Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Catching Liberty Rogues. Priority:Medium. Encription:High. Description: Greetings!
Today I was patrolling in Colorado and discovered Liberty Rogue Destroyer. I established his belonging to Liberty Rogues. Beginning the pursuit of him, I reached an unknown jump hole. After making the jump, I found myself in an unknown system. There I found a large station of pirates. I scanned it and set some information. On the way back, I found the one I was catching. We started a battle, during which he fled, and I felt it necessary to make a leap to Colorado. After the jump I got to the New York system, where I am now. Attachments:
[20.11.2017 11:41:04] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Radar contact!]
[20.11.2017 11:41:19] LNS-Edison: R: Proceeding to assist Hampshire
[20.11.2017 11:41:27] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: No, he my!
[20.11.2017 11:41:42] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": he?
[20.11.2017 11:41:51] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Yeah.
[20.11.2017 11:41:59] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": who you
[20.11.2017 11:42:09] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: You nightmare.
[20.11.2017 11:42:22] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": nightmare?
[20.11.2017 11:42:27] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Aha.
[20.11.2017 11:42:43] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": whose nightmare?
[20.11.2017 11:43:11] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: You. Come to me.
[20.11.2017 11:43:14] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": no
[20.11.2017 11:43:29] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: *laugh*
[20.11.2017 11:43:51] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": now what "Crime" have i commited Huh officer?
[20.11.2017 11:44:18] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": oh no answer?
[20.11.2017 11:44:24] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: You are is Liberty Rogue vessel.
[20.11.2017 11:44:29] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": so
[20.11.2017 11:44:40] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": you being navy is a crime to me
[20.11.2017 11:44:44] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Liberty Rogues are enemies of Republic of Liberty.
[20.11.2017 11:45:01] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": liberty is my enemy
[20.11.2017 11:45:06] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: And all their capital ships are subject to disctruction.
[20.11.2017 11:45:15] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": dont see me harrasing ypu
[20.11.2017 11:45:30] LNS-Edison: Jack: XO, i want defensive menuvers while attacking the Liberty Rogue ship
[20.11.2017 11:45:45] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": awwww you got help
[20.11.2017 11:45:47] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Edison, can`t open fire!
[20.11.2017 11:45:55] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: I want to kill him 1 v 1.
[20.11.2017 11:45:57] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": so CUTE
[20.11.2017 11:45:59] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: It easy.
[20.11.2017 11:46:04] LNS-Edison: R: Are you sure?
[20.11.2017 11:46:10] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": HIM??
[20.11.2017 11:46:11] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Yes.
[20.11.2017 11:46:15] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": okay!
[20.11.2017 11:46:24] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": follow me
[20.11.2017 11:47:27] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Where you?
[20.11.2017 11:47:49] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": what happened?
[20.11.2017 11:47:55] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": cant see me?
[20.11.2017 11:48:16] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": hahahahaha
[20.11.2017 11:48:52] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": hahaha
[20.11.2017 11:48:59] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": where am i?
[20.11.2017 11:49:10] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Station. Big station. Hm, interesting...
[20.11.2017 11:49:19] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Starting scanning process.]
[20.11.2017 11:49:42] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Sir, their weapons platforms use missiles.
[20.11.2017 11:49:45] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": there you are!
[20.11.2017 11:49:47] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Yeah.
[20.11.2017 11:49:53] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": hahaha
[20.11.2017 11:49:55] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [10%.]
[20.11.2017 11:50:02] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [20%]
[20.11.2017 11:50:27] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [30%.]
[20.11.2017 11:51:02] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [40%.]
[20.11.2017 11:51:07] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": where are you?
[20.11.2017 11:51:20] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Scanning you station.
[20.11.2017 11:51:48] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": no you are not
[20.11.2017 11:51:53] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [50%.]
[20.11.2017 11:52:10] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [60%.]
[20.11.2017 11:52:22] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Name of base detected.]
[20.11.2017 11:52:32] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": come out come out where ever you are
[20.11.2017 11:52:35] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Attica Station.]
[20.11.2017 11:53:02] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [70%.]
[20.11.2017 11:53:14] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": on my way
[20.11.2017 11:53:31] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [80%.]
[20.11.2017 11:53:48] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Updating scanning process.]
[20.11.2017 11:53:52] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [90%.]
[20.11.2017 11:54:17] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [100%. Scanning complete!]
[20.11.2017 11:55:03] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": well goodbye
[20.11.2017 11:58:10] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: I`m near jump hole. Thanks for giving me information about it system.
[20.11.2017 11:58:21] LRD-"Liz's_Revenge": on my way
[20.11.2017 11:59:37] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Find you.
[20.11.2017 12:00:27] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Catch me.
[20.11.2017 12:01:16] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Weapons - prepare to fight!
[20.11.2017 12:01:21] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: AI: [Weapons preparing to fight...]
[20.11.2017 12:01:33] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Barney: Ready to fire, Sir! Target - Liberty Rogue Destroyer!
[20.11.2017 12:01:37] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Aha.
[20.11.2017 12:01:55] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: Fire in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
[20.11.2017 12:02:15] 6th|LNS-Hampshire: Michael: So... Weapons, OPEN FIRE!
Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Archive information - Karen Mcintosh. Priority:Low. Encription:Low. Description: Karen Mcintosh,
You are not the first month in our fleet. In my tradition, I add to the archive information about the fleet of each member of the fleet, who stayed there for at least two months. Consider that now you are a specific part of the fleet. Simply put - a biography about you was added to the archive of information. Good luck in our future service! Attachments: -
Name: Teresa Brooks Rank: Private Subject: Two nonviolent criminals and an actual alleged threat. Priority:Low. Encryption:Low.
Debrief:It's amazing what will pop up if you shake hard enough. Indeed, I caught myself a smuggler. Couldn't stop him from mooring with Rochester, though. On another note, I found myself an informant. Some pirate with a ship called Rut13, of all things. He seemed willing to cooperate and was clearly under coercion by third parties, so I was fairly lenient. Take a gander at this gem of a conversation.
[12.12.2017 11:10:28] Trader_Miagi: another pirate at coloradu jh
[12.12.2017 11:10:36] 6th|Alpha-3: Oh lawdy.
[12.12.2017 11:11:06] 6th|Alpha-3: How do you keep finding these guys?
[12.12.2017 11:11:25] Trader_Miagi: lucky i guess
[12.12.2017 11:11:47] 6th|Alpha-3: All right, if there really is a pirate, I'll give him a talking to.
[12.12.2017 11:12:05] Trader_Miagi: he passed me on the way thro
[12.12.2017 11:12:21] Trader_Miagi: rut13 i think
[12.12.2017 11:12:32] 6th|Alpha-3: Saw you.
[12.12.2017 11:13:26] 6th|Alpha-3: Hmm...
[12.12.2017 11:13:30] 2017-12-12 11:14:36 SMT Traffic control alert: Rut13 has requested to dock
[12.12.2017 11:13:48] 6th|Alpha-3: Twas a Montante, mon.
[12.12.2017 11:14:02] Trader_Miagi: im going back to galileo so i will alert u if i see him again
[12.12.2017 11:14:06] 6th|Alpha-3: Don't worry
[12.12.2017 11:14:10] Trader_Miagi: ok
[12.12.2017 11:14:15] 6th|Alpha-3: I'm sitting atop Rochester
[12.12.2017 11:14:22] 6th|Alpha-3: If he comes out, his ass is mine.
[12.12.2017 11:14:25] Trader_Miagi: thanks
[12.12.2017 11:15:39] 6th|Alpha-3: There ain't no pirates here.
*he launches from Rochester*
[12.12.2017 11:15:52] 6th|Alpha-3: I stand corrected.
[12.12.2017 11:16:02] 6th|Alpha-3: So...
[12.12.2017 11:16:04] Rut13: Good day
[12.12.2017 11:16:27] 6th|Alpha-3: What's up?
[12.12.2017 11:16:50] Rut13: Been raiding but not much
[12.12.2017 11:16:59] 6th|Alpha-3: Just who have you been raiding?
[12.12.2017 11:17:36] Rut13: Some chaps near the trade lane
[12.12.2017 11:17:43] 6th|Alpha-3: Any particular chaps?
[12.12.2017 11:18:28] Rut13: No big transports, just some small ones that wouldn't hand their cargo over
[12.12.2017 11:19:09] 6th|Alpha-3: You have a Heavy Armor Upgrade Mk III. There are certain schools of thought that say a Universal Armor would be better.
[12.12.2017 11:19:41] Rut13: am still a pirate in education my good sir
[12.12.2017 11:19:47] 6th|Alpha-3: Education?
[12.12.2017 11:19:56] 6th|Alpha-3: You don't get a pirate education. You either do, or you don't.
[12.12.2017 11:20:02] 6th|Alpha-3: What's so great about piracy anyway?
[12.12.2017 11:20:29] Rut13: It feels great when you see a transport come into your disrupted lane
[12.12.2017 11:20:39] 6th|Alpha-3: So you do it for the rush?
[12.12.2017 11:20:44] 6th|Alpha-3: Hmm...
[12.12.2017 11:20:46] Rut13: yeah
[12.12.2017 11:21:01] 6th|Alpha-3: Have you considered a career in a more legitimate field?
[12.12.2017 11:21:29] 6th|Alpha-3: You can channel that need for exercising power and control in productive ways.
[12.12.2017 11:21:36] Rut13: I have yeah as it does seem a bit more interesting but my pirate mates keep insisting I stay
[12.12.2017 11:22:00] 6th|Alpha-3: What have your pirate mates done for you?
[12.12.2017 11:22:14] 6th|Alpha-3: Right now, it seems they've left you to take the fall for certain misdeeds.
[12.12.2017 11:22:35] Rut13: They supplied me with some credits for being an escort
[12.12.2017 11:23:08] 6th|Alpha-3: Wait, you're only there... because they gave you money to escort them, and then that somehow turned you to piracy?
[12.12.2017 11:23:17] 6th|Alpha-3: I feel like certain steps have been left out.
[12.12.2017 11:23:48] Rut13: I met them here in NY on the trade lane near Buffalo
[12.12.2017 11:24:02] Rut13: and they'd let me live if I helped them out, even gave me credits for it
[12.12.2017 11:24:10] 6th|Alpha-3: Oh, so they threatened you.
[12.12.2017 11:24:21] Rut13: You could say yeah
[12.12.2017 11:24:26] 6th|Alpha-3: Guess what, it's my turn to threaten you.
[12.12.2017 11:24:29] 6th|Alpha-3: *ahem*
[12.12.2017 11:24:31] 6th|Alpha-3: I am the law!
[12.12.2017 11:24:47] 6th|Alpha-3: Allow me to explain to you the facts of life.
[12.12.2017 11:24:58] 6th|Alpha-3: You've been caught in a nasty bit of gang warfare.
[12.12.2017 11:25:16] 6th|Alpha-3: The Republic wants to maintain its monopoly on violence, so it hires people like me to do violence.
[12.12.2017 11:25:27] Rut13: I see
[12.12.2017 11:25:43] 6th|Alpha-3: The end result of this is that people who would do violence against the people who pay the protection fees, or taxes...
[12.12.2017 11:25:48] 6th|Alpha-3: Well, they tend to not meet nice ends.
[12.12.2017 11:26:06] Rut13: Ah
[12.12.2017 11:26:19] 6th|Alpha-3: You're a nice, impressionable person.
[12.12.2017 11:26:35] 6th|Alpha-3: Don't throw your life away over a few idiots who threatened you, then failed to stop me from doing the same.
[12.12.2017 11:27:34] Rut13: But what would you suggest I do? If I desert I know they'll find me again
[12.12.2017 11:27:50] 6th|Alpha-3: Desertion implies leaving an honorable group.
[12.12.2017 11:27:56] 6th|Alpha-3: And there is no honor among parasites.
[12.12.2017 11:28:09] Rut13: Fair point
[12.12.2017 11:28:39] Rut13: Although I am still afraid of what might happen
[12.12.2017 11:28:43] 6th|Alpha-3: What I would do is change your identity, and then ask a certain Teresa Brooks for asylum over a communication channel.
[12.12.2017 11:29:11] 6th|Alpha-3: You'll be beyond the reach of a lot of people.
[12.12.2017 11:29:38] Rut13: Thank you for this
[12.12.2017 11:29:40] 6th|Alpha-3: My money's on the pirate gang being on the other side of town, or the system, rather.
[12.12.2017 11:30:08] Rut13: I'm not sure how to repay you for your kinds words but
[12.12.2017 11:30:09] 6th|Alpha-3: If you take a shuttle off of Rochester, you can use the money they gave you to book a cheap hotel for a couple days until...
[12.12.2017 11:30:23] 6th|Alpha-3: Well, the Senior Staff pick you up.
[12.12.2017 11:30:53] 6th|Alpha-3: Hey, it's my job to ensure the safety of everyone within Liberty's borders.
[12.12.2017 11:31:10] 6th|Alpha-3: Even the unrepentant criminals deserve protection from themselves and the general public in a correctional facility.
[12.12.2017 11:31:29] Rut13: I've been escorting this large pirate transport for a few days around NY who's collecting Navy and Citizen pilots
[12.12.2017 11:31:37] 6th|Alpha-3: Does he have a name?
[12.12.2017 11:31:37] Rut13: Around 1000 of them
[12.12.2017 11:31:45] Rut13: Let me check my logs
[12.12.2017 11:31:49] 6th|Alpha-3: Thank you kindly.
[12.12.2017 11:32:24] Rut13: He was going on about setting up a deal with you Navy lot and threatening to jettison them all into the sun
[12.12.2017 11:33:00] Rut13: I don't recall his full name sir
[12.12.2017 11:33:01] Rut13: but
[12.12.2017 11:33:06] 6th|Alpha-3: What's the name of his ship?
[12.12.2017 11:33:41] Rut13: He flies a Serenity transport
[12.12.2017 11:33:47] 6th|Alpha-3: Ah, a Brick.
[12.12.2017 11:33:55] 6th|Alpha-3: That gives me fond memories.
[12.12.2017 11:34:01] Rut13: That's all I know good sir
[12.12.2017 11:34:26] 6th|Alpha-3: Well, it's better than nothing. So... random pirate, claims to have a thousand or so innocent, and not-so-innocent people...
[12.12.2017 11:35:11] Rut13: Yeah Navy, Royal Marines, Civilian, Bounty Hunters, Polica
[12.12.2017 11:35:19] 6th|Alpha-3: Oh, La Marine Royale?
[12.12.2017 11:35:26] Rut13: As well yes
[12.12.2017 11:35:47] 6th|Alpha-3: Well, now I'd like to meet him, and arrange him getting a few more of those suckers.
[12.12.2017 11:36:07] 6th|Alpha-3: Naturally, I'll have to relieve him of his collection of Navy personnel and innocents.
[12.12.2017 11:36:39] 6th|Alpha-3: It's my job, after all.
[12.12.2017 11:36:50] Rut13: Ah yes
[12.12.2017 11:37:09] Rut13: I should probably head over to the other side now
[12.12.2017 11:37:14] 6th|Alpha-3: The other side?
[12.12.2017 11:37:18] Rut13: Buffalo
[12.12.2017 11:37:22] 6th|Alpha-3: That's where the scumbags are at.
[12.12.2017 11:37:40] 6th|Alpha-3: Hitch a ride with a Junker. Teresa can't help you if you don't help yourself.
[12.12.2017 11:37:53] Rut13: Very well thank you again good sir
[12.12.2017 11:38:04] 2017-12-12 11:39:11 SMT Traffic control alert: Rut13 has requested to dock
There may have been some Lane Hacker activity, but nothing really worth mentioning. They accomplished all of nothing anyway.
[12.12.2017 11:07:51] LH~Mactan.Retaliator: Noooooo
[12.12.2017 11:07:56] Death: LH~Mactan.Retaliator was put out of action by LNS-Leutwin (Gun).
Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Fight against pirates in Texas system. Priority:Low. Encription:Low. Description: In general, I started patrol in Liberty systems. At first, I discovered the Outcast ship in the California system. However, he did not pose a particular danger, so I left him: he did not piracy and did not try to attack the trader flying past me.
Next I visited the Texas system. I decided to do a check in North Dallas Debris Field. And not for nothing: there I found 4 pirate ships - one transport, two gunboats and one bomber. At first I suggested that they leave the Liberty space, but the answer was negative. So I used weapons. All 4 targets were destroyed. After that, I went to the planet Houston, from where I am now writing my report.
P.S: It is worth noting that all four targets did not have much experience managing their ships, so it took me less than three minutes to destroy them.
Debrief:Tonight on patrol, I came across two equally disturbing things: a pirate... and bureaucratic inertia.
The pirate claimed to be an "honest" gunrunner, whose innocence rang false almost immediately after the independent trader Rubber Goose (last captain of record being one Mr. Ducky) showed up on scanners. Did you know that being a criminal in front of a Navy and breaking the law quite flagrantly is not the smartest decision one can make?
After my brief victory (see above), I decided to pay the boys and girls of Long Island a visit, only to find they wouldn't let me in. Normally, I'd try to handle this sort of thing myself, but I don't think I have the authority here to make that call.
Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Orders. Priority:Low. Encription:Low. Description: Order number 1 on the promotion of ranks of personnel: Teresa Brooks,
For participating in the life of the fleet, as well as for the performance of their duties, I order you to raise you up to the rank of corporal. I hope that you will justify my further expectations. Now you have the opportunity to transfer to the Beta-wing. Note that if you want to do this, you will have to surrender the ship issued by the fleet in the way it was issued to you.
Order number 1 on the exclusion of fleet participants: Erwin Manstein,
I tried to contact you more than once. At first you said that you will make more frequent flights. But now it seems to me that you simply care about the fate of the fleet. Sorry, but I will not tolerate this when a man drops his hands and does not even try to explain himself before his command. You are expelled from the fleet. Request to surrender the ship "Alpha-2" to the fleet in its previous form.
Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Fight against Unioners in Texas system. Priority:Low. Encription:Low. Description: Greetings!
Today, I and Corporal Theresa Brooks conducted a patrol in the Texas system. We came across two Unioner ships - cruiser and bomber. Without starting negotiations, the ships almost immediately attacked us. We were forced to defend ourselves. During the battle, the enemy bomber was destroyed. With the cruiser, the battle continued to North Dallas Debris Field. Right during the battle, the enemy ship used a masking device and left the battle. I returned to the planet Houston, from where I am writing my report now. Attachments:
Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Separatists, Outcasts, Rogues. Priority:Medium. Encription:Medium. Description: Today I, Major Lion Ferdinand and the captain of LNS-Actique had several encounters with enemy ships. Namely, we met with separatists, pirates and outcasts. I'll start in order.
It all began with the Texas system. There we met a pirate ship "Fractured.But.Hole". After scanning, it was possible to establish its compatibility with Liberty Rogues. A few minutes later a ship appeared on the trade line between the gate to Bering and the planet Houston. Him name is "New.Jersey". After checking in the navy database it was possible to establish his belonging to the separatists. I prepared the weapon for battle just in case. However, the ship retired to the side of the gate to Bering, as well as the rogue ship.
We decided to transfer to the system of New York. There, Lyon Ferdinand informed me of the Outcast battleship "Arrosa" near the Rochester station. Me and Acrtique went to help. Practically not having begun negotiations, the ship opened fire on us. In the course of a brief battle the target was destroyed. We headed to the planet Manhattan, in orbit of which I write my patrol. Attachments: LR-Fractured.But.Hole - Z-9000 "Barghest" Liberty Rogue/Molly Bomber: Detection Identification H|-SNS-New.Jersey - Liberty "Interdictor" class Assault Battlecruiser: Detection Identification MNS-Arrosa - "Sarissa" Outcast Battleship: Detection Identification Destroying
Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Pirates, outcasts. Priority:Low. Encription:Low. Description:Today I and captain of gunboat "Marino" started patrol in New York system. On trade lane between West Point academy and Manhattan planet we found 3 pirate ships: Gunboat, Bomber, Fighter. Having started negotiations with them, they decided to flee. Apparently, the pirates are not so bold in deed, as in words. With the help of the police database it was possible to establish the belonging of the gunboat and bomber to outcasts, and the fighter to the local group "Pirate Manifesto". One from them running to Rochester station and I sent Marino to check this station and I went to Texas.
In Texas, near Beaumont station, I found pirate gunboat and fighter, whom see a little bit later in New York system. One of them made a docking with the station. I left the second one: I was on a cruiser, and he was on a fighter. I had no reason to catch it, and even more so a small ship does not represent a special danger. We returned to the planet Manhattan, from whose orbit I write my report. Attachments: TPM-Silence - CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter: Detection Identification IceBaby - RM-3C "Tridente" Outcast Gunship: Detection Identification Dock at Beaumont station
Name: Michael Blackburn. Rank: Admiral. Subject: Smugglers, Rogues, California system. Priority:Low. Encription:Medium Description: So, greetings!
I will divide my patrol into several parts so that it is clear what is at stake.
The first thing I'd like to start with is my patrol in Hampshire. During the patrol I discovered Liberty Rogue Destroyer. After checking the police database, I managed to establish his belonging to the vagabonds. At first I suggested that he leave the Liberty space under my escort. However, he refused me, and I joined the fight. After some time, the target was destroyed.
Next, I started a patrol in the California system in squares C3, D3, E3, F3. In the first three squares, I did not find anything, but in square C3 I found unknown jump hole. I decided to make a leap and found myself on the Ontario system. Then I went back to the patrol.
At the end of the patrol, I found the ship of the newly formed grouping "The Lost Company." The ship was carrying an illegal cargo, but I was not in a hurry to interact with me. I sent a challenge to my fighter "Alpha-1", who found him in New York. From his words, the ship "Company" also refused to interact, so he had to enter the battle. However, there was an ion storm, and "Alpha-1" lost its purpose.
Later, he discovered the cargo ship of the "Lost Company", which carried in itself much more cardamins and artifacts. He also did not want to interact, so "Alpha-1" entered the battle, during which the merchant made an urgent dock with West Point academy. On this I have everything. Attachments: