Good day Mr.Bettoncourt and thank you for taking your time in filling out a application with Universal Shipping. Your experience behind a transport is great to see. We are sorry to hear you can not find your family...the war with Gallia has hit us all in a hard place. In good news we at the board of Universal have hear by ACCEPTED your application you are to report to Mr.Delveeno our Chief Logistic's Officer at Trenton Outpost, New York. Welcome to Universal Shipping.
Summary of Biography: Born in Planet New London into a slave trade, we were smuggled through Liberty and Bretonia Mainly but went all over Sirius.Due to me being in the slave trade i didn't have a education but it didn't want that to stop me . i escaped the Slave trade at the age of 15 and went to join the Liberty Navy i wanted to work my way up in the Ranks because i see my self as a leader and a commander and i feel i am suited to the role. due to me only being young i was only i am charge of a small squadron , but that didn't stop my ambition of leading my men to battle effectively as well as safely . I wanted to carry on in the Navy but i felt like i needed more so i've come to you to show my real Potential (Link or written here)
Why do you want to join USI?:To Try something new and to realize my potential. (Enter reason)
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?:No (Say if you have or have not - if yes, say why)
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [ ]Department of Trade [ x]Department of Security [ ]Department of Internal Affairs
Good day Mr.Sigmar and thank you for applying with Universal Shipping Incorporated. I see here you are looking to be in our Department of Security, well we always welcome former Liberty Navy pilots, though I cant get over the fact of how young you are your ambition is what will drive you forward. I see here your lacking educational schooling, but I am glad to inform you we pay for our employee's to further there education. With that all said the Board has reviewed your application and has here by ACCEPTED you to the company. Please report to our Head of Security for further instructions. Welcome to Universal Shipping.
Work History: 2 Years mining for Platinum Inc before they shut down and changed to new management. 2 Years freelance shipping for Universal Shipping
Summary of Biography: Born on Planet Eerie to lower class working parents, I dreamed of seeing the stars. Unable to afford a decent education or living standard, our family struggled to survive. Despite this, I excelled in public schools, gaining a scholarship into Manhattan University, gaining a Bachelor of Arts in Geology and Economics. After gaining a short term loan, I purchased my first transport ship and cargo and began Freelance trading. After which I began a lucrative mining and transporting career.
Why do you want to join USI?: As a freelance trader, I see the value of joining a larger organisation. Security and greater trade powers are certainly a benifit but being part of something bigger than yourself holds more value.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: No I have not commited any crimes
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?:
[X]Department of Trade
[ ]Department of Security
[ ]Department of Internal Affairs
Qualifications: Completed the following courses in the Manhattan Flight Academy: Transport Ships, Freighters
Work History: Freelance pilot for a few months
Summary of Biography: I was born, raised and educated on Manhattan. My parents were always very phobic of space for some reason, and kept me on the ground at all times, despite my aspirations to explore every inch of what was outside this planet. Up until recently, I had never seen space with my own eyes: the moment I finished school, I signed up in the Flight Academy to get a Fighter license, with the money that I had doing various jobs. It turned out that really wasn't my thing, but I wasn't ready to give up on space, so instead I took most of the Transport-oriented courses that I could, managed to find a sweet deal and got myself a cheap Freighter to help around with the Helium business in Pennsylvania. Now I am here, sending this application.
Why do you want to join USI?: Liberty is my home, I'm part of it, and I believe I can contribute much more to it by working with USI.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: No.
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [X]Department of Trade [ ]Department of Security [ ]Department of Internal Affairs
Hello, and good afternoon gentlemen. Today I will be filling in for VP Frank Tanner. Nicholas Banks and Simon Traesto. Both your applications are ACCEPTED and we would like to formally welcome you to the company! You both will receive secure comms shortly.
Summary of Biography: I Was born on Manhattan into a family with Millatary Backgrounds , i was a normal kid with an average education i allways dreamed of being a Navy Pilot so i went on and Achived that dream. When i was in the Navy i enjoyed it for a little while and realised how corrupt it was i was 19 When the Freeport 7 Incident happened and i was just a Junior Cadet Receruit at the time i didnt think anything of it so i carried on until know where i think its time to step down and take a new direction in Sirius.
Why do you want to join USI?:For a change.
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?:Yes,Fraud.Murder
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [ X]Department of Trade [ ]Department of Security [ ]Department of Internal Affairs
Work History:Freelancer,Liberty Police (Experience)
Summary of Biography:I Was born on Planet Erie and when I turned 17 I joined the Liberty Police and hated every living moment of it , at this point I realised I wasn't made for House Corparations and decided to go Freelancing for a while,After a few months I saw a convoy of USI I thought to myself "Why don't i give this a go" so here I am now applying for the job at USI and I hope you feel that i'm right for the job. (Link or written here)
Why do you want to join USI?:New Begginings (Enter reason)
Have you ever been charged with an offense under the laws of liberty?: (Noy)
Which Department(s) do you wish to join (Check all that Apply)?: [ ]Department of Trade [ ]Department of Security [X ]Department of Internal Affairs
Good day Mr.Porter after close review the Board has decided to ACCEPT your application. It seems you have the aptitude to handle space if you are in need of your freighter piloting permits we are glad to offer you a chance through our training program. Once complete you will receive your Universal Shipping paper work and Identification.
Dear Mr.Chase everything seemed great until we received your background check which showed instances of fraud and murder. Unfortunately due to those reasons as of now your application is here by DENIED. If you can provide reasonings behind why these have show up in your application please feel free to forward that information.