:| There was no labeling anyone as the bad guy here - using huge numbers is a legitimate tactic that both sides are known for using. Unless you're saying that none of you have ever ganked before, but that sounds a tad disingenuous coming from a military faction.
The issue at hand is that Polstari was unhappy about having his lone, unescorted dreadnought downed in a warzone - after citing the NFZ, which was void the moment he started loitering there, shooting at a base that he didn't chase INTO the NFZ.
Also, I was hardly telling lies. I admit, I may have mixed up the tags a bit, but they were all navy ships. The navy ships outnumbered ours at any given time, and generally had a class advantage, and we got legitimately destroyed (hats off to you). I only mentioned the battle because Polstari was under the impression that lone enemy battleships sitting in a warzone shooting at stuff should be ignored because Rheinland and Liberty have such nice peaceful relations - which seemed silly because of the battle that happened there on the same day, earlier.
I hold no grudge against you guys exercising strategy, and I hope you don't either (though you seem to :| which rather makes me sad).
I see this thread is kinda abandoned which is surprising considering the growing BDM activity on the server.
Anyway, it has come to my attention that you've conducted an operation within Omicron Mu (post 28) recently, and I have to say that the forum RP involved around it was done pretty well and is indeed intriguing.
However, there's something really wrong with it - Firstly, your "operatives" awaited for the O'Rhu elements present in the system to logout before proceeding, once the O'Rhu logged off, you flew to the system with Godspeed making selfies in front of Taba or whatever, and this is what bugs me, one does not simply use the player list (which is kind of metagaming) to secure his forum RP and call it a successful operation, avoiding any ingame interactions and whatnot creating basically a god mode RP out of it.
I'm saying god mode not because anything, but because BDM tagged vessels were classed as KoS inRP by the Order since our last encounters with you in the nomad worlds, this is a RP consequence which you seem to have "avoided" and you keep avoiding while using nothing but metagaming as if nothing happened.
Secondly, the amount of intel that consists in your report is staggering which is not a bad thing really but the problem is that you have backed it up and gathered it via metagaming methods and again, this is what bugs me.
Its not like as if we'd go in your systems and your restricted areas at 4am or when you logout, and make selfies in front of installations or planets, this is simply a waste of time and is unresourceful RP wise.
Do not get me wrong, I have seen some quite good RP from BDM, but this was unexpected and you seriously have dropped in my eyes.
(05-03-2015, 06:42 PM)Bloxin Wrote: I see this thread is kinda abandoned which is surprising considering the growing BDM activity on the server.
Anyway, it has come to my attention that you've conducted an operation within Omicron Mu (post 28) recently, and I have to say that the forum RP involved around it was done pretty well and is indeed intriguing.
However, there's something really wrong with it - Firstly, your "operatives" awaited for the O'Rhu elements present in the system to logout before proceeding, once the O'Rhu logged off, you flew to the system with Godspeed making selfies in front of Taba or whatever, and this is what bugs me, one does not simply use the player list (which is kind of metagaming) to secure his forum RP and call it a successful operation, avoiding any ingame interactions and whatnot creating basically a god mode RP out of it.
I'm saying god mode not because anything, but because BDM tagged vessels were classed as KoS inRP by the Order since our last encounters with you in the nomad worlds, this is a RP consequence which you seem to have "avoided" and you keep avoiding while using nothing but metagaming as if nothing happened.
Secondly, the amount of intel that consists in your report is staggering which is not a bad thing really but the problem is that you have backed it up and gathered it via metagaming methods and again, this is what bugs me.
Its not like as if we'd go in your systems and your restricted areas at 4am or when you logout, and make selfies in front of installations or planets, this is simply a waste of time and is unresourceful RP wise.
Do not get me wrong, I have seen some quite good RP from BDM, but this was unexpected and you seriously have dropped in my eyes.
My 2 cents
I will like to explain you some logic first, O'Rhu members and our "Operatives" don't have same time zone always and it's not needed that we force our Agents to log in mid-night to encounter O'Rhu forces cause they have a RL to maintain and it is much more important, Also as much time I spend here I saw many things and As far as I experienced in different official factions is that Factions Log to protect their home system and they don't complain like this, All of us have a RL and we log when we have time so we can't wait for O'Rhu to log, You guys should log when you see enemy in your home system.
Best Regards
Hans Schultz
Indeed everyone has a RL, but thats not the point here and I don't see how your "logic" is even relevant to this particular case.
Someone sitting in Delta or any other nearby system, awaiting for whoever is in the hostile territory to go away, and then move to there, make whatever RP he plans to make, back it up on forum and call it a win win, thats the point.
If I'd want to do some RP in frankfurt, I wouldn't sit in sigmas, watching the player list, till you're gone, then move in and make me a selfie in front of every solar in your territory, which is boring to say the least, but at least has some RP value and it would "boost" my general faction RP in some way, and I assume thats why those BDM members done it.
Everybody have a real life as you say, but that has nothing to do with this case, and does not justify the using of metagamish methods, you're an official faction after all and I wouldn't expect such thing from one.
Look we are not metagamgers first thing , Secondly our members log here and there and it's O'Rhu duty to log and protect their Home system, You guys kept sleeping none logged and we can't wait 8 hours there for O'Rhu the great to log so we continue our mission, You should better work on your activity, I myself took part in my Omicron missions but never ever saw a O'Rhu online.
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality
You don't seem to get it, I'm not talking about activity, nor that we can watch the player list 24/7, which is wrong.
I'm talking about this particular case and nothing else, the fact that someone used kinda metagamish methods to achieve a "successful" operation and log it on forum, that's the point, I only refer to that and nothing else, I'm only dealing with exactitudes.
Let's see this...
You come here and respond in a very unassertive matter to an issue we've dicussed concerning your GoD Mode RP done with the sole porpose of having some intel inRP on Order home space. furthermore, you have the audacity to call it justifible by all inRP reasons. Let;s takeit bit by bit and get it down in the dirt it cam up from in the first place.
Quote:Guten tag, i am here to report the completion of Opperation Pendulum , which took place today, along side the Kaptain of BDM|-U-201.
An Operation is presumably longer in time-frame and more complex than a stroll in Discovery's proverbial park. I am not even going to go in the details here, as more is to follow. Quality so far...!?
Quote:Our goal was to sneak into ther Order main system and gather as much intel as we can. The final answer was that we managed to sneak in, but we were blind and had no idea what we can await down when we reach Omicron Mu,
Let's see...you care to tell us how a KoS target is going to enter a heavily protected, fully patrolled system without, inRP, drawing attention of a whole range of ships and armed response...a cruiser and a snubcraft...in a heavily offensive environment...not going to happen and as true as my name is Santa Claus.
Quote:Our first encounter on our way to Mu, was Meskhenet Station, but what is interesting about this very base was the size of it. This installation looked more like a communication array, rather then a full blown station, but there must of been people in there. The station was not so armed, but atleast it had some weapon platforms and it's own guns. From the visual efect, we managed to see something like a EMP type projectile and then as well a Red projectile, that was not nere harmful, but rather made to make holes in your hull, then the weapon platforms fired the same kind of weaponry, but in add there were rockets. This base seems to be outside of the Order usual home, which leads me to belive is used as a guard and scanner enhancer for the fleet.
You see a base..the same way the bases people inside see you back, assuming the O'Rhu report on BDM's wrongdoings in the Nomad worlds and Gollanski's decision of you becoming KoS...i think this would call for a great deal of inRP trouble. Yet conveniently it did not happen..because NPCs are not to be taken inRP by you it seems...so, again God Mod justification. InRP those platforms kill you...they do not harm nor make holes...they straight out kill you. They are light not for the reason of you comming there and acting "Bruce All Mighty."
Quote:The second and more solid encounter was when we Jumped in Omicron Mu, but to our surpise the jump hole was coverd in very dense minefield along side two weapons platforms, that as those we seen near Meskhenet, were using the same kind of tech and weaponory, but their hit resistance was low, that was proven by U-201 when they shot a Cerberus Projectile at it, causing it stop shooting. From there we saw the exit/entrance which was marked by a set of Spatial Marking system.
Again considering we are talking inRP business here, when in God;s name a minefiled was made so that just anyone could jump in it and see it;s exit. Just because the Devs made it easy for the same ooRP reasons they made the platforms light that does not mean you treat this as it is. It is make belief and to that extent, respect it - so others can respect the quality of your inRP writings.
Let;s go further down the post ....
Quote:While we were following the line of Marks, we have arrived at this Planet, looking like it was their home. Planet Akabat is what we managed to get from it and the Interesting thing is the only habitable and seems like it their place of action. The Planet was slightly blue and we did not managed to see any kind of land from the spatial view, but we belive that there is enought habitable space down there, but we did not see it, that being caused by some sort of energetic disruption. The Docking Ring and Mooring Fixture were guarded by heavy firing Weapons Platforms and from time to time there would be a dog fight vessel patrol.
So you just happend to stumble a planet, and in scanner range...how delightful...and that Planet did not raise hell towards High priority targets...I guess Order is so dead...so dead....inRP Quality!? Let me make this clear..try to go to your local store, steal something big. Then try to come back next day...see what is going to happen. It won't be pretty. BDM's strolling in Oreder;s Home..after getting cauth, again I say, inRP, red-handed..not going to happen my dear space-pilot. For what it concerns inRP moves, Zeta, Mu and 100 is closed space for BDM, and not a playground. You could consider anything relaying back from this systems as straight out baloney.
More of this...let';s see!
Quote:From there on out we started to move around the system and we wanted to see if we can find anything new and interesting, but our look was rewarded when we entered a Nebula, that housed a very peculiar looking ship. The name was Battleship Thebes and form what we could read of it was nothing like we seen, it does not look the Osiris or the Geb, something of those two, but slightly bigger then the Geb. We belived that it will be a new warship of the Order and this is the first of them, but what is questionable is the security around this project, it was lacking and lousy, but i am not sure that this is working for them, i think that was only a carcass, something they are building upon.
You again happen to stumble on something in the middle of a very dense nebula...God you two are lucky. You should get a try at the Sirius lottery...some few billions for the BDM's rheinbier fund. More to it, it was a secret build..geez this Order chaps must be dumb to leave it just there to the findings...I guess that new system of the BDM pays off...how was it called...FL Companion?
Quote:The mission ended, when the Order had started to arrived and swarm us, but we managed to get around this with a decent amount of damage done to our ships, but while in the hurry to leave Omicron Mu, we managed to kill some of their snubs and drag in some of their pods into our cargo-holds. We wish to put this mission under the Success side of things as we now have a better grasp of where Order is and how they live and work.
Swarming us..barely now..and just a bit of damage...interesting...good thing NPCs are toned down and more to it, Order space does not spwn 12323123 millions battleships and G-boats like Rheinlad space does...
To sum it up, I guess you got the point why Dev;s toned it down ooRP? For activity...but not this kind if you ask me. Core comes by Mu everyday..yet their intel related stories are plausible..this one is not...not here, not in Discovery Universe nor in any other fictional dream world you can think of.
So this?
Quote:I will like to explain you some logic first,
is straight out bullcrap if you ask me. Do not come here and call our logic flawed when your post is nothing more than a try to justify a stroll in Order's back yard. Now, in BDM's there are some true RPers who are a pleasure to work with, RP with and encounter with...maybe ask for a few pointers and their view...the non-cosmetic one.
and to the BDMs leader, if this is the quality RP of an official Intel Faction on that side of Sirius, prepare yourself for receiving some selfies made from my bomber while mooning Schatten ...(that's in Frankfurt...and Order should know of it way back from vanilla..inRP even..but i guess I will connect my FL version drive to my nav map).
I tried and argued with Bloxin over this, and i promised him and myself I will answer this in the harshest way possible if a nice, down to earth reply will not be delivered...once again, calling our logic flawed while that post is nothing more than a walk in the park and an attempt to get hands of inRP info in a ooRP manner is just laughable.
Or the RP relating to BDM is just a cover-up for the farming done for Nasau..and that info I got in-game....go check some of the post made by me, and those of the VWA based on hints and stuff. That is intel gathering..this...people judge it silently.
I am not in any way trying to be malicious, but please reconsider the things posted here and above and take a proper stance concerning it.
EDIT #1: @Devil: we are not disturebd by the fact you went in while the system as empty..the inRP justification of the whole post IS EMPTY of reason. You as in BDM CAN'T STEP IN ORDER SPACE WITHOUT DRAWING ALL HELL ON THEM (and that is meant inRP...as an inRP you are KoS...that does not happen because the game has limitations) Want justifible RP...this is not...by any means.
(05-04-2015, 12:54 PM)Bloxin Wrote: You don't seem to get it, I'm not talking about activity, nor that we can watch the player list 24/7, which is wrong.
I'm talking about this particular case and nothing else, the fact that someone used kinda metagamish methods to achieve a "successful" operation and log it on forum, that's the point, I only refer to that and nothing else, I'm only dealing with exactitudes.
What you wanna say, Next time we call you on your phone saying "Sir, Please log we wanna complete our mission, Please sir, Please" you want something like that ? Or make a skype chat with title " Anyone who wanna take any operation neary Order treaty please tell here first"
(05-04-2015, 12:54 PM)Bloxin Wrote: You don't seem to get it, I'm not talking about activity, nor that we can watch the player list 24/7, which is wrong.
I'm talking about this particular case and nothing else, the fact that someone used kinda metagamish methods to achieve a "successful" operation and log it on forum, that's the point, I only refer to that and nothing else, I'm only dealing with exactitudes.
What you wanna say, Next time we call you on your phone saying "Sir, Please log we wanna complete our mission, Please sir, Please" you want something like that ? Or make a skype chat with title " Anyone who wanna take any operation neary Order treaty please tell here first"
Really? You seem to repeat the same thing over and over and I'm tired of explaining you that sitting and awaiting for the enemy to logoff is lol no more comments needed here.
Now, I can only agree to what Axis said, I didn't have mind in going in such detail, but I hope after reading the points he made, you can understand what we mean.