(09-28-2016, 10:15 PM)Durandal Wrote: You realize you just said that you're refusing to participate in what is an event outlining the intentional weakening by the story team (the addition of a hostile presence to Vespucci) of a faction that you're saying is overpowered and pointing the bias finger at, right?
That post also didn't need to be here. This thread is supposed to be about the event, and I'm very disappointed that anyone would try to bring their grievances about me or my faction here when there is a feedback thread for them to do it in, an open PM box, and a Skype they can message me on.
You know, it's funny.
Seeing people instantly hate on the Legion because a developer is in charge really is hilarious. As someone who led the faction for a brief period and sat inside the HC for a long time, I know how much we actually had to fight to get things done. Half of the stuff doesn't even get brought up, while the other half is ignored. In fact, I recall a sitdown about an [HF]-[LN]/LPI- Storyline event I tried to organize some time ago that was almost entirely an uphill battle, which still hasn't seen any attention yet, so I'm under the assumption it was swept under the rug.
Don't get me wrong - Hesperia was a bad idea without any prior RP, but frankly it was a necessary change, because having to fly from Vespucci all the way to the core of Liberty was tiring, and making use of the Xenos bases wasn't something we as a faction could keep doing due to discussions about a shift in direction.
Of course, I'm not in the HF anymore so I can't speak for the faction, but in my experience the whole 'overpowered' statement is a far cry from the truth when considering that the playerbase is almost constantly outnumbered and fighting an uphill battle. They make limited use of the Arbiter because it currently sucks. The Judicator? Don't even start. The Prosecutor is even a struggle in some cases due to its fat behind, so even its tech isn't that overpowered. Storyline wise? It's getting fleshed out in to an interesting concept that I hope gains some footing and attracts more attention, but the faction is far from as overpowered as people like to believe.
(09-28-2016, 10:07 PM)Darku Wrote: Hello, guys apologize to the community but I and the GG- Second-in-Command will not participate in this.
For a number of years, Hellfire faction leaders used their dev positions in order to consistently promote and expand their faction. And so the Hellfire which started as an organization formed by former Liberty Navy personnel, it is now becoming a small nation with zero regard of the regional powers as well as being at war with almost everyone. This ludicrous lore development has been pointed out by the community a number of times.
The latest events which really disappointed me were the Outpost Hesperia, the development of a 2nd set of HF shipline while other factions do not even have one, and the OSC liner organizing tourist journeys and voyages in a publicly known terrorist space.
This is not realistic. This is not something which we want our faction to be involved in.
But to be honest, I really hope you guys have a good time and have lots of pews. Show them some true Gaian power!
HF HC hence post cus this is a colossal lol moment
But the gaians having literally all of sirius as their ZOI, and access to the OP corsair snubline and gunboat, the claymore which remains one of the most vicious groupfighting gunboats in the mod, and one of the few factions to have the delicious 750ms 5.88s is somehow not nearly as good.
The HF shipline is garbage. The prossie is garbage for groupfighitng, the HF GB is garbage for groupfighitng. The HFBC is the worst BC in the mod, the arbiter is a wanna be ransuer and a ransuer is a wannabe valor which should say a thing or 2 about how good the HF shipline is.
What's wrong with Hisperia? I mean how did the gaians poop out a base in the middle of the taus where they never operate???????????????????????????????????????????
You're also speaking as if you're in a position to be the ones screwing over HF. Last I checked you needed the members and the activity. Given your ID was buffed monstrously from your lack of attention.
This is hilarious.
HF has had the Prosecutor since.... .85?.86? The capital ships are fairly new,and the fact that we don't fit in the lore?That's hilarious coming from a Gaian who,like Wesker said,has a Sirius-wide ZoI.
Secondly,the fact that this event IS ACTUALLY WITHIN a decent amount of roleplay,although the fact that Gaians infiltrate Vespucci is just hilariously oorp and actually get away with Locklear,I find it hilarious from the start that the Gaians actually know about the terraforming of Guadalajara.
Anyway,if you want out of it,go pick some flowers elsewhere.
(09-28-2016, 10:07 PM)Darku Wrote: Hello, guys apologize to the community but I and the GG- Second-in-Command will not participate in this.
For a number of years, Hellfire faction leaders used their dev positions in order to consistently promote and expand their faction. And so the Hellfire which started as an organization formed by former Liberty Navy personnel, it is now becoming a small nation with zero regard of the regional powers as well as being at war with almost everyone. This ludicrous lore development has been pointed out by the community a number of times.
The latest events which really disappointed me were the Outpost Hesperia, the development of a 2nd set of HF shipline while other factions do not even have one, and the OSC liner organizing tourist journeys and voyages in a publicly known terrorist space.
This is not realistic. This is not something which we want our faction to be involved in.
But to be honest, I really hope you guys have a good time and have lots of pews. Show them some true Gaian power!
The [HF] has been around since like, 2007. Anyone who knows me knows that I am /consistently/ critical of [HF] lore, especially earlier versions of it. For a while, their lore was literally that they were the order.
>LN Intelligence Battlegroup
>Experimental battleship with no other blueprints
>Discover vague "nomad corruption"
>Rebel against Liberty and become terrorists.
As one of the few people on the server to lead a proper colonization effort (Sprague) in Disco, I also have a lot of problems with the docking ring on Guadalara. Where are all the people coming from, for example? How are they getting there? Why is there no Colonial Station so that the roleplay can be played out in game? The resources to build colonial infrastructure should be transported by HF ships or contracted ships to a POB near the planet. The people supposedly coming to the planet? That should happen as well. And so yea, I totally understand where you're coming from. Some things reek of powergaming.
But as one of those factions that's been around since 2007, many of their assets and lore are flawed because there was a much lower standard of roleplay in general back then. There has also been a consistent effort by Durandal and many others in the [HF] to go back and attempt to make [HF] lore and assets fit in more with the Disco environment and provide for a more balanced experience. This event, even if it doesn't make the most sense at first glance, is a part of that process.
It also is supposed to provide some much needed love to probably one of the most dead-end factions in all of disco history. The faction that you're claiming to play. Do the Gaians have better things to do in roleplay? Yea, sure. But the HF has an active playerbase, which means you get people you can actually interact with on the regular.
The [HF] has a lot of work to do if they want to put an end to dumb lore almost a decade old and powergamed fun assets that are added for gameplay reasons and to advance storylines rather than /as part of/ those storylines. But I guess this is proof that no matter what amount of work they put in to try and fix it . . .
people like you will still end up whining.
User was banned for: Unacceptable behavior
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"[30.10.2016 21:04:13] [HF]-Cavalier: What're you doing here in the middle of nowhere if I may ask?" -> Suddenly a force of [HF] , HF indie, Xeno indie and A/) appears in New Hampshire. This quote above makes it look like a random flight there. Sure if you picked up the distress call, all nice.
Just one question? Was it really necessary to log, search in the entire system / get the position ooRPly leaked to show up and just shoot immediatly? Better asked: Is it necessary to see this coming from [HF] and A/) all the time when events like this one take place?
No I am not salty, rather just curious why you think that showing up at such places just to shoot is necessary. You never had a real encounter with Harmony yet anyways, Seperatist IFF doesn't make you wonder and ask about things? Have fun. I know what I won't do anymore.
Quick edit: And I counted a force which easily overhelms ours. If you already log for pew-only, get the numbers right next time.
Me watching the daily drama turn into yet another Disco-doomsday discussion:
(10-30-2016, 10:22 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: Let's keep it calm.
Threatening to not interact with us as a faction doesn't strike me as a very calm thing to do, which you did later on. It's also extremely disappointing.
(10-30-2016, 10:22 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: "[30.10.2016 21:04:13] [HF]-Cavalier: What're you doing here in the middle of nowhere if I may ask?" -> Suddenly a force of [HF] , HF indie, Xeno indie and A/) appears in New Hampshire. This quote above makes it look like a random flight there. Sure if you picked up the distress call, all nice.
Just one question? Was it really necessary to log, search in the entire system / get the position ooRPly leaked to show up and just shoot immediatly? Better asked: Is it necessary to see this coming from [HF] and A/) all the time when events like this one take place?
People use the player list to find activity, and search a system until they find it. It's the way things have always been, and I really have no idea why you're expecting anything different. We saw a potentially interesting encounter and we sought it out. Isn't that preferable to us not logging at all, or flying around patrolling an otherwise empty house since everyone was occupied in New Hampshire?
(10-30-2016, 10:22 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: No I am not salty, rather just curious why you think that showing up at such places just to shoot is necessary. You never had a real encounter with Harmony yet anyways, Seperatist IFF doesn't make you wonder and ask about things? Have fun. I know what I won't do anymore.
It absolutely made us wonder, and I was just as content to sit down and roleplay with you guys as I was to shoot you. Your immediate reaction however was to run, and when people run they get shot. Maybe try talking to us next time instead of assuming the fun wrecker squad has arrived and immediately bailing? You could've been inclusive rather than exclusive there, and the fact that you weren't is something I find extremely disheartening.
(10-30-2016, 10:22 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: Quick edit: And I counted a force which easily overhelms ours. If you already log for pew-only, get the numbers right next time.
It would've been a pretty equal fight if Harmony and the Normandie hadn't gtfo'd (Apparently a certain acronym for leaving extremely quickly translates to Ferrari, since this forum is for 10 year olds) the minute we appeared, and even so - just because we have a larger force does not mean we intend to use it. The bombers broke off after the gunboat went down, and we let the only fighter that didn't run have a duel.
Overall this seems to be a case of you assuming the worst and not allowing us a chance to prove otherwise, that's what I've taken away from the whole encounter.
(10-30-2016, 11:43 PM)Durandal Wrote: It absolutely made us wonder, and I was just as content to sit down and roleplay with you guys as I was to shoot you. Your immediate reaction however was to run, and when people run they get shot. Maybe try talking to us next time instead of assuming the fun wrecker squad has arrived and immediately bailing? You could've been inclusive rather than exclusive there, and the fact that you weren't is something I find extremely disheartening.
This might happened because of the general picture many people have of HF. I don't. Guess who stayed and fought you as first 7v1? Me.
Also that I am going to avoid interactions with HF at all is something I never said. Not even on skype where logs have been leaked as it seems. Just that I will avoid interactions with some of my chars, bad luck you lowered the count of chars which would even speak to HF with this action. Hope it won't be more in the future.
Many expect the worst outcome when they see HF and Aux in one group. I didn't but I guess the recent things I saw and heard slowly change this attitude, sadly. Prove otherwise, feel free to, I would actually really want to see it.
(10-30-2016, 11:53 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: This might happened because of the general picture many people have of HF. I don't. Guess who stayed and fought you as first 7v1? Me.
You got shafted by merit of not being cynical? Man, talk about drawing the short straw.
(10-30-2016, 11:53 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: Also that I am going to avoid interactions with HF at all is something I never said. Not even on skype where logs have been leaked as it seems. Just that I will avoid interactions with some of my chars, bad luck you lowered the count of chars which would even speak to HF with this action. Hope it won't be more in the future.
I must've misunderstood. The "Guess what I'm not going to do anymore" bit at the end of one of your paragraphs alluded to it.
(10-30-2016, 11:53 PM)Werdackel| Wrote: Many expect the worst outcome when they see HF and Aux in one group. I didn't but I guess the recent things I saw and heard slowly change this attitude, sadly. Prove otherwise, feel free to, I would actually really want to see it.
Catch 22. I can't prove otherwise if I'm not given a chance to, and that's exactly what happened here today.
In addition, one of my members pointed out something I should've included here to begin with. We were sitting in Texas for a good thirty minutes before we moved in. You had every opportunity to throw us a PM saying that you would prefer we stay out, not shoot, that sort of thing. And we would've accommodated.
But I guess that wasn't done because of more negative expectations?