Having just been pirated by two members of LH~ I must say I'm incredibly unimpressed with the conduct and finding no feedback thread to respond to I've had to make this instead.
The engagement took place not more than 10 minutes ago in California/Cortez with myself on >\./<Jimmy.The.Rat and what thorough the entire 'scene' not a single word I typed was acknowledged or responded to, not a "We're not interested in deals" or "You're not talking your way out of this one" or even a "Shut up."
For the entire duration it was like listening to a recording, right down to the 10 second countdown which at that point I fully expected to see a "Press the hash key to play your options again" to come over the chat.
Honestly this isn't what I expected from the Hackers, I've had amazing RP from you guys on my OSC and the "tour" through Texas still ranks as one of my favourite experiences which is the reason I headed that way. I expected to be pirated, I looked forward to some fun banter and threats but what I got was "serving number 32."
The Lane Hackers LH~ is taking feedback very seriously which we wish to address in the most productive and sincere manner. However this is not conducted via the so-called "feedback threads". The leadership has reviewed the logs and you will be contacted privately very soon.