no I hope you remember what was said just not the selective things that you use to skew things in your favor. I had stated we where there to get you attention. If you remember. But you as mentioned the Hot Head and no we where not the gangsters you have so happily claimed. Just because we bring gun to the table is in no way a sign of being a boss or a gangster. it is how you use the gun that makes claim.
I had intention on parleying with you in a civil manner but you only get as good as you give. which is something I live by regardless what you think which is no concern of mine. I do not Parley in forums I think it lack the true meaning of RP. It saves time and is more personal this is something this community seem to have lost. But with you it is this is mine go away. we had come with full intentions in parlying for permits for the use of the space. Because you do not have a permit dept. I rather do these thing in person like was done with the Kusari Government.
Also the blasting to dust was ment as a bit of humor which I guess you lack all you see is people in someway invading you. Over history on the high seas parleying with warships was the norm. This was to keep everyone honest because no one wanted to "pull the trigger " so to say. If you had given just one moment of time and stop with the ranting of how the laws are being broke it could have been a profitable engagement for you. Then the application would have been made and neat and tidy.
I will point out I do have a background of diplomatic service via military service, this is not a issue that requires any comment from you I take my military service serious as a woman and a diplomate. But frankly after you started with your song and dance it just became between myself and the other commander which was sitting only 10 feet away obvious you have no intention of listening. As was proven when I had told you that was the stated reason we were in that space and you dismissed it.
You could have explained the lack of the laws in the OOrp and that would have been understandable and it would have been the end of it. Then the whole frackus would had been avoided. Instead you called us stupid and oorp lolwut. It has been said " one with open ears has little time for a open mouth" Also the ability of my grammar or anyone's should never be used as a tool of trolling. WHICH!! I will point out you trying to do. Also to assume that all people speak English is pretty arrogant and shows a closed mind. What my native language is no concern of yours, just that you should be more understanding. If you are willing to just restart on a clean slate I am willing to do so. Now that I explained how we conduct parleying. As they say the ball is in you court
Discuss this with me on Skype or Discord, I don't feel like writing another wall of text now, the situation was clear for me and my char and I handled accordingly, done. I want to enjoy the game now, again, Skype or Discord are open for you to discuss with me.
very well and sorry I do not have those on my computer . you where thinking my grammar horrible the broken English is far worse and yes I make fun of myself.
Given that there is no official GMG player faction right now and GMG| is on the tracker, the progression of the current events between Rheinland, GMG and Kusari fall upon your shoulders. We'd like you to contribute to this storyline progression until the 20th if possible, when Stage 2 of the event hits.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: