I could explain and make a colossal post of the Cerberus Vault on Wichita, how exists, how wasn't meant to be found by none and so on. It's very possible all of it, first of all because of RP, connections, story-telling, and secondly people would just make more +1 for us seeing the well written explanation as an actual story with very good writing details as me and our faction is used to do. And also, you are not in the right position to judge past factions that existed. It is your opinion, I do respect that.
Also, pardon me, I didn't meant also that we went there at impossible hours to make people unable to catch. We just brawled in Pennsylvania, and I just recall that pretty well organized typical gank. But hey, people patrol those systems all the time. It happened that we ran into them. *sigh*
Anyway, so far, thank you for the inquiries. All objections will be noted.
PS: I do invite and encourage more people that had interactions with us, at least, to offer their feedback. What to improve, what should be done better. Thank you ^_^
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign
Well you know I've had a lot of fun dealing with you guys as Jimmy over the past 8 or so months, I never know if I'll be sent to get parts for a research lab or a doomsday weapon but its always something interesting.
Croft, it will always be our pleasure to work with you and with your boys. Thank you for the RP and services, you know what kinds of stuff you delivered already.
Now, on the side, I wanted to note and I hope we're not late. Perhaps this can affect will we be official or not. Though, this was only mentioned in our Message Dump and perhaps you didn't noticed this before.
We are currently working on organising Commune further. As all of you know, Commune were small remnants of what used to be Samarran Raiders. Mighty force, with well organised army once. We are also working on making full list of Commune Assets as mentioned before.
We RP-ed Commune on beginning as a weak, small and closed organisation. During the time, the numbers grew, as well as income, which by the way, we will begin as well documenting in our Message Relay Zeta. We also became a part of Maltese government during the time, we even have our small settlement on San Remo, and we decided that it is right time to create specific cells inside of our organisation. We will also perhaps face another migration from Samarra, if you look here
3 specific cells, they will have their own specialisation but the Commune will as well work together whenever it needs to. For example, the Wichita event was the case where we went all together as a team. Terminus cell, led by Silviu's character Dave Synk, will be R&D cell. You are all aware of his RP and there's no need to repeat it all over again.
Silver Sun cell, will be led by Marko's Bassam Hussaini. It will mostly represent what "Slithering Tongue" from Samarran Raiders represented. Diplomacy, furthering Commune interests trough the Sirius for the Great Work, recon missions and such.
Raiders cell, which will be organised by me and my character Nomak, will be the main fighting force of Commune and will contain the most of people. We will do bounties and we will collect income. Piracy, stealing cargo. All the new recruits will go to this cell, and if they show their interest in doing something else with the time, they will have their chance.
Other than that, we remain rank- less organisation, still working as one minded hive towards one goal. We will generally have Overlord, Nomak; Operatives, those in Silver Sun and Terminus and we will have Raiders (yet to be decided with name), those who will be under my cell.
Again, this doesen't means we will be split. We will just handle different things specificaly and according to what we do best.
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(03-07-2017, 08:35 PM)PRJKTLRD Wrote:
(03-07-2017, 08:02 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Wouldn't it be a nice opportunity if Auxesia and Hellfire actually find something foreign on the planet, with Commune being involved?
Like, with both sides on a fair level.
+ 1 but reality is totally different. We were usualy shadow logged by people who flew Auxesia/Hellfire.Therefore, we don't currently feel any need to partake with them on our Wichita RP.
Especially Auxesia. I remember when we wanted to trade that one Nomad Prototype and when guess who, asked to come and steal it. Just out of nowhere. You talk about "RP logic" but you don't think do your acts have some "logic"? Like, how you inRP knew of that? Asking OOC-ly doesen't justifies your acts though.
Nobody asked me really if I wanted that to happen. But they asked Foxglove. (against whom, I don't have anything bad to think regarding that)
But anyway, Auxesia got their own two pieces of that technology.
It is funny now how you come here to question our RP regarding Wichita. The background is there and the base existed. We didn't invite Auxesia or Hellfire to "find it" simply because I believe, it wasn't meant to be found neither in past and neither now. We as well didn't feel need to include above mentioned parties simply because they never invited us into any kind of RP or to ask us to partake in some fair shoot out.
I mean, if you wanted so much to interact with us, and time zone is problem, why didn't you come to me and ask me? Oh right, I forgot... Auxesia doesen't deals with OOC/OORP messages, right?
IRG, if it was shot, was shot because it begun shooting on us. We never fire on Zoners first, we fire in self defence and we do not blame whole Zoner NPC faction for it. I believe that we would already be red to any Freeport if this was truth, what you claim.
edit: Just to add, the signals on planet that were left. I remember that we had to input specific protocols so we could be able to see them. I don't believe either Auxesia or Hellfire knew about those because it was Cerberus protocols.
I believe you got your questions answered now.
edit 2:
Quote:People knew Commune were in Kansas, it wasn't covert at all, and patrols still happened, not to mention we have a sensor grid on the planet and patrols. But even so, my other question asked the validity of this roleplay, not really the history and logic of it.
There weren't really any reports nor MD submissions regarding our presence there, on forum. Except our own, for our own use. We also, as very reasonable players, went to check if in the meantime, you or Hellfire specificaly did anything on Wichita, but we didn't find anything. Neither those... sensors. If we did we wouldn't surely ignore it.
We did how ever, include the past Cerberus RP about it so we could justify what we are doing... and I didn't see Hellfire or Gagadug to have problem with it. I'm on very good stances with him.
No, no you weren't 'shadow logged' neither do people care nor is this an argument thread, so please don't try to shift it into a blame contest. Same thing with your message about the OOC + Nom prototype thing.
The IRG was actually shot first in Delta, I was there, and I'm pretty sure the person can tell you the same, but the other time in Kappa was them defending the base's NFZ.
Signals can be picked up, and planetary scanning would have picked something up too, along with scouting parties, ""protocol"" or not - anomalous activity would have been picked up. "Meant to be discovered or not" - nothing is hidden forever. That's why I said it was powergamey. A little too "planned" in outsiders views too. Speaking of the fight, it was fair as far as I'm aware. People disengaged to balance it.
There were actually message dumps, and I'm very certain there's some in ours, including comms. But it's clear to me that you didn't actually bother to look up RP for Wichita, because I can certainly tell you there's loads of threads for it and that we certainly spent a lot of time developing it last year.
But in the end, my answers were never really answered and it was a vague attempt at turning this into a game of shifting blames. Please don't take it personally, I'm simply showing you what it seems from the outside.
Quote:And also, you are not in the right position to judge past factions that existed. It is your opinion, I do respect that.
Not your opinion to say that my viewpoint is wrong. Because referring to an indie faction, that was partially an import and with sketchy roleplay, is extremely shady. Like I said, it seemed too ""planned"" and too "perfect" with no considerations to the environment. Decay happens dude, no matter what 'super powerful tech' or whatever it has behind it. And even if it didn't, it would have been found.
Also since this is pretty much going nowhere, the thread already got the main points, and I don't really see them getting any clarification so pls don't reply to me anymore, I don't want to waste my time on this.
(03-07-2017, 08:35 PM)PRJKTLRD Wrote: Especially Auxesia. I remember when we wanted to trade that one Nomad Prototype and when guess who, asked to come and steal it. Just out of nowhere. You talk about "RP logic" but you don't think do your acts have some "logic"? Like, how you inRP knew of that? Asking OOC-ly doesen't justifies your acts though.
Nobody asked me really if I wanted that to happen. But they asked Foxglove. (against whom, I don't have anything bad to think regarding that)
We didn't ask. We were offered to interrupt a deal that was taking place in a system we used to base from. I'm pretty sure I clarified that for you already.
To reiterate the point of the original question however, it would be extremely unlikely for you to successfully conduct an operation on Wichita without us or the Legion catching wind, more-so the former as we've got an outpost planetside. Frankly, I don't have a problem with what you choose to do, but it will raise questions and those questions need to be asked at one point or another.
I'm not going to compare it to someone attempting to infiltrate Alaska or land on Schatten undetected, because it isn't the same thing or remotely close, but there is still that element of people - hostile people - operating in that area, that while you've been interrogating traffic for (which is pretty smart to do, by the way) won't yield a lot of answers, especially not for instance the location of our outpost there.
Now I'm acutely aware that this isn't what you're after, but what my concern and @"Auzari"'s concern is - would you/will you actively take into consideration the significant presence of people the Commune is effectively at war with being in the area? Additionally, how to you expect to successfully approach a location that's heavily monitored for traffic due to the faction operating the outpost (us) being extremely paranoid about the last time they were operating there? (Read the lore for reference of 'last time')
This thread plus several other comms about supply contracts for construction materials, message dumps, a comm about obtaining rights from the Commonwealth to base there, and a few others that I can't be bothered to look up because it's 4 AM.
I'm asking a genuine question, though.
Edit: The furthest back our operation in Kansas goes is this comm. The RP behind building the Outpost is several months long and involved several factions.
Like I said, it's early and digging up over half a dozen different threads to prove accuracy is something I really can't be bothered to do when I can barely keep my eyes open.