Oookay, so I was introduced here around october 2013 by @"Bloxin" who had been around here from time to time and helped me figure out how the game worked, so we traded together a lot in the beginning. I remember there was this route to Fort Severn-Erie with military vehicles and other things on the way. Kept doing that until we bought us a Large train. Then we went for longer routes and mining. Still have that ship. And as well as shooting stuff in New Hampshire and Bremen and doing missions here and there. Newbie times was the best times.
My first ship was a Navy Avenger. I still have this ship too. Yes I may or may not have been a little navy lolwut, but I knew how to listen and so. That's when I started my navy adventures in the 4-56| back when @"leonardo_tigre" was around. It was a great experience as it was my first faction and it had a fun roleplay style too.
Then I met @James Greed where it was fun Freelancing times, and then got into factions and so on (history stuff) to this day.
Also the first character/player I ever met when I undocked from Planet Erie was a guy named Why.Poverty who taught me how to mine "by shooting the little asteroids" and he was flying the old Raven Talon model. I still wonder who that guy was/is.
(12-10-2015, 10:44 PM)Garrett Jax Wrote: I recall getting pirated by someone, running and getting killed. I called him a bad word in system chat. Somehow, I didn't get sanctioned.
I have to mention how did I confuse you (:
2012 ~ Gallia - GRN. I really didn't know about RP (Blame 4 years on non-RP servers) so I and my friends went to New York and camped Newark in Cougars with GRN ID.
Then I got into GRN|, learnt how to RP. Joined LH~ and trolled Garrett, since then I've been his secretary so to say.
I was bad at trading and had no friends until @"Freedom Phantom" was kind enough to help me out. Later I bought a Camara and did trade routes with it (I don't know why but at the time it felt like the cargo hold of the Camara was HUGE).
Eventually on one of my earliest trips I bumped into a (CoJ) from the Church of Jiub. I couldn't make sense of their RP and didn't realise they were making a piracy demand. In the name of the Jiub I got swagged to pieces, brah.
I had a freelancer gull transport, that i didn't know how to trade with.....
I ended up doing missions for the guys in Rhineland at brutal base (cant spell the name).
Then went to kusari and killed a guy with no RP cause he was Rhineland police and he was red.
No Sanction.
Back in the 4.85 I started playing Disco with my friend - Stefz. He started a little earlier, like a month or two. I remember the first thing I did is that I made an Outcasts character. Back in the day we were starting with CSV. I undocked from Malta and saw Stefz (MNS-Start`Wolf) fighting MNS-Leviathan, both of them were in Ranseurs. Ofc my first wish was to buy a battleship. I remember I loaned 50 mil. from MNS-Moonlight aka Moon in order to buy a transport. I bought a Heron and started trading with Stef. We were taking VIP's from Edinburgh, selling them in Munich then we bought Vacationers and sold them on Planet Denver where we bought Supercondu...something and sold them in Cambridge. From Cambridge we would take Pharmas and sell them in Edinburgh. After a while I was able to afford a Battleship. I re-payed the loan and bought a Sarissa.
We started using forum after we figured that we could buy ships on it. I joined forums around May 201, but after I forgot my pw I made this one. Later on I joined 101st... and so on.
(12-12-2015, 12:04 PM)Arbs Wrote: Also the first character/player I ever met when I undocked from Planet Erie was a guy named Why.Poverty who taught me how to mine "by shooting the little asteroids" and he was flying the old Raven Talon model. I still wonder who that guy was/is.
This part made me remember something similar that I seem to have forgotten.
A few weeks before I got that Behemoth of mine I was still trying to figure out how to get credits. I sort-of did some trading in Vanilla so I figured I should do that, but with no money whatsoever I didn't have any other choice besides the Rhino, and considering that whenever I tried the Rhino in Vanilla it had me load a few saves back because I kept dying to blood Rogue NPCs, I figured that it wasn't that good of choice.
Well, until some 'Maximus' or 'Maxim' dude came along and taught me how to do things. Good guy. Told me that if I wanted to make some money I should get the Rhino and mine some of the asteroids behind Erie. And so I did.
After getting a lot of money I bought the Behemoth and with the money that the Behemoth got me I bought a fancy Corsair gunboat. Sadly I went rip around that time for a few weeks(?) and when I came back the dude was nowhere to be seen. I remember hoping I'd see his name on the playerlist to drop a friendly "Hello!".
Never happened, though.
And after I never got to see the dude again I figured I'd take his place near Erie. During my helping sprees, I eventually met Lyth.
(12-12-2015, 01:57 PM)Freedom Phantom Wrote: Well, until some 'Maximus' or 'Maxim' dude came along and taught me how to do things. Good guy. Told me that if I wanted to make some money I should get the Rhino and mine some of the asteroids behind Erie. And so I did.
We were IMG Hegemons, mining in the Molly field. Screwed Molly rep of course, so the Molly Gbs were coming for us. We managed to somehow get armor for the Heges and my friend (who got me into Disco) bought a Zephyr. Then we went Mining/Molly-Gb hunting. That day, Molly faction players came to us and we ran. And got killed of course. After that, I wanted to make an IMG group that fights Molly baddies. That's when IMG|'s Aeternus picked me up and taught me a lot of things... Good old times.
I started as a silent trader back in .84, took me a whle to figure it out how to install all those softwares we needed at that time (like the mod manager) to run the mods and all, and just when I got it working and was starting out then .85 launched.
Now I don't remember if that was in 84 or 85, but it was right at that time that I got to own an Armored Transport (they still used freighter turrets) and thought that ship was enough to go out of house space. That's when I first found out Baffin by chance. I met the infamous gallic princess (still in TAZ at that time) and got authorization to dock at Shasta and buy a load of Pineal Amulets. Got pirated by a Phantom cruiser on my way back. I was noob enough that the guy took pity of me I think and didn't destroy me, just my cargo...
came by searching capital ships freelancer and stuff. Joined some time ago on another server, had fun there got banned. Went to this server registered and all that. Eventually met people I roll with today fun.