All the outstanding docking permission requests have been accepted.
Furthermore, Fort Siloso does not require docking permission anymore. If your reputation standing is at least neutral with the Independent Miners Guild you'll freely be able to dock. Of course Fort Siloso, as an IMG base, operates under the IMG Regulations.
Irene Thompson, Secretary of the Board of Guild Masters
I am Mr. Mercana Mishi Shirou, CEO of Interspace Commerce. I would lke to request docking permission for my organization so that we may sell your fine products Sirius-wide. The following information is submitted as required.
Full Name: Mr. Mercana Mishi Shirou
The organization's name: Interspace Commerce
The organization's tag: IC|
Is the organization's tag protected? Yes
Identification: IC| Interspace Commerce ID
Headquarters: Otemachi Trade Annexe, Okinawa System, Kusari Region
Reputation with IMG: Rep
Your reasons for applying: A few of my employees have been interested in purchasing the ore products you sell and have suggested to me to request docking rights to your installation.
Proof of the transaction: Payment
I hope we will be able to conduct business soon, and I thank you for your time.
Sincerely, M.Shirou
Mercana Mishi Shirou, CEO of Interspace Commerce
From: Brad Ackerson
To: IMG Control
Encryption: Standard
Ahoy, find my information below
Full Name: Brad Ackerson
Shipname(s): Eternal.Spring
ID: Freelancer
Reputation with IMG: Neutral Reputation
Your reasons for applying: I fly a Voyager Freighter that works the southern Omicrons. Recently been doing a little more house work and your station is a great starting point for trips into house space.
All outstanding docking permission requests have been accepted.
Mr Shirou, we are glad to hear that Interspace Commerce is interested to create closer business relations with the Guild. If you have any special preference on the type of ore, please let us know. The last months we prefer to store large quantities of Cobalt Ore.
As for your docking permission request, IC| tag was already added to the station. Since the Guildfunds are headquartered at Newark Station, we expect that it will not take long before the paperwork fee is refunded.
Irene Thompson, Secretary of the Board of Guild Masters