There's a clear-cut opinion, but an alarming lack of observations and experiences to account for this opinion. That's the norm around here.
(12-24-2014, 01:37 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Honestly if we're going to start treating activity such as this as the acceptable norm we should really pull the plug on the mod. The hell is the point? This is meant to be an RP server, not mindless amusement simulator 2014 with fancy spaceships and the like where people are free to show a complete disregard for the other side of the encounter.
You're showing complete disregard for them. The Point? The Point is exactly what you said it isnt afterward. The point is amusements. The point is not to make some people do everything a few other people want.
(12-24-2014, 01:37 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Also your point is stupid because it's irrelevant what the opinions are of those who have left because guess what? They left! They're not part of the mod or the community anymore, so they're definitely not around to interact with GNG and G, so what they think is irrelevant until they come back and are part of the community once again.
Your Point is stupid because if you want more people to stay and play with you, the opinions of people who leave are just as important.
(12-24-2014, 01:37 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: And honestly we don't need GNG or G or any of these lolwut pirate squads to make activity. In the grand scheme of things they contribute little and are actually more detrimental than anything. People are really fed up with the shenanigans these people pull and are very reluctant to fight them.
I don't need you or any of your contributions or any of your shenanigans. I enjoy fighting people who try to win without complaining much more than people who unload a huge loud of whining and bickering as soon as they appear on radar.
EDIT: @Mimir about social intelligence. Dont call it social intelligence. Lyth is not socially more intelligent than them. He's just more intelligent about discoveryGC. The thought that 2 years of discoveryGC makes you more socially intelligent than the 15 to 30 years of RL that people who start playing here have experienced is mind-boggling stupid. They could learn all the things that youhe could learn, in less than 2 years time. Unfortunately, a lot of people in Disco would rather fool themselves into thinking that they are more socially intelligent, and will drive other people away before they have the time to become disco-intelligent, because the disco-intelligent people are so socially stupid that they are unable to deal with non-disco intellegent people anymore. Sadly, being disco-intelligent has very little to do with being socially intelligent, because Disco is really such an unbelievably stupid and twisted place.
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There's absolutely nothing to contribute on my part. It's discussing a group of people who have used half-arsed RP to justify PvP engagements on a massive scale. Several of which violated their faction's laws (Rogues code of conduct) to hang our with their friends. Sure, hanging out with your friends is good, and yes, they bring activity. Going so far as to shoot an established leader of the faction you're playing as an independent player was too far. My interaction with them has become stale, as it always ends in the same way. I don't bother anymore. No one wants to bother anymore. That's literally all there is to it. That's my opinion on this whole situation. So why not move on and play the game rather than discuss the implications behind other peoples actions and the consequences of said actions?
But haven't your Rogues been shooting Outcasts, using half-arsed RP to justify PvP engagements? I recall you guys systematically targeting nubs in Outcast caps, even though you were on a Rogue ID.
Haven't I been using half-arsed RP to justify PvP engagements?
The difference between my Rogues and theirs is minimal, yes. I accept that. However we aren't left with much options when it comes to the Rochester Ranseurs, who hardly say two words before opening fire, claiming New York as "their" system which inRP as Outcasts does not make sense. As for you, I don't know because I don't believe I've met you in-game. As for everyone else, probably. This place has definitely changed over the last four years. There's no denying that, but we can at least uphold some decent understanding that the people on the other end of the screen might not be enjoying themselves, and that the actions of some players angers and annoys said people.
Don't pretend like you've never been annoyed by something here.
No, "everyone" has not. And no, the Colours shoot OC caps that breach the laws set by rogues by entering Liberty. Seems to just be you.
God I hate this thread. It embodies everything wrong with Disco. Someone please lock it so they don't repeat themselves over and over and over and over. Every fallacy and strawman you could think of has been used in here, jesus. It's like watching two elephants head butt eachother. Who will stop posting first? Nobody is being convinced by anything, as usual, and the debate goes on in to eternity until people get bored or it gets locked, and as usual nobody will change their opinion in any way despite the many paragraphs typed out by people, making the thread a waste of everybody's time. All this thread can accomplish is cause people to dislike eachother. Just stop. This thread hurts my soul.
GNG people. Stop for a second and think what the hell are trying to win with this. The only that you will achive this way is get so angry that you gonna leave this server and the rest will be happy for it.
Like it or not this comunity is made of humans, and humans don't react well when someone new comes, violate the comunity laws and moral code and then try to justify it. Have you ever even asked why exist X rule? Or consider that you might be wrong?