Rose awkwardly remembers the original deal and her demands. The worst overlying social anxiety of course, is that of her collected and bossy facade being shattered as she foolishly tripped over her own flaw, forgetfulness.
"Er, yeah... t-that'll do, forget about contacts..." she mutters as she runs her hand through her hair, slinking back away from the table and coughing in an attempt to ease the atmosphere.
Steve had been watching the conversation with a slight disinterest up until this point, generally fooling around on his communicator. "Like I said before, I'm just here for the credits, and I don't plan on dying just yet either."
After giving the signal for everyone to stand up, Isabel calls Paco into the room. She gives him a few movements of the head signalling for Paco to escort the Junkers out and back to their ships.
"Well, that was shorter then I thought. Lets hope they can get this done" she mutters to herself as she watches the Junkers leave the room.