I would often be threatened to be reported because I 'mysteriously' CD'd escaping Osirises/Zephyrs with my dread. Little did they know that the Battleship missiles actually worked like CD's
There used to be a faction known as Vamp that were space vampires.
I think they all had... Ravenclaw ships?
Wait... well, they had the gundam looking ship, I wonder if that's still in the game.
Anyway, I think Vamp were indie LH, as they hung out in Magellan a lot, saw them in liberty a few times.
Oh crap, I remember their leader having a rheinland gunboat too! XD
-Been here years, just keep forgettin' my damn passwords and names and emails.
Plus I'm lazy - don't expect me to be on much, depression kills.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Good Old NPCs, flying around in low-level ships sporting low-level equipment, spamming drone mines everywhere, When attacked.
Many people used them as flying bot/bat storage.
Just shoot one mid-fight, and tractor the stuff.
Also, many of them still had CDs.
You barely escaped the pirate asking for your money, only to have CD-d by an NPC while writing a response.
Aaand...Spatials. Lots of spatials.
That previous model attracted a lot of newbies with its strong hull,and numerous level 10 hardpoints, thus giving them the false sense of invincibility.
They didn't count in the the size, and turnrate though.
The ship i feared the least.
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There used to be a large, unnofficial LSF faction called the LCBO (yea, like the liquor store), and they wanted the devs to add a system called Florida that connected to Alpha and Gamma. The Outcasts and Corsairs could use it to get into Liberty, but only if they had a "green card" mounted to their ships
There was also a faction named =BSG= with IMG ID as I remember , with Vipers , Raptors and some silly RP story about saving some random princess ...
Princess was last seen working in the bar on Barrier Gate Station ...yea that one with lot's of funny information's :O