(03-22-2017, 09:08 AM)sindroms Wrote: If this argument continues, you both will end up in the green room on skype.
I agree.This could go a bit too far for only a misunderstanding or a simple mistake.I hope this problem would end soon. Because this game is for fun, not for being angry on each other.
(03-22-2017, 08:24 AM)Auzari Wrote: 1:
This isn't troll play, it's simply outsmarting by catching the party unaware. If it's legal - despite the licenses clearly not displaying black market munitions on the exceptions list, then Bretonia will say it's legal if you claim it is. You don't need to complain about every single thing. It isn't oorphate. It's RP dude.
See....you are missing the point. The point was, you took a screenshot and then implied that a BAF Indy was confronting me, but was silent because it COULD gave been distracted by a cloaked ship. All of that was BULLSH*T. That post is a prime example of YOU painting in-game screen shots with your own personal prism to benefit your own agenda. Which i now believe is no longer in role playing a character, but mainly to search instances where you can stir up crap, and cause grief to people.
NOW, you claim to have "OUTSMARTED" someone by "Catching them unaware". More of that same brown colored paint I was just talking about. Nobody was unaware of your presence, you are not the only person that uses the "Player List", and you out smarted no one.
You cared little about Role Playing the moment out, as in, maybe asking "Hey, that cargo you got...what and who is it for?" and role play could have developed. It did not. That is my point. You took screen shot of an in-game moment and painted it how you wanted it to look in a forum post, regardless of what the reality of the in-game moment might have been.
I would just like to say that despite all the criticism that I enjoy following the Rp this faction produces. Things from every faction can be questionable but as a whole, I think you guys do a good job. Keep it up.
The opening post was updated with an old set of guidelines from the back-when times.
Thank you Alte. I'm glad you enjoy the work everyone puts effort in to. We try and uphold a certain level of quality due to the amount of scrutiny we're faced with, and I like to encourage people to take their characters farther than simply being names that enforce a faction's goals. Hopefully more people will step up and start writing journals to paint a better picture of what the internals of the faction's society are like from a variety of perspectives.
Addendum: Our lore is currently undergoing a rewrite a touch-up. Check back soon.
(03-22-2017, 07:23 AM)Auzari Wrote: I'm not obliged to give out information as it's basic privacy - but I can assure you that we did mine Azurite Gas, which I've clearly stated before.
That's a nice picture... got a time stamp to go with it? or anything to verify that it was taken shortly after the incident? Oh wait... that's not even omicron delta is it....
Also I fail to see how the miner was arrogant... he actually offered to mine for you... I'd say that was downright nice of him. And your right, I wasn't there however I seem to remember someone saying this:
(03-13-2017, 12:44 PM)Vendetta Wrote: We will work towards improving the problem so that future interactions will be more rewarding for all parties.
I see no progression towards more rewarding interactions.
Did I ask the Miner to mine for me? No. He was simply begging, and trying to work in an area where we clearly don't want anyone to work in. Did he comply? No.
Why are you demanding things from me? Especially when you weren't even there or remotely involved? And for the record, that screen was taken at 02:57 - 21/03/2017 servertime - 20 mins after flying from Omicrons. I'm not randomly screenshotting my every move.
I don't know how or why you can say if there was no progression since you haven't encountered us at all?
Politely leave your baseless accusations at the door, please. I am not lying. I have no reason to lie. And me, along with many others, are very tired. I must ask you to refrain from posting unless there is an actual issue or another incident.
Well as the other party in this encounter I suppose I should say something. I won't state anything I do not have physical proof of however as that seems to be the big issue.
1. I could care less if you mined that gas before or after the encounter as it does not matter to me.
2. What I do care about is that this is a RP server and directly following the incident a friend and my self executed an experiment. The picture of the trajectory of the AFC Hyun was taken approximately ten minutes after the IMG was shot down. The Hyun diverted its path to a rendevous with another AFC vessel inorder to obtain pictures of an IRG vessel and an untaged vessel leaving from the reactors cloud to a jump hole. Your basis for stating that the AFC vessels were in cahoots with the IMG fails as well as your defense to shoot the IMG as they are your Allies.
That said I would like to see dated RP that states that you have "claimed the azurite reactor" for Auxesia as I was the one you shot the least you could do is give me that so I don't have to continue thinking that you logging in; blowing me out of the sky; and then logging out wasn't just so you could blow me up. Please show me dated evidence that proves what you are stating (If you don't want to show it to everyone then a PM is fine. I promise on this games existence not to reveal anything to the players).
I honestly thought my offer was generous to mine for you without charge as you would have gotten more Azurite.
Also what gives your pilot the right to tell me what my character can or cannot do. To say that I obviously don't know how to handle a substance made for mining and then to use that as a premise to kill me is uncalled for.
On a final note please explain to me how your pilot's 2 year old answer of "No I don't want to" constitutes
as Improved RP which benefits both parties.
I believe that you do good RP my problem comes from the fact that you only RP with people you want to. Just because some one isn't friendly or doesn't do what you want them too does not mean you get to skip RP. This is a RP server. How would you react if IRG or some other group you work with were to come up to a ship of yours demand you to stop with no reasons; demand your cargo; refuse to cooperate or at the least explain why they won't; and then count down from 10 to your destruction. I am a firm believer that this has not happened to you as most other factions feel that that type of RP (which is essentially PVP) is in poor taste and would reap the same response that happened in this situation.
I would love to RP some with Auxesia I think you all would be fun to RP with but at least with me every encounter I have had has ended in my destruction. The best RP I had with Auxesia was interrupted by my stomach which was saddening to me but understandable.
Please this is me asking that you be more open to RP I want to play with you all but you have to give us a chance. If you just do your two lines because you stand to make money you rob yourselves of the benefit of friends and allies as was threatened in the a-fore mentioned incident.
I can't speak for the community but I for one cherish the idea of one day RPing with you instead of being at the end of your cannon.
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Well, for that situation, here's the logic behind it:
Demands -> Testing compliance, asserting dominance, adhereing to deployed objective: Secure site - priority over gathering intel, success of the azurite gathering operation is more imperative than learning as the risk was very high.
Compliance: Investigate - check for infestation - or confirm speculation of working with enemies (since IMG have been spotted delivering for the Order) - allow to leave
Non-compliance: Check if witnessed -> Contain and forcefully remove -> failing to respect desires/or recognise authority -> may be working for parties against us/may be contamination.
Security-> Remove witnesses of the operation, cannot let information of the gathering go back to any other parties. Cover up reasoning of presence with a lie if cooperated.
Just because it's short, doesn't mean it's bad. They're not there to tell the tales of their adventures. By the way, IMG actually doesn't get a mining bonus on Azurite, you'd have wasted time mining it for 30 minutes when you can get a faction that does have bonuses on it. (IRG/Order|/Core|)
They simply do not trust you, IMG aren't known for handling Nomadic Materials, and - well - we had quite a lot of info on Azurite and we're very paranoid about people attempting to handle it - it's within the Society's belief that we should be the superior ones to handle such things. Also the Omicrons are dangerous and lonely - people can disappear, and just because a faction is allied, doesn't mean we have to bend over for them - in essence, especially if they're really far from home. If Hellfire - for example - tried to start handling Nomad Tech, it would upset us greatly. Social links don't hinder relationships as much - they're more of a productive society.
Of course, everyone gets a chance to RP, but the character's attitude really matters. Auxesian pilots don't like to waste time or to speak rhetorics - that really happens when people get bored and want to amuse themselves - or to do a special type of psychological interrogation where you abuse the emotions and cause dramatic reactions on purpose to learn more. Everything that is speculated is based upon evidence, and to an extent - even stereotyping. (For example, it's still a firm belief that Outcasts are still planning to enslave Sirius with Cardamine, or that Corsairs live in gritty dirt and are just hungry for blood. )
But by using the powers of deduction and linking all the encounters; probabilities; and scenes - it's easy to assume that they're going for the mining site. Empty transport(s) suddenly appearing, 2 AFC were heard over the comms, the miner being alone, the miner also being non-cooperative, transport was initially headed to the Azurite field - but got distracted by our convoy, pretty can be linked together.
If I had to drop ore in your situation, I would do it - as I'd be following the demands, and leaving. I can always return later, if I were so desperate. Otherwise - well - if you deny it - of course you're going to get pushed around.
You can claim all the psychology roleplay you want, but what I see here is just bad drop cargo piracy without anything to make it interesting, even with countdown. It's the most boring way of "roleplay", if you even want to call it that. If that is psychologically interesting intelligence gathering... we have different ideas of what such a conversation looks like by a wide margin.
Quote:[21.03.2017 01:25:41] Corbeau: I don;'t think you should be doing that. [21.03.2017 01:25:48] Corbeau: Drop the Azurite. [21.03.2017 01:26:02] Mineforever: Oh why shouldnt I=> a question about why he is not allowed to have it, that could and actually should have led to roleplay from your side.
[21.03.2017 01:26:11] Corbeau: Oh, because otherwise, I'll get it myself.=> just a threat "drop now or die!" in reality
[21.03.2017 01:26:21] Corbeau: Since you're so persistant on being so charming, maybe I should. => What even? Charming? The miner asked a reasonable question which was not answered. He was neither stubborn, nor charming.
[21.03.2017 01:26:33] Mineforever: I would be happy to mine some for you => another attempt to somehow make this more than "drop cargo or die."
[21.03.2017 01:26:40] Corbeau: I'm not.
[21.03.2017 01:26:47] Corbeau: You clearly don't know how to handle this compound. [21.03.2017 01:26:59] Corbeau: So, I'm giving you ten seconds to cooperate. => A classic in bad piracy. Counting down.
[21.03.2017 01:27:03] Corbeau: Nine.
[21.03.2017 01:27:06] Mineforever: Wait
[21.03.2017 01:27:06] Corbeau: Eight.
[21.03.2017 01:27:09] Corbeau: Seven. [21.03.2017 01:27:14] Mineforever: why cant we talk=> the miner trying to go back to a conversation roleplay again.
[21.03.2017 01:27:14] Corbeau: Six.
[21.03.2017 01:27:18] Corbeau: Five.
[21.03.2017 01:27:24] Corbeau: Running? Fine.
[21.03.2017 01:27:37] Corbeau: Die it is.
[21.03.2017 01:27:55] Death: Mineforever was put out of action by Corbeau (Gun).
So... don't get me wrong: I do not have a problem with that you shot an IMG indie miner.
But I will contest always that THIS was fine roleplay that served any purpose but to get a blue message. You were logging for the AFC and you could not get them, so you went and killed the miner with drop cargo, die roleplay.
Just spare everybody the lies of how this was some great and subtle kind of roleplay. Sorry, it's just not. It's the same roleplay as: "Drop cargo or die." > "10,9,8" just in correct spelling with punctuation.
-Places where you can provide constructive (Key word being constructive) ideas and suggestions that you believe will benefit the faction in question.
Feedback threads are NOT:
-places to complain about an incident with a member or members of the faction that you didn't like. That is what Skype and PMs are for.
-places to go "Hey, I like this faction. They're cool." or "I loved our interaction today". That's what the Kudos thread is for.
-places to make commentary on other peoples' feedback. That is what... You know what? That has no place. Don't do it.
-places to further a private agenda intended to try and smear a faction's name in the mud or similar hateful motives. If you're doing this, GET OUT.
Please refer to the guidelines, Jack. If you're going to make baseless accusations on things you know nothing about to further create problems here, then stop before you start.
They were given their answer and explanation. Whether they accept it or not is entirely up to them.
Why don't the Auxesia faction recruit the new members of the community?
If it's a case where it is an invite only faction then why doesn't the Auxesia faction send invites to new members?
Why does the Auxesia faction appear to not answer feedback in a direct manner?
Why does the Auxesia faction refuse to acknowledge when one of it's members has done something wrong and upon proof of the fact refuse to apologize. The normal standard for official factions appears to be the acknowledgement that one of their members has done something wrong at the very least and some even apologize after it.Example 1 or Example 2?
Why is it so hard to find the guidelines listed in your ID on the forums?
Also what are Auxesia's current goals aside from trying to gather technology/nom nom stuff? [Please tell me this in a few lines without linking me to a wall of text]