Ever since the Crayterian refugees arrived in Coronado, planet Yuma has been the cornerstone of CR's development plans. The temporary settlements on Pecos, around the IMG Camp Lister mining settlement has run into problems that cannot be ignored. The humanitarian situation on Pecos is becoming critical and if not remedied soon, it will inevitably lead to casualties.
Recent history has also shown that the Pecos situation has already led to friction between the IMG and Crayter authorities and both the Guildmasters of the IMG and the Crayter Republic Parliament have agreed that a coordinated effort has to be made to relocate the refugees to a more suitable place.
Planet Yuma was decided to be the location that would be developed to house the Crayterian survivors permanently. However, as DSE and IMG's joint planet-side operations already realized, Yuma is not easy to tame.
Especially the fast-growing terrestrial vegetation has hindered permanent colonization efforts massively, making a sustainable food production chain impossible to keep up.
However, with the concerted effort of the Crayter Republic forces and the IMG, the mega-project to tame Yuma partially is restarted with the goal to resettle all Colonial citizens to the planet permanently.
Phase I - Floating Cities
While Yuma has proven to be an inhospitable world, with its mainland covered in swarming amounts of highly resistant plant-life, the Crayterians have decided that it's best to begin elsewhere. To succeed in this endeavor, they looked towards the planet's ocean.
After their joint hauling operation with the IMG was underway, it was merely a matter of time. While still ongoing, the enormous amounts of Industrial Materials were ready for use, so the Crayterians kick-started the construction of the infrastructure. Within a matter of weeks, the framework was almost complete, with only minor adjustments to be made.
Hard work and determination were never in short supply through-out the construction, but this is only the first step towards a much bigger goal.
During that time, the rest of the materials have been brought in, so now it is time for the rest to be built.
By the end of 821 A.S., the efforts to develop Yuma into an inhabitable world showed pleasing results. The living quarters were almost complete, being already able to properly house over 450.000 people, while numerous other facilities are either finished or have their infrastructure laid down.
Space Port - Landing Pads
Even though the planet's Docking Ring was not yet done, transportation stood as a definitive element in the development of the colonisation project. Thus, a Space Port became a clear necessity.
Landing Pads were built in numerous locations around the floating cities, allowing easy docking for ships of all sizes.
Space Port - Logistics Hub
A hub to organise traffic as well as serve as a logistics center was also built, leading to an increase in the effectiveness of both Crayterian and IMG transport vessels.
Inner City - Housing
From mere infrastructure and floating alloy panels, quickly rose a sight that some Crayterians never thought they'd come to see. A beautiful city began to take shape, ready to offer a home to those that would come to Yuma.
Marine Food Production Facilities
Algae Farms and Bio. Labs
Given the fact that the planet's flora was yet not to be tamed, it was clear that mass production of food resources would have to be kept off of the mainland. Thus, the Crayterian technicians devised the infrastructure for large complexes that would use the oceanic environment as a way of producing food.
Numerous "farms" were established and laboratories were built for the purpose of researching the best ways of growing various algae types, as well as fish cultures.
Luckily, the marine wild-life indigenous to the planet was not as obnoxious as its coastal counterpart.
With a population of roughly 330.00 is one of the metropolitan areas of Yuma , presenting a heavily urbanized Island. New Corinth is an planetary center of business , finance , arts and culture and is recognized as a multicultural cities , where refugees from the Gallic war can be seen near the Crayterian Citizens and freed slaves.
Due to his position as a metropolitan area , New Corinth is a center for music , theater , movie production ,the center for the Crayterian Radio , other networks and media outlets with various cultural institutions.
New Corinth is also known for it’s many skyscrapers and high-rise buildings , especially the headquarters of ISE on planet Yuma.
As ISE build it’s headquarters on the island , they also formed the Yuma Stock Exchange along with Co-Op, the Central Bank of Yuma is having it’s place on the island and it’s economy is mainly around the financial services and education , fashion and business services.
New Kassandra is considered a leading technology hub centered on the intensive manufacturing industries, electronics and assembly-type of industries however also food and beverage production, increasingly large recycling industry, processing recyclable waste from other parts of the city. Major manufacturers are headquartered in the city as CMI headquarters,
it generates 16.16% of the total GDP, contributing 10% of factory employment, 25% of industrial output, 33% of income tax collections
State and central government employees make up a large percentage of the city's workforce.
The port and shipping industry is well established providing other industrial islands with algae for processing.
New Rhodes Population: 6.945 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
New Cyprus Population: 7.062 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
New Bosphorus Population: 7.440 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
New Athos Population: 7.347 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
New Tiraspol Population: 7.848 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
New Cysreica Population: 6.756 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
New Kenosha Population: 6.970 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
New Sumatra Population: 7.722 Class: Greia Type: Civilian
The food basket of the Republic , this islands along with it’s sisters form Yuma Ocean Farming Co-operative.
Farm cooperatives aggregate purchases, storage, and distribution of farm inputs for their members. By taking advantage of volume discounts and utilizing other economies of scale, supply cooperatives bring down the cost of the inputs that the members purchase from the cooperative compared with direct purchases from commercial suppliers. Supply cooperatives provide inputs required for agricultural production including seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, fuel, and farm machinery. Some supply cooperatives operate machinery pools that provide mechanical field services to their members.
Also related is Farm Credit Union. They were created in the same periods, with the initial purpose of offering farm loans.
The Co-operatives allowed for some of the influential people to put the funds into and that is how the current agricultural reached it’s peak on Yuma , been able supplement imports of food , thus been no food shortage and to maintain a reserve stock in case of emergency.
The Co-Op used the new Synth crop to the maximum and developed technologies accordingly to be able to increase the yield. The farmers are always looking toward the genetically improved seeds for a better seeds and they are also looking for the time when they can build farms on the soil and to start exploiting the continents of Yuma.
Having around 60.000 people employed , the farms also represent an alternative way of life , other then the urbanistic centers, where people can become farmers
New Astarte
Population: 17.388 Class: Minerva Type: Civilian
The new edicts and policies of the Government have allowed the construction of a modern research university and thus the Yuma University was born. Yuma University is organized into thirteen separate academic units—eleven faculties , "Aithne Research Academy" and the 53rd Athene Squadron , having campuses on the same island , having been awarded 50 ha.
Each one of the domes contains one of the faculties , like “Richard Lampkin” Business Faculty and “Randy Orbit” Athletics, including University Stadium, “Shiro Soare” Medical, Dental, and Public Health Faculty , “Galileo Galilei” Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, “Gaia” Arboretum , “ Ansem Casto” Biology Research , "James Fossil" Yuma Robotics , "Duncan Chevalier" Yuma Engineering faculty , "Marcus Lamont"Yuma Biotechnology , "Gabriel Vaughn" Yuma Civilian Constructions , "Alexander Wingates" Yuma Military Academy.
On New Astarte , there are several minor scientific museums and the most important the Crayterian Central Library, which is Yuma's largest library system.
On the grounds of the islands , it can be found the University administrative offices, academic buildings and also accommodation for students and tutors , as there is also a building dedicated for conferences.
New Hellen Population: 50.000 Class: Pegasus Type: Military
New Ares Population: 50.000 Class: Pegasus Type: Military
New Baal Population: 50.000 Class: Pegasus Type: Military
New Gregoire Population: 50.000 Class: Pegasus Type: Military
New Bellona Population: 50.000 Class: Pegasus Type: Military
The New Hellen is the CPF headquarters, while the rest of the islands are the garrisons of the CPF.
The islands are designed with Domes for training and special classes for tactical training and equipment assimilation.
The soldiers accommodation is done in large communal rooms where there is a company stationed , creating bonds between the soldiers and forming a family-like relationship.
The islands are equipped with everything is needed for the garrison , including information points , kitchens and local hospital.
The armoured divisions are sharing the same islands as the AIT and they participate in communal training sessions.
Main army armories are located on this islands , at the bottom of the island and under heavy guard.
New Rosiori
Population: 3.106 Class: Tower Type: Civilian
This small outpost was build recently and it is part of a new plan from the Republic. The Island was partially offered to FL-ER to have a planetary base in exchange for their services.
The Island is literary a small city , having all the amnesties a small population requires.
CIS Shadow base
Population: Unknwon Class: Shadow Type: Military
Little is known about this underwater base just that it was build for the CIS to provide a planetary base and a Headquarters on the planet.
CONFIDENTIAL.Requires CIS approval to access all the data.
New Hesperius
Population: 747.522 Class: Modular Construction Type: Civilian
The story of Hesperius is a long one. The island started as a small outpost build near the landmasses of Yuma to serve the expeditions to the mainland.
As time passed and the expeditions increased so did the island, having added a small port , a depot , waste recycle , small manufacturing plants , a small hospital and a hydroponic farm.
In time , more and more settlers move and the island growth to it’s current size , having been build as a modular island , hence the hexagons.
The island at it’s current state is having around 750.000 citizens , a number of small industries and a lot of habitable places. Estimates have it that the island can sustain up to 1,3 millions. Amnesties on the island includes everything that a population of that size needs , been relatively self sustainable.
New Koku Population: 6.420 Class: Twins Type: Military
New Tlaloc Population: 6.420 Class: Twins Type: Military
New Camulus Population: 6.420 Class: Twins Type: Military
New Anhur Population: 6.420 Class: Twins Type: Military
New Menhit Population: 6.420 Class: Twins Type: Military
New Enyo Population: 6.420 Class: Twins Type: Military
New Neto Population: 6.420 Class: Twins Type: Military
This islands are used by the Atmosphere Defense as their main bases , even though squadrons are present on other islands.
Self sustained , the islands are fully operated by Military Personnel having launching ports at the water level , high-tech flight simulators and hangars for the vessels.
Unlike the Ground Forces , the pilots are having a life of luxury , with larger , individual cabins and more space.
This three bases are on the arctic region , having a number of industries placed there , due to virtually low level of plant life.
The bases are important heavy manufacturing and production hubs , like production of weapons , army equipment , hulls and alloys but they also have a secondary purpose , that of refining deuterium from the ocean water.
New Angkor Population: 22.885 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Brunhilda Population: 22.112 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Hephaistos Population: 22.211 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Vezuviu Population: 22.332 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Iceland Population: 22.558 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Domovoi Population: 22.654 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Kobold Population: 22.551 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Lutin Population: 22.985 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Frigg Population: 22.788 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Hestia Population: 23.558 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Anito Population: 23.583 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Bes Population: 22.998 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
New Chantico Population: 23.550 Class: Hephaestus Type: Civilian
The heart of the Republic manufacturing and production, heavily automated.
This islands are the providers of all the consumer goods a growing population needs , also providing the materials for new constructions and sustaining light industries.
The Republic is on the process of moving it’s heavy industries from Pecos , but the Government decided that it was more important for the Nation to have the smaller industries on Yuma.
The products and the materials from this islands are moved to the commerce hubs which redistribute them around the Republic.
The Military Forces are having contracts with this islands to provide for their troops.
The CMI are using also this islands as smelting units for the raw ore that it was mined.
A very large part of the Republic revenue comes from this islands.
New Amemasu Population: 10.880 Class: Seraphim Type: Civilian
New Ungud Population: 10.224 Class: Seraphim Type: Civilian
New Ezili Population: 11.102 Class: Seraphim Type: Civilian
New Grannus Population: 11.032 Class: Seraphim Type: Civilian
The pomping heart of the Republic. This islands are designed as storage units and also as distribution points for all the other islands and for extra-planetary distribution. They are strategically placed along the four cardinal points to provide an equitable distribution of goods and food.
Population: 2.445 Class: Stingray Type: Civilian
New Oceanica is the R&R place of Yuma. The island was build with only one purpose: relaxation.
On the spot are present all types of entertainment , from holo-projection of movies , theaters, spa , diving , casino, pubs and clubs.
The island is not stationery , is a mobile one and to make a reservation , a check up with Yuma Traffic Control is necessary.
New Khnum Population: 668 Class: Dome Type: Civilian
New Sobek Population: 656 Class: Dome Type: Civilian
New Clermeil i Population: 638 Class: Dome Type: Civilian
One of the new models , the islands were designed to be a combination of agricultural and fishing , providing the best of both.
The small harbors are teaming with fishing boats which takes fresh fish to the processing factories , providing the Republic population with a healthy and stead source of proteins.
The Co-Op is using the new Synth crop to the maximum and developed technologies accordingly to be able to increase the yield. The farmers are always looking toward the genetically improved seeds for a better seeds and they are also looking for the time when they can build farms on the soil and to start exploiting the continents of Yuma.
New Aegaeon Population: 131.111 Class: Serpent Type: Civilian
New Alpheus Population: 131.007 Class: Serpent Type: Civilian
New Europa Population: 131.288 Class: Serpent Type: Civilian
New Medusa Population: 128.995 Class: Serpent Type: Civilian
New Galene Population: 74.952 Class: Serpent Type: Civilian
The City Island -Class of Serpent was constructed as a new and improved design for habitable places. As the population is rising , the Republican Engineers wanted to make sure that there is enough space for all the citizens and that all the needs are met.
This are considered as the ancient City States , having their autonomy and being self sustained , each been able to sustain around 140,000 people, having all the amnesties required to maintain the population.
The islands are not only a simple place to live , but they have their own cultural story and identity , schools and hospitals , even small farming space and fishing harbours , providing all the food the people need and most important , fresh.
There are a number of small artisans and manufacturers that are using that space to open and maintain their business and in the future the Republic is thinking to construct Serpent class islands , as it is cheaper and more efficient
New Hippocrate Population: 2830 Class: Globe Type: Civilian
New Cymopoleia Population: 2830 Class: Globe Type: Civilian
New Dalphin Population: 2830 Class: Globe Type: Civilian
The Hospital Islands. This three islands have state of the art medical technologies and the top doctors that Yuma and Crayter Republic can provide.
Having implemented the best procedures and technologies and medical robots and droids , the islands are renown around the Coronado area.
This islands serves at the moment a population of 6,3 million people , having seen a lot of the injured refugees from Leeds or the Crayterian Military personnel that were injured in combat with the Gallic Force or the Orange Alliance.
New Proteus Population: 144.332 Class: Herbert Type: Civilian
New Pontus Population: 148.254 Class: Herbert Type: Civilian
New Tritea Population: 122.998 Class: Herbert Type: Civilian
The last three modular islands , similar to New Thessalonica , they are designed to be partially self sustainable.
The islands are not reaching the maximum number of people (565.000) , having some of the districts empty, ready to be adapted in whatever the Republic needs.
The center of the Republic is New Thessalonica ,having numerous Governmental Institutions including the Presidential Compound,Quorum, Fleet Admirality , Yuma Traffic Control.
New Thessalonica is home to many national monuments and museums, which are primarily situated on or around the Quorum Building.
The city hosts the headquarters of many planetary organizations, trade unions, non-profit organizations, lobbying groups, and professional associations, law firms, independent contractors (both defense and civilian), non-profit organizations, lobbying firms, trade unions, industry trade groups, and professional associations.
New Thessalonica has a growing, diversified economy with an increasing percentage of professional and business service jobs being also an important hub for all the televisions on Yuma .
It's population of approximate 2,3 millions is by far one of the most important civilian settlements on Yuma.
The capital is enjoying state of the art road infrastructure and health services and also due to been the centre of the Republic is having it’s own CPF units on the island , making the crime to be at it’s lowest level.