I am not quite certain if you think you are very clever of if you really stopped caring about your life and the 101st's heritage.
You know I didn't quite believed Cristina when she told me that I ought to send "Estefania Casta a summon for trials". I didn't think you'd go that far.
Dealing with the Corsairs? Selling Malta and its technology away to those? What for? This isn't what the 101st stood for either.
What it is though is treason. And I hereby ask of you to cease your activities with the Corsairs and return to Malta for trial. I don't expect that you will be doing any operations again.
Everything that's left of the 101st is also to immediately cease all activity with the Corsairs or they will be taken into custody as well.
If you do not respond to this withing 48 hours and hand yourself over we will have to take more drastic measures.
Signora Ileana Martelli, due to the severity of the outlined accusiations along with the threats aimed at your communications initial addressee, the Legal Department will further process the events in representation of our client, signora Administrator Estefania Casta. We regret to inform you that without the prosecution presenting their evidence for legal review, we deny your request to've our client attend any and all scenarios of Court trial as well as any and all other requests presented by the accusers side.
You're asked and required to please follow standard juristic act and forward the material your claims are based on.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Mag. iur. Mira Sebat LL.M.
all evidence will be presented at the date of trial. We will not send out any evidence beforehand.
If Senora Casta decides not to follow the call to court then that will firstly, not show her situation in a good light and secondly will force us to take her into custody until the court date.
Of course she will be able to keep in contact with her lawyer, which we assume is you for the time being.
That should be it. I suggest that you urge Senora Casta to follow this call immediately.
Signora Ileana Martelli, it appears you've fallen for the misconception that you're handling one of your internal affairs. We politely remind you that despite the National Councils current position in Nacions prime seat, you're not Supreme to the multitude of squadrons and famiglias within maltese society not united under your colours and therefor must abide to actual juristic procedures when filing an official claim against a subject outside your internal jurisdiction and sentence.
Again you're asked and requested to forward the material your claims are based on. Please take note that submissions at Court which weren't presented for legal review beforehand, given the standard time frame for insight and commentary, are accounted as inadmissible by maltese judicature.
Should you be unfamiliar with executing a trial according to constitutional legislative, we advise the prosecution to employ more suited personnel to pursue their cause.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Mag. iur. Mira Sebat LL.M.
We once more regret to inform you that any and all your requests are denied by the Legal Department as representative of our client, signora Administrator Estefania Casta.
It seems your course of action is that of despotism, neglecting correct juristic act in pursuit of own perceptions. We're afraid the Legal Department can't offer any further assistance to your case.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
Mag. iur. Mira Sebat LL.M.
COMM-ID: President Cristina Martelli TARGET-ID: Estefania Casta
Senora Casta,
we had allowed you a return in peace and grace. We had intended to give you a fair trial and the option to defend yourself. The evidence that is standing against you is strong and not misinterpretable though. Your actions here show the council and myself that our accusations are rightful. There would be no reason to hide if you had done no wrong.
So it is with a heavy heart that I hereby issue an order of arrest against your person. In case of resistance, the forces assigned with this task will be allowed to use force against your property, your allies or your person.
So far this order only extends as far as your person and I only ask the tiny remainder of the 101st to cease their actions as they'd been ordered by you or we will extend it to them as well.
You took this Council for a fool the longest of times and your latest traitorous actions will now be paid back in full. It is a disgrace to see how far you took the 101st from its once glorious place on Malta.
Finally the brat shows herself instead of hiding for so long behind her grunts. A fair trial you say? You couldn't even provide, after requested twice, any evidence, so what should I expect at the Court you control? Your evidently engineered, not existant accusations and then getting locked away on your word? You've not even the slightest idea of what Nacion once was before every dog thought they could rally some of their friends to challenge authority. You're a disgrace to Nacion. You don't understand how our society works and you got no knowledge of our judicial system.
I'm back to Ishmael, prepared for whatever you dare throwing at the Razgriz' Ghosts. You try entering our territory and you'll have a planetside war you can't ever win, regardless of what you think you got. Even as much as remotely point a gun in my direction and I'll burn your compounds, skin your people alive, remove your eyes through your neck and send them to your relatives who'll be next to meet the end you brought upon them until your whole heritage is eliminated. I'll take the fight to the streets of every city where one of yours is found, every house that holds anyone speaking up for your side and leave the dead rotting on your doorstep. Our artillery will rain fire on your people, our tanks will crush everything you inhabit or built and our soldiers will walk the ground soaked with the blood of your followers.
That and nothing less is what you'll receive if you don't stop it now.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.