Dear Alan Shepard,
I am in hurry to inform you about the high corsairs' activity in Cambridge system. I was sent there to prevent their activity with BAF's help. During my patrolling i met GG-Matthias.Clarke. I asked him to say me where corsairs are and he gave me their location (4G). I thought he had accepted my advice to leave the system, but he joint to corsairs:
I called the reinforcement using Gateway channel.
Meanwhile I was surrounded by CTC's forces. There were 4 CTC. 1 Gaian and 1 Legion pilots. There was no way to retreat, because i wasn't able to do it and because it was my duty to protect Bretonia from invaders. Vito:Sanchez demanded to pay 5 mils for my life, of course i refused, so the fight was about to start:
I left the Grasmere Ice Cloud and deprived corsairs their advantage, they couldn't hide behind the rock anymore. In 5 mins my friend Gateway|-GSE-BWS-Tango came to help me. But he wasn't alone, Tea.Party and BAF|Cdr.Nicole.Brennan came with him in another 5 minutes, and i got good chance to be alived:
The first victim was a bomber, piloted by Dada. He was done for by Tea.Party. After his death Victoria.Reaser gave us her hand of help, engaging pirates. In that time corsairs lost another pilot:
I was alone against 6 and suddenly we were 5 against 4 *smiling*. But I had been seriously damaged by the time allies got enough power to remove corsairs from my tail. After some munites the 6th(BAF|Cpt.H.Pearson) had come:
Corsairs couldn't live enough longer, especially Kathy.Snow ran away. She understood if she would stay longer, she wouldn't alive in that hell. Same decision GG-Matthias.Clarke made.
So only Vito:Sanchez and Bonita,Fernandez are left, but they were divided. I decided to leave Bonita,Fernandez for Victoria.Reaser thinking that a figher could cope with a bomber. And they were two women, so... Vito:Sanchez was done for by my CD. I launched it just in time, when he dropped a mine *smiling*:
He was the 3rd victim. Tea.Party was angry at me, because he wanted to get his 3rd homicide. Sorry Tea.Party.
But suddenly Victoria.Reaser couldn't cope with Bonita,Fernandez and was killed. I still regret about my decision to leave her alone:
We got the great result there:4 to 1, but there should have been 4 to 0. Anyway, we all had done our work excellent. I suppose, we won't meet corsairs soon, they got serious casualties, but the time will tell us. Now i am finishing the transmission. I will stay in Bretonia a little longer, but i wish to come back to Cortez. Missing Curacao's shores a lot.
Best regards, Alexey Shmykov
I can tell you in one word: Excellent! The main merit is yours.
I am glad that all my work and all invested money on the security wings it was successful. Being in the hands of competent people it is a perfect couple. I hope everyone learned the lesson. But Corsair is driven by revenge. Always be prepared for another attack.
For now enjoy the rest then we will defend again our homeland with new strength.
Alan Shepard,
Executive in charge of corporate security
"Blackwing" Squadron Cmdr.
"Second to none" Divisoin Cmdr.
In the last months we had a lot of job in Sirius with our contractors and with our allies. I want to open here the channel links for you to know what were the major events:
I would like to inform you about the recent major projects and delivery missions what we accepted and finished successful. Firstly I am happy to inform you about the recent project where we could work together again with Crayter Republic. I see a new ally in the neighbourhood and I will fight to the end to have a common understanding of the alliance. With our new Survey Module Factory and the team (OSP-SMF Team) we could finish the first request by Crayter Republic with the Crayterian Movers help. Many thanks to Mr. Wayne Davidson and Ms. Clair Chandler in this project. The Matrix Project
Our best contractor Herr Mark Hamann was re-visiting our office with a suitable delivery mission about Hull Segments and Industrial Hardware. Simply it is a pleasure to work for this gentleman. Details
And a new contractor appeared in our office, Mr. Matt Williams and Mr. Mark Logan. They building a base in Omega-3, Phoenix Base and we could help in the first phase of this project. Details
They asked from us another delivery mission but it is not simple to work parallel with other missions. So I am realy sorry but we can not make high performance in this duty. In the priority list this mission became secondary. Details
With other news I'll be back later !
Alan Shepard,
Executive in charge of corporate security
Redirected channel to Gateway Executives and Employees
Encryption: High
*Corporate Security Executive - Alan Shepard - was attacked by Hacker ID-t vessel, pilot name: Mr. Yoshida* *The executive ship suffered major failure and Alan Shepard and the crew escape pods were escorted by one IMG pilot to Oceana Shipping Platform*
*Alan Shepard's orders:*
"If anyone show this attitude, for example inappropriate behaviour, inability to deal and shameless, we can not tolerate. You are free to hunt down this pirate... *cough* ...until I will be back in duty all GSE pilot get the permission for immediate elimination of this pirate... *sigh* ...give your best"
Order registered on all Gateway| ship transmission board
I am happy to report my return after the pirate attack against me, they need to more then this to kill me. From now I can work with 100% capacity again. And with this occasion I will show you the next delivery missions.
Firstly I need to make a little remember about the Appleton Laboratory Supply Contract. In this week we started the deliveries to the station. Do not forget they asked from us 10.000 units of each Food, Oxygen, Water and 60.000 units Reinforced Alloys...again, weekly. The first week is successfully completed.
The second delivery request is comming from Stuttgart system, from our best contractor Herr Mark Hamann. The delivery mission have some difficulties but with Crayter Republic assistance we will finish this delivery request.
Alan Shepard,
Executive in charge of corporate security
After long discussions the final decision in the current leadership team:
Leadership Structure:
Francois DeVersailles
CEO - President - (Void_Nemesis)
Robert Stark
Chairman - Vice President - (TheShooter36)
Alan Shepard
Director of Operations Security - (Alan Shepard)
In this days Mr. James Blake, Commander of R/V-Okeanos.Explorer, contacted us to order one Hyperspace Matrix MK1. It looks like He is a strong investor. In this occasion I started this module building project in the Oceana Shipping Platform Survey Module Factory.
I attached the required materials:
I would like to request from all employee visual proof about your delivery to check the details with Oceana docking master datas. Safe Skies !
Alan Shepard,
Vice president & Executive in Charge of Corporate Security,
Blackwing Squadron Commander
Also I'm happy to announce that GSV-Callisto has been upgraded from "DL" Border Worlds Transport to "Shetland" transport.
Me and my crew are wish to thank mr. Alan Shepard for this opportunity. Where Gateway is - there profit and prosperity is.