Comm ID: Lt. Ethan Taylor Recipient: 5th Fleet High Command Subject: Two fights
Greetings High Command,
I started my patrol at West Point when I saw a fight between some Police and Navy ships against a RA-9 "Scylla", the LRD-RazorFest. I changed to my bomber and engaged it. Well, it was a long but easy fight. We destroyed it.
During the fight we got a system wide transmission about a RH-GM482 "Vidar"-Class Hessian Cruiser. We engaged and destroyed it.
It was a good day for us and a bad day for the unlawful forces in Libery.
During combat training exercises, Lt. Taylor and I were contacted by a privately owned Kusari gunboat Akagoujira-maru requesting passage into Liberty to offer the President a gift. After granting on spot permission under 5th Fleet escort, Lt. Taylor and I had escorted the vessel to Newark station, where the gift, 20 Junyo Fire Pearls, would be inspected by Agency 404. While standing by as docking permissions were obtained, the captain of the vessel and I shared a pleasant discussion. Shortly after Lt. Taylor's departure, the vessel was cleared to dock, and I took to standard patrol.
Comm ID: Lt. Ethan Taylor Recipient: 5th Fleet High Command Subject: RM and Agency 404
This will be a short report.
First: A fleet of some ships destroyed one Liberty Rogue Destroyer.
To the main topic:
I was eating something on Trenton when I got a transmission that a RM vessel is in NY. I flew to West Point to get some information. After I arrived and asked for information no one seemed to care about my request. Not the [LN] nor the 404. I followed them to Houston where the 404 started to engage the RM, because he took some pictures of the battleship there. I will add some pictures of the conversation:
Comm ID: Nicole Prower Recipient: 5th Fleet Command Subject: Rheinland Federal Police
Greetings Command,
While enjoying my time, I noticed a Rheinland officer orbiting Planet Manhattan. I attempted to ask the officer what his business was within Liberty, to which he remained silent on and expressed his intent to remain. At this point, I ordered the vessel to begin leaving Liberty, which he again refused. At this point, it was clear he had no intentions of obeying Liberty forces, and I had contacted First Fleet for reinforcements, to which [LN]-LNS-Tijuana was dispatched. My vessel had sustained critical damage before Tijuana arrived, but I was informed the Officer was forced out.
Comm ID: Mike Anderson Recipient: 5th High Command Subject: Nomads and RFP
Good evening High Command
We received a distress call from BAF, their long range probes found a sizable Nomad fleet moving toward Manchester system, Winchester station. A whole fleet of Liberties capital ships was dispatched as soon as possible, but my bomber had some problems with starting so I was late, for the first wave at least. When I got there most of the Nomadic forces were destroyed, with only small ones remaining. But, then everything went to ****. Screams were heard from all directions, and that sound, almost like music, oh god so creepy it was. And then it came, biggest Nomad I have ever seen, guess that's the monster we call 'Ish'tar', you can see here how its destruction went. Also among those guncams you can see their snubs having a very, very, weird weapon, it acts like a forward gun and does an immense amount of damage, if they manage to hit. All Nomad forces were destroyed and Winchester station was unharmed.
Now on to the other subject. After we have dealt with Nomads Admiral Hall of BAF ordered a raid on Leeds against GRN forces, since we had a massive fleet gathered. So whilst BAF forces repaired, I went to Freeport 4. That is where Ethan, Kalh and me regrouped for the raid. And as we waited we received a message from BAF, they said all of them move to Leeds through the jump hole in New London. We were surprised and rushed to Leeds as fast as we could. Lack of teamwork and coordination put BAF in a bad spot, most of their forces were destroyed or retreating, and when Captain Kalh learned about this, he turned his ship around and went back to Liberty, he had no intentions to go in there alone. Whilst I, well I had other problems, you see when I learned about Kalh leaving I decided to leave as well, and whilst pulling myself out of combat a RFP, yes FRM|Karoline.Engler ship showed up. On this I was very surprised and in shock when it flew past all of GRN forces and attacked me. The battle was long, and tiresome, but the pilot was obviously not very skilled as it dropped its guard down and gave me a chance, a chance I happily took and used. The RFP was destroyed and I returned to Liberty.
[COMM-ID]: Lieutenant Murray, Alissa
[RECEIVER-ID]: Liberty Fifth Fleet Reporting Center
[SUBJECT]: After-Action report for November 11th, 823 A.S.
[PRIORITY]: Beta - Low
[ENCRYPTION]: Beta - Low
Reporting in.
Our patrol began from Manhattan, where Lt. Sanders, Ensign Prower, I and Admiral Sader aboard the Kansas patrolled the lanes to West Point and then to Norfolk. After docking on Norfolk, we came across a duo of female Lane Hacker pilots, 'Am_I_Cute?' and 'I_Am_Cute!'. The two were engaged, and misway through a third vessel, a Maltesian Sabre callsign 'Damlack', came in and engaged us. The Outcast was destroyed, as well as one of the Hackers, 'I_Am_Cute!'. The second Hacker vessel fought back, and managed to escape, using the speed of the Scimitar against us.
After that call, we were pulled to Texas regarding Prower's discovery of a Landwirtrechtbewegung (LWB) Pirate Transport called the 'LWB|Green.Tomato'. The vessel was escorted to Houston, where it refused to comply with further orders. The captain, in a last ditch effort, rammed Abilene and destroyed his vessel.
Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Samantha Archer Recipient: 5th Fleet Command Subject: Battle of Kansas Summary
This report may be unecessary but, I shall submit it anyway. As you know, we engaged the Hellfire Legion and allies in Kansas today, and won a resounding victory.
On a personal note, I'm glad to return to active duty. That two weeks with the Unioners as my captors was hell, I'm glad I could get out when I did. I was able to command the Lightning into battle too but, now, I'm going to submit to a thorough medical.
Tidings Command Team, Captain Kalh here: We have meet the power of the Mighty Hellfire Legion and we over came there forces! I am happy to report we took no casualties. The Amenhotep has taken considerable damage but as always she stays strong and capable. During the battle i gave the order for full cruise ahead to catch up to the Incursus we suffered some hull damage but the battle was changed in Liberties favor. We Took down its shields and as The Incursus focused the Amenhotep, he did not realize the the Armada who was coming to support us... Im pleased to say he was destroyed. Along with the rest of the Hellfire legion. The only thing i regret is the Auxesian ship who "suddenly" escaped. But... i have some thing interesting i am going to share with the bretonians. Apparently Auxesia, is now working with the Gauls. Here is my evidence. As you can see here it seems Auxesia has had contact with the Gallic Kingdom and im sure the Bretonians will want to see this... The plot thickens so it seems...
[18.11.2016 20:37:46] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: R: Oh - well, in that case, I better send an invitation note to the Gallics to give California a poke again, eh?
[18.11.2016 20:38:17] 5th|LNS-Amenhotep: Kalh: So Auxesia is now working wuth the Gauls? Thanks for the informaiton.
-For Liberty
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy. - V. Havel
Comm ID: Nicole Prower Recipient: 5th Fleet Command Subject: Smugglers and Battles
Greetings Command,
Quite an eventful day today. Firstly, after beginning my patrol I joined with First Fleet Logistics Vessel LLS-San.Mateo and First Fleet pilot John Mayer for routine patrol. While orbiting Planet Manhattan, quite a few Cardamine smugglers decided to come visit. The first of which, an Interspace Commerce advanced train had arrived holding 4935 units of cardamine, which was intended for Manhattan, which the pilot attempted to pass of as "candy". The cargo was confiscated without incident and locked away in Navy facilities on the planet.
Two more transports attempted to dock with the same cargo, however all vessels were stopped and cardamine confiscated. Following this, an Outcast Warship had made its presence known, to which First Fleet warships LNS-Plymouth.Rock and LNS-Mount.Hood arrived to counter, while I had engaged the warships fighter support alongside Bounty Hunters and LPI. All vessels were destroyed, and I had responded to the final outlaw vessel in the area, a Kusari Explorer gunboat, who was destroyed by present forces. Sorted Artifacts were also located aboard a BMM vessel with the help of Junker vessel Recycler[J]. They were confiscated without incident.