White Shipping Company Tag: [WSC]- ID: Freelancer IFF: Freelancer
It's not unheard of for Freelance Trading Organisations to crop up around the houses, small groups of like-minded individuals trying to scrape together a living wage or carve out their own fortune are common place in Sirius. “White Shipping Company” as it came to be known was forged out of this same philosophy by an individual known to most as ‘Felix White’.
Although only a recent addition to the galactic stage of Sirius, White Shipping Company was created to act as an alternative to big corporations for any individual or company seeking business from a non-house entity. The idea was born when Felix White, or as he came to be known, has to carve out a new identity for himself after a large mishap occurred on his home, Planet Crete. Due to certain events that transpired there, White cannot return home and has to make a living elsewhere.
For a time after leaving Crete White integrated himself among the Junkers within the smuggling and black market trade. He devolved into various businesses and affairs, learning a great deal about the system while he worked from within it. He discovered common trades and backdoor deals, risky routes that yield a high profit at great risk; White discovered what happened at Crete that caused him to pushed off world.
White was swindled out of a deal and framed, this was apparently common practice among criminals and degenerate scum that frequented such lowly areas, places where they could find unwitting victims. White realised that the system was flawed, and although it was profitable, he wanted nothing to do with it.
That being said, there were some good souls within the Junkers encountered by White. He found a friend by the name of “Cornelius Kirk” who originated from Bretonia, but has since become more mobile while running contracts under the Junker flag. Kirk told White that he came from a noble family originally, but after ‘family issues’ arose he was disowned and left to the wolves of Sirius.
This is where the concept and idea of WSC came to fruition, Kirk used his remaining connections in Bretonia to ensure a certain establishment on New London was to suddenly undergo rapid liquidation and face bankruptcy. A slimy tactic employed, but it was effective nevertheless. It was this sneaky strategy that ensured the cheap acquirement of some basic transports and property on which to base their operations out of was achievable.
This laid the groundwork for a whole new endeavour, making a new start far away from the confines that previously restricted the pair. The pair got to work, using their knowledge of both legal and illegal trade routes, they were able to move items of almost any kind and would always be ensured a hefty profit for their work. Now they had a chance to carve out their own path, their own future.
Modern day WSC:
Thanks to the acquirement of the old property and equipment from the liquidised company, they were all set to head out into the great expanse of Sirius, carrying the own name. Using some contacts of Kirk’s as well as some conveniently placed advertisements, several employees have been recruited into the company’s fold to increase efficiency 5 fold.
These days WSC will ship just about anything, should it net them a sweet profit. This opened up a whole array of possibilities to be considered allowing only the best deals to be pursued. It was through this that WSC has begun to develop, carrying its employees to success.
Short Term: Expanding the company’s employee roster.
Setting up trade deals with various factions
Mid-Long Term: Amassing a personal fortune for Kirk and White
Leaving WSC’s mark on Sirius
The Serenity is one of the most iconic ships in Sirius, being used by almost all Freelancers due to it being affordable and reliable. These medium sized transports, when armed correctly, can be used for transporting high risk goods as they are more than a match for most lone fighters that may try to stop them in their tracks. Combine this with a couple of escorts and they are a force to be recokoned with.
"Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter
"Waran" Civilian Bomber
"Condor" Civilian Gunboat
"Surveyor" Civilian Light Miner
"Arrastra" Civilian Heavy Miner
Roster: Updated June 22
White Shipping Company Roster Wrote: [WSC]-Queen.Ann.Revange - Noah White CEO - Serenity-class transport // Player: @"Bruda" [WSC]-L.E.Wiggin - Ender Wiggin 2IC - Serenity-class transport // Player: @SierraSRB [WSC]-X_BOT_Astral - Alex Leonov, Engineer - Serenity-class transport // Player: @X_Bot_Astral [WSC]-knezmario - Knez Duboa, Engineer - Serenity-class transport // Player: @"dark_knez" [WSC]-Omega_Transport - Steven Omega Engineer - Serenity-class transport // Player: @OmegaSupreme85 [WSC]-Oldboy - Adam Sinclair Engineer - Serenity-class transport // Player: @Zmaj [WSC]-Silver.Ship - Adam Norington, Engineer - Serenity-class transport // Player: @sasapinjic [WSC]-Fychoz - Nero Anderson Engineer - Serenity-class transport // Player: @fychoz
Chief Engineer: Chief Engineer makes the decision to focus on leadership skills. This is someone who has good communication skills and negotiates contracts with other functional groups.
Lead Engineer: This is the head technical person on projects. They're expected to lead engineers by example, showing and teaching them how to successfully complete marked routes.
Engineer: Engineers are the pilots of Transport Class Ships, they are entrusted with trading routes and other jobs in which is required to haul a large ammount of commodities.
Lead Miner: The Lead miners are significantly more expierenced than the other miners within the company. Those given this title know their stuff and can easily manage the oporations on their own if required. This coupled with their duities of training the others leaves them with a hefty schedual.
Novice Miner: The Novice Miners are those new to the game and those who are new to WSC as a whole. They are given basic and simple jobs to learn the trade and progress through the chain.
Skilled fighters [SF]: These guys are considered the "Aces" of WSC and they have right so earned this title. Through their expierences and combat expertises they lead the squadrans of other fighters to glory.
Veteran Fighters [VF]: Well known as “Vets” veterans are fighter that have successfully gained a
trust and bravery of all skills their fighters have to offer gaining them access to our special
Gunship.They are responsable on promoting all our fighter in the merit they have
Fighter [F]: Fighters are our armor our protection against outworld threads, they are recruits that
have just join our company in role of “fighting” . Very essential in protection of our miners and
transport ship. They are allowed to pilot "Sunrider" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter, "Eagle" Civilian
Very Heavy Fighter, "Waran" Civilian Bomber.
The pilot carrying this quasi-lawful ID is a member of the White Shipping Company who:
-Can attack any ship in self-defense or to protect an friendly or allied ship.
-Can fulfill any escort contracts.
-Cannot participate in unlawful actions.
-Can use ships above 3600 cargo
Click - My remarks and attempts to help were not noticed.
Mostly your members are still breaking the canon of Discovery. May be it is okay for unofficial faction, but if you want to get an official status, you have to re-work it.
Also, you have some unfinished and completly abonded RP. Retslife was trying to forgive you and continue it, but he was ignored.
I didn't have any Interactions with you In-Game, but, as far as I know, only a few of you are trying to RP. Others keep silent. V.F.knezmario1 - for example
Your Forum RP is pretty poor. You work only with BMF and random encounters, like noted above.
I'm far from a master of English, but you break the basic rules of grammar. And, please, use commas and divide your sentences with dots.
It's hard to read.
Do not take this, as offense, I don't want to offend you, but... No. Just no. You have too many things to do and re-work.
You are too newbie faction.
UPD: Some of their members do not even know English.
(06-27-2017, 10:46 AM)Black Widow Wrote: You should put the name of the ship where you have 500mill located to pay the cost for processing this request.
Apart from that good write up. I think we have already met ingame ~ [RN]. Good luck
(06-27-2017, 11:05 AM)Rusty Wing Wrote: Click - My remarks and attempts to help were not noticed.
Mostly your members are still breaking the canon of Discovery. May be it is okay for unofficial faction, but if you want to get an official status, you have to re-work it.
Also, you have some unfinished and completly abonded RP. Retslife was trying to forgive you and continue it, but he was ignored.
I didn't have any Interactions with you In-Game, but, as far as I know, only a few of you are trying to RP. Others keep silent. V.F.knezmario1 - for example
Your Forum RP is pretty poor. You work only with BMF and random encounters, like noted above.
I'm far from a master of English, but you break the basic rules of grammar. And, please, use commas and divide your sentences with dots.
It's hard to read.
Do not take this, as offense, I don't want to offend you, but... No. Just no. You have too many things to do and re-work.
You are too newbie faction.
Oh you again i see you still try to provoke that is not your consern brother just stay away from us okey you didnt see our RP in game it is not you problem just leave us alone okey!!!
I am actually a bit confused. You have a naming convention and then a roster in which no one actually follows it. Not a single one. In fact all of these names are borderline oorp/just your forum usernames.
Also please can you run it through a spell checker once? That'd seriously increase readability.
(06-27-2017, 11:57 AM)Skorak Wrote: I am actually a bit confused. You have a naming convention and then a roster in which no one actually follows it. Not a single one. In fact all of these names are borderline oorp/just your forum usernames.
Also please can you run it through a spell checker once? That'd seriously increase readability.
I didnt update it yet mate there should be [WSC]-Codname not [WSC]-Rank.Codname