==================== Type: Infocard Bug: GRI infocard has Royal Police description ====================
Gallic Royal Intelligence has been implemented in the game, and has it's own npcs. However, both npc and faction description feature the story of the Gallic Royal Police.
The Senlis Cloud's Infocard reads it is bright orange cloud ( I suppose similar to the Cayman Clouds or Omega-7 clouds) when in reality it is more like the Edge Nubula clouds. The Sound effect for the cloud is also the same as in the Edge world ones.
Proposed Fix: Change the Line from saying its orange to green
put a cloud similar to the cayman clouds in IDF which would be cool!
==================== Type: Equipment Bug: Change to how Core/BHG ships worked brought GBs we bought from them from 90% to 10% core. ====================
A while back, USI bought a Pleco and Sturgeon with Core guns on them from APM. These had a 90% core on them at that time. The recent change to how that tech was handled brought the core down to 10%. Could you please bring the relevant tech cells back to 90% for USI.
Copied from last bug report thread where it was not responded to,
==================== Type:Equipment Bug: Not sure if it classes as a bug, but due to the patch the battlecruisers that had weaponry on them no longer have any weapons on them and all funds put into them were not returned? ====================
I've just logged my Battlecruiser which had Rheinland weapons on as per the SRP request and it appears I no longer have any weapons and no money was returned to me to be able to purchase replacements? A SRP Change request has been put in and admin has been informed regarding this matter.
==================== Type: Ship Stats / Infocard / Systems / Effects / Equipment / Commodity (Equitment/infocard) Bug: no pictures in the ship seller for marduk and greater irra ====================