what you need to think of is - do you want something balanced - or do you want to provide more roleplay.
if RP is the main focus. - we could simply make all faction equipment factionbased + allies in certain cases. - that would surprisingly balance things out a lot.
like the order has the best armour, the best torpedo, the best capital ship turrets. - but ... they are low on numbers and are not the triggerhappy oddity.
if not everyone was looking for the best there is... 99% of the rest of sirius would be happy NOT knowning that there are things like a supernova or armour type 8 or a capital ship mortar. so the low numbers that the order has would really be significant. - an order bomber wing with supernovas would cause havoc, - especially under capship captains that are used to bombers with sunslayers and .. if they are very very well equipped minirazors.
- too bad we are beyond that time that something like that can be enforced. and people just think that a bomber without a 140.000 damage gun is no real bomber ( or at least most people think so ) - aswell as people think that a fighter without armour 8 is no real fighter. - if each faction only used what is technicly possible, ..... a lot of things could be solved.
think of it - the order has the isis and maybe a handful of osiris left, from which most of them would guard their space. - one osiris with order armour and order weapons could actually do what the order is supposed to do. - fight against an overwhelming enemy ( an enemy that thinks that capship armour 3 is the best and that thinks that there are primary and secondary turrets only. i know the order used vanilla torps in the cutscene at the SP start... but think of it. everyone thinks there are only sunslayer torps, and it takes a long time to take down a cruiser. - but then, suddenly, 4 order bombers approach and take out a rheinland cruiser in the first 2 salvos )
don t get me wrong, i like the idea of SNs for everyone... but i think the real looser is the order. - there is no characteristic left to them.. they are a semi tragic heroe, unlawful but yet lawful, - and their big edge over the nomads is dead and gone, as everyone and their uncle has a perfect copy of their technology.
Though this may sound biased. But it is not fair for a faction to not be able to use a Supernova. (If the Zoner Antimatter canon is out of the question that is....)
' Wrote:The Zoner Antimatter Cannon is the new Supernova that will be available to
Instead it's name won't be Supernova but Auraka.
Ok thank you for answering.
I have another question, well more like a opinion...
I have studied the stats on all the proposed wepons and I do believe somehow the Kusari and the Blood Dragon ones have a rather large advantage.
One reason is that they have alot faster speed and a lot less energy consumption than the other ones but looses some of its damage. However in bomber squadros (say 3 or more) it dosen't really make such of a difference if you have 10-30k less damage. The effeicency will be the same, possibly not to Battleships and High armored cruisers, but the difference there is minimal. We could go and say that all the Novas have different specialities which makes them special in their own way. Still it feels that the Kusari and the Blood Dragon one will have a rather large advantage since their stats encourges diversity in combat. Meaning they are basicly good against any ship class IF they come in group. And with their increased speed and lowered energy they will be extremely good against fighters and other bombers.
Hey Clayph this rocks, nice going mate, btw BHG one shouldnt be 145k, never, considering all BH weapons have high refire and less hull etc so keep at 125k anyways this is great hope it gets added!
[22:50:33] ☆ҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳEternalâ Nightmareҳ̸̲Ҳ̸ҳ☆(illi): i cyber with leather torps (smoking)