Actually,it was the Auxeeians who engaged since the RFP decided to put some bounties on us.Afterwards,the RFP came in,you followed,and then we had a 7v3(3 RHA snubs) and you're the one still complaining?Please,shoo.
(08-11-2016, 02:42 PM)SkyNet Wrote: I never cried at your feedback thread. I simply asked for fairplay, but you decided to pull my request into the dirt. You rather wasted your time in making a meme instead of working on the situation, which is just poor. Look into the mirror before you yell at people.
I'm not going to take your threats here serious. It's outright ridiculous and i have better things to do than to listen to your crap. We pay attention to fair play, but if you spit at it and start to gank us, then don't wonder if some of us will treat you the same way. Deal with it.
So is that why you threw a GB into a 6v3, because you "pay attention to fairplay", I do pay attention to fair play. Maybe thats why only 3 of my members went to combat the 3 snub pilots you had online at the time?????????? But no, I'm clearly a selfish shithead that never pays attention to fairplay. Don't tell me too look in the mirror when you're the one jumping into snub fights on a dual razor gb razoring a few snubs leaving 2 people to combat 7 than saying "ok its fair now pulling out". You aren't any better than A/) when it comes to pvp balance.
Its not a threat its a warning, and if you think its an empty warning, well... ok I won't stop you from thinking that
Quote:Oh boy. At least they have a brain and don't throw themselves into a suicide mission in front of a fortress. It was you who engaged people infront of Planet New Berlin. And these pilots asked us to help. Don't expect a warm welcome if you raid our capitol. The same would happen to us if we would raid Omega-54.
Thank you. <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Actually I wouldn't need to gank you, me and all of my members are competent enough to 1v1 you and all of your snub pilots. So please don't make false accusations and use "lol its our home system" as an excuse to gank. That shitty RP>Gameplay attitude gives me ebola, people like you that believe its ok to hop into snub fights razoring left and right are what make people ragequit. Not people that bring 3 snubs to fight 3 snubs in NB rofl.
Remember who threw 3 cloak jorms at one cruiser and just said: "Np, that's ok." And now you complain that one single gb killed one of your snubs and crushed your party?
"Halp halp, RHA may gank but evil BDM may not!"
Come back if you are done with your ego trip, mate. We are done here.
(08-11-2016, 04:40 PM)Wesker Wrote: So is that why you threw a GB into a 6v3, because you "pay attention to fairplay", I do pay attention to fair play. Maybe thats why only 3 of my members went to combat the 3 snub pilots you had online at the time?????????? But no, I'm clearly a selfish ***** that never pays attention to fairplay. Don't tell me too look in the mirror when you're the one jumping into snub fights on a dual razor gb razoring a few snubs leaving 2 people to combat 7 than saying "ok its fair now pulling out". You aren't any better than A/) when it comes to pvp balance.
Let's go over what happened here, since you decided to blatantly involve us in this little poop tossing contest.
Two RHA sat away from Berlin, taunting a bunch of RFP folk. We (A/)- ) showed up to see what the dealio was, seeing as how we're enemies after that little Omega fiasco. RFP offered up some money, so me and one other pilot go to engage these two RHA guys, sitting around. One of us dies, leaving me alone for a little bit until our other pilot moved in. What happens next? Oooooooh boy. Another RHA comes and jumps in, making it a 3v2. Seeing the odds not in our favor, I told the other A/)- pilot:
[10.08.2016 18:08:21] A/)-Endurance: kenshin, planet
[10.08.2016 18:08:22] A/)-Endurance: go
[10.08.2016 18:09:28] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: What about you?
[10.08.2016 18:10:14] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Get outta there, Endurance. No need in getting yourself killed against 3 Hessians
Which left the odds at 3v1, RHA in favor. Even despite that, I continued to shoot, while the bomber kept wanting me to duel the fighters, but I wasn't going to. Nuh uh. Not happening, especially since I still have said two fighters tailing me. I'm in a light fighter. So the other guy runs to the planet and stays there, chatting with people. Next - Another freelancer appears and states the obvious as I'm chasing that big juicy Roc MMmMmMM~. I ask my pilot to tell the RFP or whoever was there to come engage. So they do. Along comes a BDM gunboat, which snapshots your pal. Oh, did I mention the RFP paid that freelancer too? Anyway, here's what happened once the fight kicked off on the Buro's end.
[10.08.2016 18:19:45] Death: [RHA]Lukas.Eisenhauer was put out of action by BDM|U-165 (Gun).
[10.08.2016 18:20:10] BDM|U-165: Kiesewetter: Standing by.
Look. At. That. He killed mister purple dulzian gun guy and backed off. My pilot then moved in to help again, as I was still chasing that juicy bomber.
[10.08.2016 18:23:50] Death: [RHA]Rainer:Braun was put out of action by A/)-Amanda.Kensington (Gun).
And he stole my kill, while that bomber was running to the planet, probably to planetdive. Ho ho. What happened next, you ask? The last RHA rolled up to duel that freelancer. You know, the one that plowed in and turned the initial fight in to a 3v2 then 3v1. That duel became a 2v1, because I wasn't done shooting yet. The RFP, BDM, and other A/) player backed off when I told them to.
[10.08.2016 18:24:48] A/)-Endurance: back off for now ken
[10.08.2016 18:25:18] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Phew... *wipes off sweat* The Adrenaline kick never gets boring, does it?
[10.08.2016 18:25:35] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: I believe someone said 4 mil per pop?
[10.08.2016 18:25:35] RFP|Insp.Daniel.Artura: Go ahead Bittner.
[10.08.2016 18:25:49] RFP|Insp.Daniel.Artura: Lets wait til the last is dealt with.
[10.08.2016 18:26:01] RFP|Insp.Daniel.Artura: Don't count the money when the robber is next to yah.
[10.08.2016 18:26:12] A/)-Magnetar: so... is that a no or yes for NB?
[10.08.2016 18:26:20] A/)-Endurance: we're good
[10.08.2016 18:26:22] A/)-Raven: they're k
[10.08.2016 18:26:23] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: He's done for soon enough. Regenerative machinery is down to a minimum. Soon he'll be ou t and torn to pieces.
[10.08.2016 18:26:26] A/)-Magnetar: aight
[10.08.2016 18:26:58] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Keep it together, Stormclaw. I'll pass you another mil extra, if you survive *chuckles*
[10.08.2016 18:27:06] Death: [RHA]Ren.Xiaolian was put out of action by Tia.Stormclaw (Missile/Torpedo).
[10.08.2016 18:27:11] Tia.Stormclaw: Not even trying.
And thus ends the fight.
So please, don't argue about fair play when your forces weren't really taking it in to consideration Wesker. That's quite hypocritical of you. The gunboat was overkill though BDM. Completely and absolutely unnecessary with the level of forces present in the later fight.
Let's agree to disagree, put the situation to rest, and move on to greener pastures.
(08-11-2016, 04:40 PM)Wesker Wrote: So is that why you threw a GB into a 6v3, because you "pay attention to fairplay", I do pay attention to fair play. Maybe thats why only 3 of my members went to combat the 3 snub pilots you had online at the time?????????? But no, I'm clearly a selfish ***** that never pays attention to fairplay. Don't tell me too look in the mirror when you're the one jumping into snub fights on a dual razor gb razoring a few snubs leaving 2 people to combat 7 than saying "ok its fair now pulling out". You aren't any better than A/) when it comes to pvp balance.
Let's go over what happened here, since you decided to blatantly involve us in this little poop tossing contest.
Two RHA sat away from Berlin, taunting a bunch of RFP folk. We (A/)- ) showed up to see what the dealio was, seeing as how we're enemies after that little Omega fiasco. RFP offered up some money, so me and one other pilot go to engage these two RHA guys, sitting around. One of us dies, leaving me alone for a little bit until our other pilot moved in. What happens next? Oooooooh boy. Another RHA comes and jumps in, making it a 3v2. Seeing the odds not in our favor, I told the other A/)- pilot:
[10.08.2016 18:08:21] A/)-Endurance: kenshin, planet
[10.08.2016 18:08:22] A/)-Endurance: go
[10.08.2016 18:09:28] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: What about you?
[10.08.2016 18:10:14] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Get outta there, Endurance. No need in getting yourself killed against 3 Hessians
Which left the odds at 3v1, RHA in favor. Even despite that, I continued to shoot, while the bomber kept wanting me to duel the fighters, but I wasn't going to. Nuh uh. Not happening, especially since I still have said two fighters tailing me. I'm in a light fighter. So the other guy runs to the planet and stays there, chatting with people. Next - Another freelancer appears and states the obvious as I'm chasing that big juicy Roc MMmMmMM~. I ask my pilot to tell the RFP or whoever was there to come engage. So they do. Along comes a BDM gunboat, which snapshots your pal. Oh, did I mention the RFP paid that freelancer too? Anyway, here's what happened once the fight kicked off on the Buro's end.
[10.08.2016 18:19:45] Death: [RHA]Lukas.Eisenhauer was put out of action by BDM|U-165 (Gun).
[10.08.2016 18:20:10] BDM|U-165: Kiesewetter: Standing by.
Look. At. That. He killed mister purple dulzian gun guy and backed off. My pilot then moved in to help again, as I was still chasing that juicy bomber.
[10.08.2016 18:23:50] Death: [RHA]Rainer:Braun was put out of action by A/)-Amanda.Kensington (Gun).
And he stole my kill, while that bomber was running to the planet, probably to planetdive. Ho ho. What happened next, you ask? The last RHA rolled up to duel that freelancer. You know, the one that plowed in and turned the initial fight in to a 3v2 then 3v1. That duel became a 2v1, because I wasn't done shooting yet. The RFP, BDM, and other A/) player backed off when I told them to.
[10.08.2016 18:24:48] A/)-Endurance: back off for now ken
[10.08.2016 18:25:18] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Phew... *wipes off sweat* The Adrenaline kick never gets boring, does it?
[10.08.2016 18:25:35] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: I believe someone said 4 mil per pop?
[10.08.2016 18:25:35] RFP|Insp.Daniel.Artura: Go ahead Bittner.
[10.08.2016 18:25:49] RFP|Insp.Daniel.Artura: Lets wait til the last is dealt with.
[10.08.2016 18:26:01] RFP|Insp.Daniel.Artura: Don't count the money when the robber is next to yah.
[10.08.2016 18:26:12] A/)-Magnetar: so... is that a no or yes for NB?
[10.08.2016 18:26:20] A/)-Endurance: we're good
[10.08.2016 18:26:22] A/)-Raven: they're k
[10.08.2016 18:26:23] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: He's done for soon enough. Regenerative machinery is down to a minimum. Soon he'll be ou t and torn to pieces.
[10.08.2016 18:26:26] A/)-Magnetar: aight
[10.08.2016 18:26:58] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Keep it together, Stormclaw. I'll pass you another mil extra, if you survive *chuckles*
[10.08.2016 18:27:06] Death: [RHA]Ren.Xiaolian was put out of action by Tia.Stormclaw (Missile/Torpedo).
[10.08.2016 18:27:11] Tia.Stormclaw: Not even trying.
And thus ends the fight.
So please, don't argue about fair play when your forces weren't really taking it in to consideration Wesker. That's quite hypocritical of you. The gunboat was overkill though BDM. Completely and absolutely unnecessary with the level of forces present in the fight.
Let's agree to disagree, put the situation to rest, and move on to greener pastures.
1) 3 A/)- vs 2 [RHA]
2) 3 - 1 A/)- vs 2 + 1 [RHA]
2.5) 1 A/)- making manevour to NB which is a matter of one-two minutes, leaving you 1-2 v 1 ( I went after Kenshin and didn't fire on you when came back and soon kenshin came back with the party).
3) 2 A/)- + 1(maybe 2, one wasn't really in the fight iirc) RFP + 1 FL + 1 BDM GB vs 3 [RHA]
4) 4 fighters vs 1 dried bomber and 1 fighter.
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in the beginning it was 2 a/) vs 2 RHA until flash got a stupidly lucky snac
then amanda came in, because there were only 3 of us, and now 2 at that point.
in the beginning it was 2 a/) vs 2 RHA until flash got a stupidly lucky snac
then amanda came in, because there were only 3 of us, and now 2 at that point.
Oh, okay. I was the one who came up later, so I wasn't there.
in the beginning it was 2 a/) vs 2 RHA until flash got a stupidly lucky snac
then amanda came in, because there were only 3 of us, and now 2 at that point.
Oh, okay. I was the one who came up later, so I wasn't there.
Ye when you got there I told Amanda to back off anyway. Ended in it being 3v1 for a bit but that's fine because the scimi is a fun shippie. It went overkill in the end. The gunboat was overkill and the extra freelancer.
(08-11-2016, 05:42 PM)Vendetta Wrote: So please, don't argue about fair play when your forces weren't really taking it in to consideration Wesker.
Not going to quote your whole post since it's full of irrelevant information. No offense, bloating about killing [RHA] in a 7v3 isn't exactly something to bloat about.
Specifically this comment of yours: Incorrect. We did play fair, and I offered you a duel against one of our fighters. What did you do? Oh right, you continued to shoot the Bomber. That's why our fighters shot you. You were offered a duel, because you denied it and went to the bomber, doesn't mean we didn't play fair. Next time bring a actual fighter so you can be somewhat useful to your allies. I'll just bring up your skype log, of me specifically telling you that we offered you a duel.
[8/10/2016 3:37:32 PM] Flash™: And you were offered a duel, you just insisted on shooting the Roc.
[8/10/2016 3:37:43 PM] \/endetta: no i'm not shooting fighters
Way to go V, you played yourself.
Now, onto the in-game logs.
[10.08.2016 22:07:41] [RHA]Ren.Xiaolian: I'm coming, my brothers! For the Revolution! Fire!
[10.08.2016 22:07:50] [RHA]Rainer:Braun: Stand down for now.
And he did. He went to shoot Amanda, who then ran to the planet. When he came back, he didn't engage you until....
[10.08.2016 22:10:14] [RHA]Rainer:Braun: You can have him, Lukas.
[10.08.2016 22:10:34] [RHA]Rainer:Braun: If he stops shooting me, that is
I went away, along with Ren, and let you duel. What did you do? Oh right, you wanted the fat bomber you barely managed to damage the whole time, instead of the fair 1v1 you were given. Also, don't brag about it in your faction chat, saying you went 3v1 against RHA, because only thing you did was kill us in a 7v3 along with a double razor GB support. (:
On the topic of hypocrisy...
[8/9/2016 11:56:15 AM] \/endetta: normally when i'm there
[8/9/2016 11:56:19 AM] \/endetta: i try to balance it out
(08-11-2016, 05:42 PM)Vendetta Wrote: Which left the odds at 3v1, RHA in favor. Even despite that, I continued to shoot, while the bomber kept wanting me to duel the fighters, but I wasn't going to. Nuh uh. Not happening, especially since I still have said two fighters tailing me.
big juicy Roc MMmMmMM~.
[10.08.2016 18:08:21] A/)-Endurance: kenshin, planet
[10.08.2016 18:08:22] A/)-Endurance: go
[10.08.2016 18:09:28] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: What about you?
[10.08.2016 18:10:14] A/)-Amanda.Kensington: Get outta there, Endurance. No need in getting yourself killed against 3 Hessians
[10.08.2016 18:24:48] A/)-Endurance: back off for now ken