I was wondering about one thing, since sure it is easier to use real world time on Discovery. But while replaying the vanillia SP, I came across the information that Edison Trent (with all FP7 survivors) went from Omicrons to Liberty for two (or more) weeks. There are also other entries that suggests both Juni and Trent spent more time than few minutes while going to certain places...
I've been also wondering about some minor aspects that would answer some questions for me. Let's omnit (of course) lack of logic for Trade Lanes, as in their current form, taking into consideration physics and astronomy, they are just "space magic" (they would be torn apart by gravity anyway + planets are not sitting in place of course).
I won't take into consideration jumping, however I would not be surprised if actual jump took from 10 minutes to even one hour (I would expect around 25-30 minutes anyway). Yet, I have been wondering over one thing as well: Are Cruise Engines equipped with warp/jump technology as well? Or pilots are living longer due to the time dilation effect?
As for the "living longer", I had to think of Outcasts and Omicron-85's black hole. Maybe it's not the Cardamine that increases their life span, but the time distortion, caused by the hole.
The thing is; we can't really compare real time and the physics we know on deep space travel. We don't know much about black holes and (the existance of) wormholes. I think they do exist, and one day we'll be able to find and travel them. You've surely read Einstein's theory of general relativity, if you're interested in that topic - which kind of proofs their availability.
However, I don't want to miss the topic.
We simply don't know it. Nor did Digital Anvil. So they didn't fill that logical gap for the sake of science fiction. And that's okay.
No time dilation if you take into account a likely 'unwritten' use of sub-space fields. Each ship emits its own EM field that causes it to remain [technically] within it's own space time bubble. This can be used even at sub-luminal speed so that you can travel at just about any speed without time dilation, and also pull off more complex maneuvers due to a reduced mass effect and therefore negate momentum that normally makes things like turning in space quite difficult. For 'warp' or 'hyperspace' all ships must use sub-space fields to keep the ship segregated within its own temporal 'phase'. Ironically this is also the beginning of time travel and 'wormhole' transportation technology since EM fields can also be used to invert space-time, creating an event horizon where space becomes 1D and time is 3D, letting you come out whereever and whenever you can articulate yourself to. That's the stuff we're not supposed to know about yet...that most people think is still just 'science fiction'.
Look at how far the distance traveled from the Omicrons (FP7) to Liberty (Planet Manhatten) using the shortest 'known' route, as in the route a non-smuggler/pirate would use.
Call that 2 weeks travel time. Divide by 14 to get ONE days travel time, then 24 to get an hour and so on.
The answer you come up with will be a 'guesstimate' at best and the answer would vary from person to person because ummm, people see/do thing s differently.
If this sounds crazy, it's because I've been awake for nearly 20 hours straight, due to having a 12 hour work day.