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Cryer have actively hunted Outcasts in the Sigmas since vanilla. Experiments on Alien Organisms, cardimine and what's strongly implied to be vivisections on live Outcasts are the cornerstone of their Atka research. In Discovery that arc has been expanded to the point that their amoral research actually resulted in the development of stabiline.
Discovery has given them the ability to hunt Outcasts everywhere as an in game reflection of their paramilitary's primary role. Taking captives and seizing caches of cardimine. It makes as much sense for them to be raiding Alpha as the Corsairs, BHG or GMG (all of whom have a base a similar distance away). Discovery has a tendency to exaggerate a factions possibilities in order to stimulate gameplay in any case. That's the only reason you'll find Outcasts and Corsairs in each other's home systems after all.
Not going to comment in detail on this actual player faction submission. I don't have enough information for me to do so. Just clarifying the status of the NPC group. Despite that, at first glance it does seem that Wisp has wasted the nuanced and morally ambiguous lore Cryer already possessed in favour of a fairly shallow ideological crusade. That's disappointing and squanders a wealth of opportunities to explore A Cryer based faction's true nature.
I get that. But the BHG, Corsairs and GMG are all combat trained factions. The BHG's sole purpose is combat. Corsairs need it to survive. And GMG has a standing trained Military that even includes one or two Battleships afaik.
Cryer I could imagine would have maybe a small wing to do any of these things but attacking the homeworld of the maybe mighties quasi-illegal Empire? Sounds a bit off.
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If you're going to quibble on that level most things in the mod aren't realistic or logical. At the end of the day allowances have to be made to have a game that's actually playable. Locking factions away in a bubble doesn't do that, and preventing a group from seeking out their enemies when their enemies will never go to them isn't beneficial either.
In any case, how do you think Rogues survive in NY? Not by attacking Manhatten head on. It's reasonable to expect the Hispanic systems to have their own small scale Insurgencies and hit and run groups. No system is impregnable. Any Cryer operations would be small in scale, not attempting to raze Malta.
I got what you said. But by that logic we would have everyone and their mother in both Alpha and Gamma attacking them. But by now it was only actual combat groups that you accept as such.
I believe LH would be confused if I would send my IC| Security Squad to siege the LH bases.
Discovery has given them the ability to hunt Outcasts everywhere as an in game reflection of their paramilitary's primary role. Taking captives and seizing caches of cardimine. It makes as much sense for them to be raiding Alpha as the Corsairs, BHG or GMG (all of whom have a base a similar distance away). Discovery has a tendency to exaggerate a factions possibilities in order to stimulate gameplay in any case. That's the only reason you'll find Outcasts and Corsairs in each other's home systems after all.
If I may please jammi. Its not a paramilitary. Not by far is it any form of paramilitary as its not an organized military-type force in the least. Ya they hunt down people, that's for sure, however those are not paramilitaries, those are Search and Destroy squads or what amounts to a security division which is what many other corporations have...though I guess this can be debatable in most matters.
Right, I'm not going to beat around the bush on this one and be brutally honest. The only major problem so to speak for the longest time was Prot' going in and ruining people's fun; which I mean, a lot of people do, its a common thing here on discovery. I do agree, Wisp has amazing RP, and they got some nice pvp chances as well. I'm not going to deny any of that. I will however note that normally Jera/Prot had horrific thing of going into places, dropping one line and engaging just about everyone.
Including Blood Dragons or other people who Cryer would never really care about. For the most part I can ignore everything else, I really, really can. But it comes down to moments where Jera or just better, Prot would appear from thin air, say one line and jump in to engage. What really got me confused was when I saw: Wisp apply for a bounty board. At first I saw them engaging GC, I mean, okay, I expected that. But suddenly they when after Dragon players and many other people beyond these ones, even as far to engage people in the middle of RP and what not.
Hell, I've even seen Prot do something several times. During the operations/RP or whatever in Kyushu, Prot had logged his Wisp and flown out there, dropped one line and suddenly engaged people, sometimes it was everyone. Then there was times he saw such after flying by on his Wisp and docked on Kyushu and logged his Alliance player. The only problem is one of their members people, nothing else. The only reason I'm partly being nice to Wisp is because of Cashew and Swag, because at least when Swag did something with his char, he first showed me about it. I liked it and it was enjoyable to say the least.
So really people. I'm going to say this to the others posting here as well. Don't target the faction because of Jera/Prot, okay? Its true, they have done rather well in some ways, hell they brought back faction and people enjoyed RPing with them. When BD applied for officialdom, I got 5 tons of flak for almost everything we did, but we had fun doing, as I'm sure other Cryer players are having with their factions. Don't target the faction like I said, if there is a problem you need to say who it is, don't beat around the blush
Edit: This is not flak at Prot also, this is basically what is going on that most people are upset about, that's it
Previous experiences with Wisp led me to the point where I avoid the entire group altogether, so I don't know how much the faction has changed since then. I don't see the Wisp I know as official faction tier, since it mostly contributed to sal.tstorms and making me tempted to quit the game itself due to how they operated, as they personally affected a -lot- of my characters.
I personally don't agree that a pharmaceutical company should literally attack the capitol planet of a massive space mexican organization that builds its own capital ships, but that's just my opinion and it's apparently "okay" to do it. Doesn't exactly put it in a good light to be the subject of drama, again...
It'd be better if you actually stepped in and explained/answered the questions people asked, though. The behaviour people are saying you have is really appalling. Give the community a clearer idea of what Wisp thinks of these issues?
Intercept cardie shipments going in and out of Malta is ok. Even going after a transport and ending up in Alpha is ok. Literally raiding alpha is not ok, it's lame. Your RP with the IMG is cool, though. Let's hope that the wish to become official makes you focus more on the nice RPs and less on the lame raids.
I didn't see any rp from you guys on my part. Probably because Prot's attitude towards me and my faction.
Remember to separate RP from ooRP. Will get you farther.
No offense...but I have only seen Wisp go out of their way to kill (@) and ~*~, and "raid" Alpha...I have been gone for some time and before I left that is what was happening, and coming back a few days ago to see Wisp raid Alpha to get "laughs" was surprising and entertaining of how you RPed it. All in all, I don't think anything has changed? I could be wrong...