As the informed readers of the diverting Investor Clouseau may be aware, last year Orbital Spa & Cruise relocated the Mackinac from its position as second fiddle to the Samura Heavy Industries resorts in Nagano to the a new location within the New Tokyo system. Trading a spectacular view of planet Kodo for the rather unappealing scene sandwiched between a ball of ice and blue gas bag, topped off by a charming view of the Shikoku tradelane.
Naturally the esteemed heads of OS&C announced the liner’s impressive escape from the Blood Dragon insurgency on Tomioka, assuring everyone that it was a calculated move to prevent any harm befalling their passengers and crew. A noble sentiment to be sure, but was the Mackinac in any true danger?
This was the question posed by a number of shareholders upon hearing the intended plan. Of course the question was deflected by risk assessments, publicity impact, political statements and a whole host of assorted “ifs” or “buts” without being directly answered. Why just the sheer mention of negative publicity had the majority holders quivering in their handmade three piece suits. The more sceptical and shrewd-minded among us attempted to wrestle some measure of truth from under the fluff, an unfortunate minority though we were.
The resulting debate was short but heated. Arguments and counterpoints were fired across the table like a gunfight at the O.K Corral. In the end we were out voted by the majority. Despite the outcome I remain adamant that the Mackinac faced no danger from the conflict and may have actually profited from remaining around Kodo. One must only consider the Mackinac’s history within Nagano and the seeming lack of reports involving the Blood Dragons.
Now it would seem that history is about to repeat itself and the Mackinac is once again in the thick of it. This time it is no mere turf war between an old guard and a corporate entity. This is a civil war. A turning point that will decide the fate of an entire colony. The Emperor’s return has already caused a revolt on planet Kyushu and the effective capture of the system itself. Why only last week the news reminded us that Kusari’s political landscape has become increasingly pro-Imperial in the wake of the planet defection.
So where does this leave OS&C? Up the creek without a proverbial paddle.
Moving the Mackinac into Liberty may avoid the civil war but places it squarely in the firing line of the Gallic invasion and Gallia itself is a wildcard. While the Kingdom has shown no direct hostility to the company, the presence of the Yukon fleet in Cortez suggests its hand may be played sooner rather than later. The Sigmas and Rheinland could offer protection from the various conflicts though the resulting drop in profits, coupled with Curacao’s uncertain situation, could place the company itself in financial jeopardy.
One would think the OS&C shareholders would be called in to vote on the Mackinac’s predicament once more yet at the time of writing I, nor any of my peers, have been contacted. This can only mean one of two things; the Board has no idea what to do next or more likely, doesn’t want to hear a resounding “I told you so” for casting the Mackinac so eagerly out of the frying pan into the political fire■
Signed,Orbital Spa & Conclusive
Tags: OS&C, Mackinac, Blood Dragons, Samura Heavy Industries, Tomioka.